Jobs: Marina Giller, founder of Let's Blog! School
Workplaces / / December 27, 2019
Marina Giller
A professional blogger. Began with the community in the "Learn" led corporate blogs for clients. Currently runs the school of blogging that she and organized. Lives and works in Spain.
What do you do in your work?
This is the third year I help creative people to blog and to develop their projects in an online school of blogging Let's Blog! There I write educational programs and at the same time I build the project as a business.
IN personal blog I write about how to find your place in the world and peace within. Readers say that I take ideas from their heads and turn into the texts.
What is your occupation?
She graduated from the Economics Faculty of Moscow State University. Select special in many ways under the influence of parents.
Few people can in 17 years to make an informed choice that will determine the future career. Therefore, I very much like the Western concept of Gap Year, when young people after leaving school do not go once in high school and travel, typed life experience, learn to better understand themselves, form the goals and desires.
In 20 years, I took a break from their studies as it became difficult to combine with the work. I began to engage in that attracted more - journalism and Internet projects. So I got in touch with blogs. But the university still has that in the future be able to enroll in master's degree in any specialty of interest to me.
I'm not a fan of academic education. It is necessary in a number of professions, but most of what we hammered first in school and then in high school, has no relation to real life.
I'm all hands modular education related to specific tasks, and, of course, practical experiences, including life. Self-study work with text, methods of teaching and working with clients.
My favorite educational portals and projects:
- Summits Websarafan.
- "Netologiya".
- "Open education".
What should know and be able to blogger?
I treat blogging tenderly and earnestly. To blogging as a hobby, do not need anything. But if you turn it into a profession, it is necessary to think carefully before you pollute the air. We are all so overwhelmed by information garbage.
Blogger - is an intellectual and open-minded, who knows how to work with information, organize and analyze it, to penetrate the essence of things, to find solutions and answers (even if you are writing about a hat or salads).
In addition, this ingenious man with innovative thinking, able to surprise. Without interest in life and the creative vein is difficult to create something that finds a response in humans.
Blogger must know the basics of marketing, as well as costs to make friends with writing. Literacy is very important. Do not interfere with photography skills and good taste.
Blogger - is an independent combat unit. Must be able to manage your time, to organize themselves and find inner motivation. It is important to enjoy working alone, but to be able to communicate with people.
And still need to grow a "steel balls" to counter negativity and neglect, which is often the case with people in relation to the profession. The blogger must love what he does, and their labor to prove that it is not just shaking the air.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- Sincerity. I can not do what I do not like to speak up for what I do not. First, it is noticeable and affects the reputation. Secondly, it helps to maintain motivation.
- The desire to share and help. This is the basis of my work.
- Analytic mind. Helping to build structures to communicate ideas and to achieve results.
- «impostor syndrome». They say it's a good sign, but prevents advance what you do. As long as I know only one method of treatment - to learn and not be afraid to ask for feedback about their work.
- Inertia and laziness. Pozalipat love, sometimes it is difficult to swing and get down to business. It is true that sometimes sticks to the job.
- The desire to control everything. I have serious problems with the delegation. The internal resistance does not allow projects to expand, because then they will be impossible to keep in mind the "from" and "to", as I used to.
How does your workplace?
Work at home, I have my own little office. And it's great fun. Previously I had to work in the living room, and even earlier - in the open space. But I find it difficult to concentrate when someone is watching me.
I covered fashion for minimalism - prefer that on the table there was nothing superfluous. Usually there is a computer, a diary and a glass of water. Sometimes accumulate all sorts of stuff, but in the morning before the start of the day trying to clean up everything.
Tightly sit on "apple": I work iMac, an old MacBook Pro, iPad mini 3 and iPhone 5S. Investments in operating a computer as the best in professional life the decision. For a laptop almost not undertake, but if I fly somewhere for a long time and plan to do business there.
Computer try to use only for work tasks. Here I have a hell of a daily browsers, Photoshop, and Skype.
As a browser using Chrome, he hung extensions. favorite:
1. Send to Kindle - sends chunks of text or entire page to the Kindle, to read them later.
Price: 0
2. Awesome Screenshot - is able to take screenshots of the entire screen.
Price: 0
3. WhatFont - lets you know which fonts used on the page.
Price: 0
4. The Great Suspender - «lulls" browser tabs, which have not enjoyed.
Price: 0
5. MailTrack for Gmail - allows you to see if the recipient opened your letter.
Price: 0
The work is also very useful camera Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark II with lens 25 mm (50 mm analog full matrix). Recently refused to heavy DSLR, it is now easy to take everywhere with a camera. You can quickly make a couple of shots for the blog and Instagram, and then throw them on the phone or tablet on Wi-Fi.
To work with photos and graphics using Photoshop. I used to it and I am glad that the license was worth imputed to 299 rubles a month.
Also of irreplaceable - Punto Switcher and Focus Lock. First switch the keyboard layout to the already printed text, it is able to change the registry. For those who type faster and blind, it is very important. The second at the time of blocking distracting websites.
Skype calls try to gradually translate into Hangouts and Facebook. Skype communication quality is poor.
Actively use Google services. My computer does not even have Microsoft Office. Everything is done in the cloud. There's email, calendar, files.
Surfing, YouTube and TV shows using the iPad. Its the same take with you on vacation. I try not to take work on vacation, otherwise the rest is not obtained. The tablet allows you to control the pressing issues to keep in touch and get the necessary information on the go, but do not get stuck at work.
Phone I already "well-deserved." In it is not working the sound signal, and this greatly helps not to be distracted. I turned off the alert.
The phone I have, basically, chat, Instagram and related applications. Since I have almost all the time at home, I try not to tie him working the case. For me, a smartphone - rather, the camera, which is able to call.
To strongly not to be distracted by entertainment, I use the app Forest the system Pomodoro. Those who in childhood was Tamagotchi, should be like. You take over the phone ahead of time - kill the tree.
What is in your bag?
Since I work at home and seldom happen somewhere on business, often I leave the house without any bags. Maximum water with me, wallet, documents and a camera. While it lived in Moscow, always he carried a half-house. Now I prefer to travel light.
The fact that in the photo, plus a camera - the maximum Go Bag is suitable even for a day trip.
How do you organize your time?
It has long been interested in planning and love to experiment in this direction. In different periods closer to me one thing after another. But there are commandments which I try not to break.
- One day a week I do without gadgets and the Internet.
- Evening walk with the dog, and if you're lucky, even with her husband.
- Morning tea and not just throw work.
- Do not carry the work in travel.
- Sleep at least eight hours.
- Do not forget to dine.
I generally about the plan six months in advance. I need to do a training schedule for the school blogging and fit into their plans courses that last up to two months. Somewhere between the two is necessary to fit the travel, field visits and receiving visitors.
For a month or two I plan to fairly accurately, but within weeks allow myself to juggle things, given their mood and status.
I try to group similar tasks to solve them in one fell swoop, when the time and the appropriate attitude. This avoids the feeling of routine.
Cases linked to the time for which the need reminders (eg, Skype-consultations, meetings or trips), I bring in «Google. The calendar". There's also planning projects that I work with other people.
Is there a place in your paper work?
On paper, I plan basically. I like to write by hand. It seems to me rewrite problems is very useful, as it allows extra time to evaluate, you need it or not.
For planning use something like Bullet Journal system. Only additionally painted every project or a big problem on a separate sheet so that you can see what is happening there, without being distracted by other projects.
Undated diaries Leuchtturm1917 love in a cage or a point. They have cover all colors of the rainbow.
What's your daily routine?
All my life I considered myself an owl, but recently realized that it was only a matter of habit. So now painstakingly retrained himself to be an early riser. It turns out well: get up at eight or nine in the morning. I wrote about it in detail here.
Hard mode I do not - listen to his condition. For example, immediately after the ascent I counterproductive. Strategic and creative tasks are solved mostly in the evening - in the morning better at communication.
How to pass the time in traffic jams?
The advantage of working at home is that no time is wasted waiting for the stimulated.
Minutes of forced downtime for me are rare, so I'm in good conscience sticky on the phone, chat with friends, read something on the Internet.
The airplanes try to sleep. If you can not read books. When I walk with a dog, I listen to podcasts and audiobooks, but more often just looking at the stars.
What's your hobby?
I love my job: it is very diverse, switching it enough. I love to write, photograph, meditate in solitude and learn something new. I like to deal with unusual challenges, learn interesting people. All this I do almost every day as part of their projects.
To come up a little bit of work, go for a walk with the dog, spend time on the ocean, beautiful leaf through books and albums, watch movies and TV shows. And in order to relieve stress, usually I make out the cabinets and rearrange furniture.
Layfhakerstvo from Marina Giller
- Any book Ray Bradbury - there is literally everything about this world.
- «Buddha, the brain and neuroscience of happiness. How to change lives for the better. practical guide'Jonghe Mingyur Rinpoche - fashionable nowadays book about secular meditation. I am very glad such a fashion: mental health is just as important for a happy life, as body hygiene.
- The motto of the author, that gathers the work of different artists, "Why did not I?". She has really good taste, the blog helps switch and stimulates creativity.
- There is rarely, but neatly written about the attitude towards life and minimalism.
- Olesya Novikova worked directs our attention inward and forward to a welcome change. Sometimes hard, sometimes painful, but often just in time.
- Podcasts Websarafan - it's inspiring interview with bright people, addressed to entrepreneurs.
- Audiobook «Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear» Elizabeth Gilbert. It is advisable to listen to a version in which the author reads it. The book is about what work necessarily associated with suffering and cracked, you can be happy, creating and following your dreams.
What is your life motto?
Happiness - it's a way of life. Happiness - it's not about euphoria. It's about understanding the value of each moment, everyone experiences and emotions of each person, being an object or phenomenon. And, of course, about the value of ourselves.
I do not believe in happiness recipes. I think we wake up in the morning and just decide how we are going to treat yourself and what is happening around.
If we experience the love - to yourself and what surrounds us, we care about it, we make the world better and help others. So there are the brightest ideas, the most needed projects and the most revolutionary discoveries. So you can change everything for the better!