Jobs: Inna Alexeeva, director general of the agency PR Partner
Workplaces / / December 27, 2019
Inna Alexeeva
She graduated from the Faculty of Journalism and Philosophy of Novosibirsk State University. For more than 15 years of experience in PR. She worked in different positions in different agencies, while in 2006 its not based - PR Partner. He is vice-chairman of the international network of independent PR-agencies IPRN. Regularly conducts training and workshops on public relations, advertising and marketing. Co-author of the book «PR high-flying: how to make a top manager a star."
What do you do in your work?
In August, 10 years old agency PR Partner, which I chair. I am engaged in business development, human resources, communicate with clients, helping resolve issues in crisis situations.
I'm happy when I manage to do everything as planned, and we obtain the desired result.
In addition, I am the vice-chairman of the international association IPRN. Veda mediatreningi for managers, free lecture, hold seminars and master-classes in Russia State Humanitarian University, Moscow State Linguistic University and other universities.
What is your occupation?
I have two degrees: journalism and philosophy. Now I am writing PhD (Political Science).
Since I have been in marketing and PR, one of my tasks - solving business problems of clients through media coverage. And the higher journalism education helps me with it.
Student years, I remember fondly. It is a gift - five years to engage only themselves, acquire knowledge and develop skills. Now, for example, it is difficult to find a few hours to read Dostoevsky or Hugo. Learn sporadically courses, conferences, or during service.
I try to attend various courses, listen to webinars on "Netologii», Zillion, enter the jury of various professional awards.
What skills and qualities of a person working in your field?
PR people do not necessarily have specialized education. Among my colleagues, many graduates of journalism faculty, faculty of foreign languages and other humanities. The main thing that the person was inquisitive, proactive and organized. Plus a wide outlook, commitment, stress and, of course, literacy.
To recruit PR man and not to lose, you need to become familiar with its portfolio or to the test task. It is also important to understand whether the person is able to work in a team and be responsible for the results.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
My pluses: purposefulness, sociability, sense of humor, curiosity, honesty.
Sense of purpose helps to achieve results. Curiosity is manifested in the desire to constantly evolve. Sociability is realized in the profession, and a sense of humor helps in almost any situation.
Cons: short temper, stubbornness, impatience, inability to listen to the end, resentment.
It is not always cope with the emotions. I can flare up or the offense, to show stubbornness and intolerance. I do not always know how to listen. Sometimes I go to far with enthusiasm for business. But always try to keep a balance between work and family.
How does your workplace?
I do not have a separate office, working with colleagues in open space. On the table - documents, printing, computer monitor and books.
Home workspace wherever I can get a laptop. Basically, this is the kitchen: tea and drink, and to answer the letter.
I have three of the gadget:
- iPhone 6S;
- MacBook Air;
- Noise Canceling Headphones Bose - find sleep on planes and "Sapsan", in hotels and other "not at home".
The travel and home use MacBook Air: it is light and thin, but at the same time smart and well holds charge.
The browser, which I was quite happy, - Safari.
My desktop computer, as well as colleagues in the agency, is fully equipped with Microsoft software. That there were no difficulties with compatibility on my laptop installed Microsoft Office. Written use Microsoft Outlook (we have remote access to office mail), there am calendar, including through the phone.
Mobile is always with me. I appreciate the iPhone's usability, functionality (like the updated camera) and aesthetics. Even if you forget to charge, it is easy to borrow from colleagues.
The phone is actively using WhatsUp, Telegram, Facebook, answer a letter in the mail. Since at least the last month of the year I spend in the province of Barcelona, of the applications on my Spanish. DEL diccionario - Dictionary and Yelmo Cines - search cinemas in Spain, where you can read the summary of movies, watch trailers and buy tickets.
Is there a place in your paper work?
Yes, when it is necessary to subtract an article or an interview with a contract, ask colleagues to print text. I find it easier to work with printed.
Notebook use during meetings with customers and employees. Sometimes I write down the meeting on tape.
What is in your bag?
Pen, business cards, Tonalka for performances on TV, clean brush, to be able to make up the speaker, chapstick, bank cards, wet wipes, charging for mobile and, of course, the phone.
I prefer to travel light. If the food business trip, try not to take the luggage: bags in eight to ten kilograms of me is enough for a week. Often I take with paper books, which finish and leave the hotel.
In brief trips required to take a snack (banana or apple) and hand sanitizer. If food is not one, I grab some board game Hobby World.
How do you organize your time?
I have a strategic planning cardboard - that's the plan for five years.
To plan for the year and throughout the year using Outlook. So accepted in our agency.
Delegation of tasks saves time: try not to make itself what others can do. For example, our marketing manager Olga helps me with presentations for performances, and office manager Darya - cards with translations.
What's your daily routine?
I'm an early bird. My most productive time, when everyone is asleep, that is early morning or late evening.
Usually I get up at 6:00, when wakes up son. Although I can for the cause in the past, even if asleep after midnight. It all depends on the purpose.
Once in the morning I go to the shower, where I wake up. Then I feed my children and I drink strong black tea. Tightly breakfast much later - in the nine or ten hours. In the office, at this time we also have a snack: Secretary washes over the pears, apples or bananas.
In the morning, if you do not get enough sleep, I turn on the music and dance with the children, to finally wake up.
I am inspired by my children, their discoveries and findings.
I go to bed at 23:00. Before going to bed, I sometimes do massage to children or read fairy tales eldest daughter.
If in the morning an important meeting or a business trip, going to night: I do not like to throw everything in a hurry in the morning.
How to pass the time in traffic jams?
I try not to waste time: I read the book in Bookmate or answering work e-mail.
More I love to learn. In 2015, passed two online courses on Coursera is stuck in traffic. also regularly listen audiouroki Spanish.
What's your hobby?
I love to read. To read at least 50 books a year, including art.
I like to travel. I like the feeling of a trip when you leave all the worries at the airport and fly to a new reality, in which you can try on for a week, two, month another life.
My dream is to travel more.
After another trip to Barcelona, Spain, I became ill. It seems to me that this country - a sample of cheerfulness and love of life.
Now I have twice a week Spanish and from time to time national cuisine for home (last year graduated from basic chef's course at Ragout school). Once a year with my family trying to get out for a month in Spain.
My old hobby - music. I have a large collection of records. But now mostly listen to the children - "Dunno," "Dr. Dolittle" and so on. :)
What place sport occupies in your life?
While the sport is not very.
I like swimming: water is perfectly relieves stress. Before the birth of the second child was engaged with the coach in the swimming pool. Now during the holidays swimming in the sea.
Layfhakerstvo from Inna Alexeeva
The PR Partner has a corporate library. Of the most-I would advise of interesting and useful books:
- «Management firm, providing professional services"David Meister;
- «Hug your customers. outstanding service practice"Jack Mitchell;
- "Whole life. Key skills to achieve your goals, "Woods Hewitt, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen;
- «Never eat alone"Keith Ferrazzi and Tahl Reza.
Of the series I can recommend "Mad Men» (Madmen) on the work of the fictional advertising agency "Sterling Cooper." From podcasts - "A straight line with Radislav Gandapas"Of the sites - notes Maxim Ilyahova and Igor Mann blog.
What is your life motto?
Do what you love.