Jobs: Julia Marhadaeva, head of web development department Nimax
Workplaces / / December 27, 2019
Guest column, or rather a great guest - Yuliya Marhadaeva. She runs a web development department in the company Nimax. In this article you will learn why Julia is sitting at a table with his subordinates, what software uses to solve business issues, as well as some of its work takes the paper.
If you think that programming, web design, layout, and other processes related to web development, - it is not for women, we will prove the opposite. Our guest Julia Marhadaeva of interactive agency Nimax. This is one of the leading agencies in the country (version Tagline), And Julia it runs a web development department.
Today, Julia will tell (and show) what software and hardware it thus enjoys, how he builds his day and what is the secret of its efficiency.
Julia Marhadaeva
The head of web development department Nimax. She graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Economics with a degree in "Banking". Coordinates the activities of several working groups (total - 14), as well as the work of the company's Moscow sales office.
What do you do in your work?
I work in an interactive agency Nimax in St. Petersburg. I supervise department web development of 14 people. This project managers, web analysts, designers and interface designers. If we talk about what problems I have to solve every day, then there is a lot of things. This is the sale of services, and supervision of loading of production and work schedules of all professionals, and direct participation in the projects, together with the managers and the interaction with other departments. As well as staff training and the introduction of new schemes work.
How does your workplace?
My workplace is quite simple. It is a wooden table, which I share with the guys from his team, and we have collected his own hands.
Such an arrangement is not accidental. All employees are divided into working groups and sit at shared tables. This helps to quickly discuss projects and ideas. For example, we deliberately sat next to the art director, lead designer and information architect. This working group, which we are beginning to work on the concept of the project.
What is the "iron" use?
For a while I worked on one computer in the office and a personal laptop at home. Once the scope of my responsibilities widened, I switched to a system of a single device - a MacBook Air 13.
Why it:
- Weight. The notebook I carry with me to the office and continue to work on it at home. During the day, I often transplanted to another table to the guys from his team, I use them in peregovorke, carry with them to the meeting.
- dimensions. I often work with content, for which the 13-inch monitor is sufficient. These are mainly letters, documents, notes. But there is another material, for example, models, prototypes, presentations, reference design. Therefore, I plan to equip the workspace additional monitor.
- Charging. The new MacBook Air can withstand up to 8 hours of continuous operation, and it is very cool! During the day, I almost did not charge a laptop.
- More gadgets. I was wrong in thinking that the touchpad is inconvenient for working with documents, spreadsheets, and so on. D. I do not need a mouse. Another plus in favor of the mobility of the device.
My phone - iPhone 5S - synchronized with noutom. Notes, Mail, Calendar - a single system on the two devices. Thus, I completely switched to Apple products.
What software use?
In this paper, I use the following programs:
- google Apps. Most of the cases tied to these products. Of course, it is very simple and, at the same time, very convenient services.
- Gmail. This primarily mail. Use e-mail in the browser and application from Google on your phone. I - a fan of all to organize, to fold, to archive. So my mailbox - a set of dads projects and businesses.
I even started a directory for individuals, it is very convenient. For such labels, I counted how many projects I managed to take part in 4 years of work at the agency. It turned out about 160. This 40 projects per year!
- google Docs. To store information about the projects, maintaining a knowledge base (this documents describing the processes, schemes of work, rules, regulations and other important and useful data for us), the table to account for various data (eg, schedules, project estimates, lists projects).
- Hangouts. For efficient internal communications.
- Google Calendar. To schedule appointments, Interior and weekly activities.
- google Tasks. This is my planner business with minimal features. This I like him.
- Chrome. The main browser, where I also started a system of tabs. For example, for quick access to a working prototype projects or for the storage of useful references and examples of work.
- Tom's planner. Very simple, intuitive, user-friendly, and thus cool service for drawing Gantt charts that I use for production capacity planning.
- Joxi. We work with prototypes, design layouts and interfaces. To quickly designate in their error, bug, or other desired location, quick service screenshots irreplaceable.
- Skype. Our department of 9 people programming in Novosibirsk and Moscow sales office works. To synchronize and efficiently address common issues, we use Skype.
- Pocket. Expansion of the browser and the application on the phone to save the article and read it later.
- Feedly. Expanding on the web and on the phone to organize a subscription. Analogue RSS-aggregators.
How do you organize your time?
I think I still can not properly organize their time. To plan for the day, I use Google Tasks. there is a special Chrome extension and iOS app.
I have a lot of lists. There is a to-do list "think" to-do list for the next deployment, to-do list for today. Recently, we have introduced similar checklists for managers each week. This helps to control the course of events in 4 managers in the department (both 30-34 project work).
What's your daily routine?
I'm pretty hard to get up - no matter what time it is happening. If I manage to get up early, this insanely happy. Most often I go to the office for 10-10: 30. On the road to read mail from your phone, and articles. Home'm closer to 20 o'clock, sometimes later.
Work continues at home - from about 23 to 01 nights can still do something about. I recently banned currently engaged in routine chores at this time. I try to read more, look for new information, plan, think, etc.
It's hard to say what kind of closer to me, "Owl" or "bird". But the most productive time for me - it is either early in the morning, no one has yet come, or late in the evening and at night.
The main criteria - the silence and darkness. Do best to concentrate.
What place sport occupies in your life?
I do not play sports as much as I would like. Once a week, play beach volleyball with colleagues. It is necessary to enroll in a fitness club, you have to... :)
How to pass the time in traffic jams?
In traffic jams, queues, I read the news feed in the social networks. In my case it okoloprofessionalny content on Facebook and Twitter. Read books on your phone, the stored articles.
Is there a place in your paper work?
I use paper. As without it ?!
Once we had a debate on the work that the IT managers need to fully switch to electronic records. I have failed.
I'm fine recording still do the sheets in a notebook. Sometimes, in order to plan and come up with something, we have to fill a pile of paper, before you move all in electronic form.
I think the paper - is something like a reflection. Sometimes I pounce plan Affairs on the day on separate pieces. Just copy them back from an electronic task list, and then cross out for a day.
And if this paper, be sure to unruled!
Layfhakerstvo from Julia Marhadaevoy
- Coursera - learn as much as possible and more.
- Book Jim Camp "Please say no" - for the ability to negotiate.
- Everything books Isaac Adizes on the management - for managers and senior executives. It will help you understand that there is no perfect leaders. Will read - understand your weaknesses, and how to live with them.
Is there a dream configuration?
In order to become more productive, I still have a lot to learn. For example, do not be distracted by trivia - is terribly annoying. Or prokrastinirovat usefully - read the article, to discuss plans at the moment when you want to escape.
And yet, to be the leader of the team - that means every day to leave the "comfort zone" and do something about it.
The more often you do it, the more you will receive.