Jobs: Alexander Brailovsky, in love with restaurants, music and wife
Workplaces / / December 27, 2019
Alexander Brailovsky
Entrepreneur Network cafe owner, musician, director. He graduated from the Higher School of Economics with specialization "Business Informatics", as well as VKSR - "Directing a movie." Author of books of poetry, music and other videos. Released two music albums.
What do you do in your work?
I am the owner of the cafe chain health food "Receptor». Now we have the three institutions, and we plan to actively expand in the next five years in Russia and abroad.
We have no manager and chef. My wife Nadezhda do everything themselves: from the placement of equipment in the kitchen in Sketch Up, thinking through the location of the landing seats and interior to create dishes, selection of music at a school, writing standards and elaboration of training system employees.
We prepare healthy food, without the use of flavor enhancers and other chemicals. Also on the menu there is no meat, only vegetables, fish and a little chicken. Sami squeeze juice from herbs for soft drinks, ice cream manufacture, pechom bread. By the way, there are no eggs in our baking.
What is your occupation?
My first education - business informatics in the HSE. Then mastered director's specialty VKSR and studied pop-jazz singing at Issy.
When we Nadia (she is a lawyer by training) opened the first restaurant, then we do not use our education. But slowly realize that you can effectively solve routine problems of the restaurant, not just somehow finding a temporary solution, and at the system level, resorting to automation.
First, naively tried to use macros. Then after some time passed to cross-platform Filemaker, where the forces of the two developers have launched their own cash register software, as well as a very simple and intuitive modules:
- Testing personnel on the knowledge of all of our standards;
- checking employees' attendance;
- accounting period of validity of permits;
- financial analysis and much more.
All the work took about 1.5-2 years, and then we realized that Filemaker system for us is limited, and now everything remake on Ruby on Rails. it was quite disappointing to throw away such a long time working on the "dump" of the universe, but we have decided that the world's capture of our goals are. :)
Many modules of our system has no analogues. In the near future we plan to put some of them in the open free access for small businesses.
At the moment, we are constantly engaged in four developer and almost completely integrated into its own ERP-system.
Now I realize that my education that I felt a little abstract and applied during the study, has proved useful.
Although the use of many university subjects, which was given the time, I still have not found. Conclusion: No one will ever know whether it will be useful for five years the institute. But the probability is high.
How does your workplace?
Always with me MacBook Pro 15 "with two hard drives, on the SSD operating system, the second data is stored all. This configuration is for me the perfect combination of screen size and laptop weight: 17 "- too big, 13" - a miniature, see nothing.
Home (we live in the country) have iMac 24 "with SSD. On the desktop - a candy bar and a pen on a stand. Long sought the stand to handle not pilfering. It seems to have found.
Desk MacBook clean, only a reference to the Dropbox folder. Nothing more.
Absolutely all of the information stored in Dropbox. I have a premium subscription with a strict hierarchy of folders on all sections of life and work. Information on a hard drive, without having to sync c Dropbox, do not keep. Music, books, printing - all in the cloud.
All standards and documentation furnished by «Google Presentations", is the most intuitive method for employees.
Browser - Chrome, since all current documentation cafe is in Google Docs.
In an e-mail client using the built-in Mail with disabling notifications, once again not to be distracted. One time use Sparrow, but Mail has attracted more.
Evernote (also with a premium subscription) - it carried all the cases, plans are recorded long-term and short-term goals and thinking out loud; there also collected all on the principle of GTD. Goals try to reinforce fotomotivatorami for inspiration. As a planner tried AnyDo, Wunderlist, Things, and probably everything else that exists at the moment. But Evernote - best option for me.
MindNode - easy to use program to create mind maps. As is the case with a scheduler, tried almost everything on the market. But only in this program branches look natural and beautiful, there is a simple and intuitive interface, there is synchronization via Dropbox. Nadia uses SimpleMind and draws here are the maps for note-taking interesting lectures and books.
As already mentioned, most of our automation occurs in Filemaker Advanced. For writing technical specifications use OmniGraffle. For IT-development management - Trello. In managing the affairs of the cafe staff helps "Bitriks24".
Also on the laptop and the computer:
- Excel - to work with PivotTables. Excel-2015 while playing tricks with encodings, but on the whole is stable.
- 1Password - to store all the passwords.
- Spotify - thanks to a premium subscription all new tracks and classic is always with me.
- MoneyWiz - to maintain a household budget.
- Skype - where without it?
- Logic Pro X - if the soul needs music.
- Final Cut Pro - if you need installation.
- Moqups - for the accumulation of ideas on the site.
As for the mobile gadget, my iPhone sixth. Notifications are turned off: I do not like to be distracted.
All applications used are collected only on the first screen. I had tried to lay out the application folders, but it was uncomfortable for me.
No messengers again to not be distracted.
What is in your bag?
The bag is always charging and MacBook. Can also be paper, contracts, books, this backpack in many different branches.
At the time of photographing the backpack was almost a virgin, since paper is usually used only for spontaneous brainstorming (for the same on the monitor on the magnet pen). Sometimes I explain to employees ideas on fingers on the paper.
How do you organize your time?
We work every day (except Saturday) from morning to evening. On Saturday, we switch off the phone, we each do their own thing: I write the music and Nadia paints.
In this case, we focus on GTD and use long-term goals. Every year, in January, becoming the largest target, do Mind Mapping and select images for inspiration. All goals are usually achieved by the end of the year. We also have a five-year goals and monthly. Past, my wife and delegate to employees.
We used the technique Pomodoro. Specially bought some beautiful kitchen timer. The most "elegant" of them were part-puncturer eggs: by sharp pressing a timer from it suddenly get out a big fat needle. After I punctured finger Pomodoro technique has been rejected by our family.
What's your daily routine?
My wife and I get up at 9:15. This is followed by a mandatory daily ritual: a cup of warm water, 30-40 minutes of qigong, a shower, and the working day has begun.
I'm happy every day and I see amazing things and events!
Last year was a daily yoga with English YouTube-teachers. In this year we decided to practice qigong - all recommend to uplift the spirit and the search for meaning in life. Last year was generally a lot of sports: yoga, kite surfing, swimming, tennis, snowboarding. This year, give yourself a breather while.
Once a week, doing tennis, sometimes - swimming.
How to pass the time in traffic jams?
We live out of town and spend a few hours a day of traffic jams in Moscow. It is therefore absolutely always a supply of audiobooks and podcasts in case of emergency. Listen to the latest book - "Gemba Kaizen. A way to reduce costs and improve the quality of"Masaaki Imai.
Also, because the backpack with the laptop always with you, sometimes I open Evernote and passers-by on the current task.
What's your hobby?
As I said, once a week we Nadia did not talk about work and create. I - the music, and it is - painting. I write songs and spread them on its website A few years ago my tracks spun on radio and TV, but then the concert, unfortunately, was not enough. Now it is preparing to release the third album account.
In the days when I do music, Nadia paints. Soon we plan the exhibition. These days give us the opportunity to unload about anything not to think, and fall into a creative meditation for a few hours. It's great!
Layfhakerstvo from Alexander Brailovsky
The first thing you would like to recommend layfhakeram - mnemonics. I myself passed the appropriate course. When we were engaged with Nadia, the memorized 100 digits in 5 minutes. Then this system we have implemented in our "receptor" for the study of new materials. Now all the information is stored waiters, using mnemonics, specially prepared visual materials.
I am inspired by the people who changed the world for the better.
As for books, I recommend a perusal of the following:
- «Seven Highly Effective People Skills"Stephen R. Covey. Soul book, charges on heavy work that brings pleasure.
- «How affairs in order"David Allen. This must-read of any man who wants to be systematic and effective.
- «Losing virginity. I built a business by doing things their own way, and enjoying life"Richard Branson. I advise you to read for those who want to be inspired by a great man, and take life as a game with a lot of emotion.
- «My life, my achievements"Henry Ford. Perseverance, global thinking and persistence once again - all in this book.
- «life technology. Book for heroes"Vladimir Tarasov. The work, which will allow to become wise, as the Chinese.
- «Arts recruitment. How to evaluate a person per hour"Svetlana Ivanova. If you're looking for staff, then this is your Holy Grail! We have implemented all of the books that we could.
- «Transurfing reality"Vadim Zeland. A good attempt to describe the laws of the universe.
- «Why are you stupid, sick and poor... and how to become a smart, healthy and rich!"Randy Gage. Here you will find many valuable tips. The author - a very interesting person.
I can recommend a few movies. It "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy», «Fountain», «Cloud Atlas». Also, all the work of Wes Anderson, Kim Ki-duk and Quentin Tarantino.
YouTube lovers and yoga can recommend a number of channels: first, second, third.
What is your life motto?
Gather around him people who share my goals and pleasure from their work. It is important to do something from which you are bursting, what you can not do; think big.
Therefore, always ask yourself: "Why am I doing this?".
If you are pushing from your job, you are on the right track. If not, do not be afraid to make a couple of steps back, to think things through and with new strength to go forward to the goals of his life.
Change the world! I love the people who are close to you, because they are a reflection of yourself.