Jobs: Olga Labutina, co-founder of H & H Hellenic Heritage and Marketing Director
Workplaces / / December 27, 2019
Back in 2009, I realized very clearly that I urgently need to get out of the corporate cesspool, change lives and all this for the benefit of the formation of their own social and business personalities. Then I decided that I need I resign from my big multinational car and go get MBA, as it turned out, in Italy.
I accept solutions quickly. I act even faster, but because it was all done in the blink of an eye. At that moment I could not think that the office and planktonic life has changed here so dramatically. I will not bother learning the details, but the result of two years with little surprises me still - 1 MBA 1 degree Luxury Business Management from the, at that time had not yet absorbed, the Bulgari, 1 beloved husband, the new homeland - Greece and 2 private business.
What do you do?
The idea of a business was born still in the learning process, together with the then future husband. Such is the peculiarity of the MBA - if unlearn the idea without its own mega-corporation does. I, as it should be, just looked at the market segments identified, and found the same gap. This rupture was the Greek gastronomy. As it turned out, the Greeks are not inferior to the Italians either in the kitchen quality or taste characteristics, but, unfortunately, did not know how to promote your product at a decent, Dolce Vita, level. up to this point the strategy of all was to sell quickly, that is, neither of which scrupulously as we used to, long-term brand building the speech did not go.
So it was decided to do something very new, very premium quality, in perfect design with an intelligent approach to promotion. Promote the brand Hellenic Heritage, we started with the olive oil, which is now very successfully sold in India (where we opened the company in cooperation with our Indian friend and classmates) and begins to be sold in Russia. At the moment, my main objective is to expand the product portfolio and brand promotion. Actually this and do.
How does your workplace?
Minimalistic. Laptop, phone, cell phone, organizer, stickers. And of course the product samples.
What gadgets use?
I have a lot of travel in the working process: meetings, missions, patrols-moving, so I can not live without nouta that should be easy, but reliable. 2,5 years I TOSHIBA Sat R630 - usually a new laptop so do not last long, at least for me, but this one - done right, a lot of experienced and nothing works!
I do not use a mouse, at some point stopped 5 years ago, and now I even touch her uncomfortable! Therefore everyone, including presentations, doing without it.
Mobile phone - a separate conversation. 3 years in a row use only Blackberry, that's now just going to buy a new model Q10. Actually, in my opinion, the best phone for business is not there, I even can not imagine, I'll "stick", I'm sorry, in the iPhone, and how much time I need to write one e-mail. I'm sure millions of people will disagree with me, but that is why we have both the market and consumer choice fullness of happiness!
I've got another tablet Samsung. You, of course, immediately think, why not Blackberry... And because at the time, Blackberry was a tablet with a very small monitor, and it was not clear why he is such a need. I use it mainly for the "exit" of presentations and exhibitions, there is still, I confess, I play Candy crash saga.
What software use?
Windows I seem to 7. Why not passed on 8? I do not know, I was happy with everything, so there is no reason to go easy. The operating system was purchased separately - I remember exactly.
Browser - just Google Chrome - it is more convenient, in my opinion, is more user friendly, and Explorer for some reason, very bad work on my Toshiba - but it's probably my fault.
Mail - Personally, I have Hotmail. It's simple, to the Gmail was no availability in the account with my name and surname, he was busy, and I even have some idea what. Working-mail - a post that I open through the program Horde. I've recently been told that you can somehow adjust and use this post through an account in Gmail, but I do not understand how. But really I want to, so it seems to me, would be more convenient.
As for the messenger, it is a Skype, like everyone else, before I was, and ICQ, but I threw it. But actually I'm more use or Blackberry messenger (bbm), or WhatsApp.
It all around me turned on around the clock, and mail, and Skype, etc., as different in building their own business in my opinion it is impossible. Here in the management of already established business, this approach is wrong, of course, it is necessary to think about how to develop it further, but in my case, I have to think and do, and produces new ideas - all at the same time.
Calendar - there are two options - one phone, and the other in the old - paper organizer, and even I draw myself in Excel Gantt charts - I feel so comfortable.
Perhaps someone will start to laugh at me, but I really like PowerPoint. I am very well and I use it to create pictures in jpeg-format and various documents to PDF. For example, recently I painted your resume, and before that - to make Easter cards from Η & Η - turns out very well!
Why do you need a paper organizer with so many devices?
A habit I guess. In its to-do list, and all sorts of reminders. Often glued to your laptop yellowish paper Post It. Sometimes when you want to check the text on the package, I print a file and compare it to the correct version, so that nothing is missed. So the paper I use different.
Is there a dream configuration?
I basically easy to adapt to everything, so I do not know what could have been a dream of mine in this area. Yes, and do not have time yet to think about it. And, basically, I once more about "world peace", and not about gadgets dreams.
How do you organize your work trip?
The trips - all the same devices over phone and tablet, but I often use noutom + book. Really I want to buy the Kindle from Amazon, but so far they have not made up his order.
As a rule, any trip I plan in advance, that is, know when and what should be done will be - so I try to take the maximum possible time to communicate with actual or potential partners. Everything has to be prepared in advance - counted, drawn, uploaded. This is where it helps me and Blackberry, as in any free moment I check the mail for the urgency and all the current problems, which can not wait for me.
On the road, I either sleep or read or try to come up with something new and interesting for the brand, but once was and so that I finish a thesis presentation on the plane.
That gives you high productivity?
- Very high degree of motivation always provides productivity. In my case, if the business does not turn out to be an effective and profitable, it is not a stranger and a rich uncle, in the face of venture capital funds, shareholders, etc. upset, and my future and my family can change. But, basically, I worked at my uncle with the same degree of motivation for some reason - it's all, it seems to me, our Russian managerial problem - the root for someone else deal with all my heart!
- Time management.
- it is very important for me to see the result of what I'm doing. If he is crazy like me personally, it inspires and just want to do more and better.
- I'm really helps my phone in lyuboyu minute anywhere I can work.
- Sport and sleep.
- You must be able to find moments when everything around is in full swing, and try to think of what else can be done to improve business efficiency, how to make sales grew, while costs are reduced. But to learn to distract from routine and do it regularly, some time will have to force yourself to pay special attention to it.
- It is important all the time, in my opinion, be aware of what is happening in their own business, and beyond. Although I live in Greece, but always try to read and view all that is fashionable and new in Russia and in RuNet. The same is true with international resources. And it is very important to read new books, even if they seem to be not quite so, and useful, or you already know and can do everything that they described, read these books anyway in the end will give a positive result. It develops critical thinking and helps to build the theoretical and analytical patterns in the head.
- You can not be afraid of failure, because fear paralyzes and discourages so that I want to get under the covers and never come out. And one can not in any case give colleagues and subordinates to understand that failures and mistakes - it's bad. Poor, only when one has not learned the lessons and further the right attitude to this or that problem, which initially failed.