Jobs: Alexey Fedorov, internet marketer and vigilante restaurants
Workplaces / / December 27, 2019
Today we tell you about the work area by Alexey Fedorov. Alex works as the director of marketing for the company, provides a simple solution to install blogs and websites on WordPress and Joomla.
What do you do in your work?
My work is connected with the production and promotion of Internet projects. As Marketing Director TelePark, Develop our inherently unique hosting projects, specializing in providing the widest possible service in the framework of one CMS: Hostenko (For WordPress), (For Joomla)
Most recently we launched our first content projects WordPresso (Phonetic closeness with the word espresso influenced the slogan: "About WordPress over a cup of coffee") - is a blog designed to educate and promote the WP in the Russian segment of the Internet.
Despite the physical basis property in Kiev, our customers in equal shares by users in Russia and Ukraine. About 7% - other CIS countries. In all these projects I was directly involved, including and at the stage of development: in addition to the concepts of design and layout - also my doing. Considerable experience in web development acquired and continues to accumulate thanks to the production of custom-made WP-making under the brand
decolleteOwned by me. Among the big-name customers should call MEGA TV channel, the blog for the X-factor online, portal and blog fashion Kuruza Eater.How does your workplace?
Several of them.
In the office desktop as follows:
Of the non-technical elements on the table there is a place only to my "mobile office" (rack with different makulatoroy that stores outline, periodicals and napkins. just a box in a month and a half is subject to revision and cleaning). It is contact with the internal sheet numbered counterparts.
Everything. Even my cup is I do not know where. I do not like to drive tea / coffee in the workplace, it is terribly distracting. However, like any stickers, posters and other useless decorations around me (especially the object, if it's all on the walls).
My main working tool - 13 "Macbook pro, which was originally 2 gig of RAM, and then changed it to 4, 8 and now. This is, perhaps, the only thing I remember about it from a technical point of view. Processor, the amount of screws, etc. without looking at the info about the system do not even call.
Connect to it 24 "Apple cinema display, from which the life-giving always sticks tail for iPhone / aypada.
Also on the table is present Magic pad, but somehow it did not catch on because the I was not comfortable corner of his recovery, so it is already several months without work. I wanted to buy blyutusnuyu Apple-keyboard, but by trying day, I realized that it is more convenient still to use in notebooks, including because of the habits of the location of the trackpad. Plus, winter is coming, and Proshka, as we know, are good at warming your hands in cold time;)
professional microphone Blue Yeti waiting for their turns, when I would get his hands to record screencasts about WP.
Aypad set "for fotochki" :) In the office, in all honesty, they almost do not use, but during lunch and in traffic on the way home, he is very helpful for simple tasks: read the news, check and refresh the social sphere, answer email, create todo-sheet.
At home, on the contrary, aypad is one of the most used tools: Fairy Talking Lila and a full range of other animals-povtoryalok well distract my year-old daughter at the time of feeding; Facetime is sometimes with the father and mother-sometimes a Skype, not to get out of bed; weather, Twitter, FB, mail - itself. But, in fact, I had to buy aypad when promised his wife that, going to the toilet, I will no longer take with iPhone :)
Home desktop:
If only my will, it would not be anything other than a laptop + monitor, but my wife more comfortable to work for a desktop computer, so at home we iMac + varnishes, bumazhechki, ruchechki, notebook,..., IFI-shechka, columns, consoles and again "energy tail" for i-devices.
All this hungry on the internet technique serves buggy old and good wifi-router D-Link.
With it also organized and our media center, which consists of...
Apple TV. DVD-Schnick is not included in the network, probably six months.
What software use?
Mac on a home worth Snow Leopard, because all will not reach your hands to change the memory to 2 8 gig. I'm afraid that if you put it on the Lion, the work will become a nervotrepatelstvo. By the way, this post once again reminded me of the need to upgrade, immediately write down a task into Wunderlist (Ingeniously simple and convenient, albeit slightly glyukavenkaya, launcher that is set for me and the wife on all devices, thereby synchronizing both workers personal and family problems).
Dock your home computer:
Safari cookies settings and their ground under me, FF - for movie downloads, Chrome - for his wife, Photoshop - it is clear. Coda - the perfect tool working on the code for Mac OS. Recently, after I correctly organized bukmarki it, and it became my main ftp-client, relegating Cyberduck. Pages, and Numbers - for the wife, she's a lawyer. iPhoto collects all naklatsannoe with our phones, iTunes basically acts a media center for Apple TV, and iFlick It helps convert in his films.
Laptop Dock is very similar:
The difference in the icon Soundcloud It explains the creative mood digging while working in PS of the tracks in the style of Nu disco and Deep house.
In the Desktop appreciate the cleanliness, I have it performs a temporary buffer, but not the repository of files, for this I I use Dropbox (which, incidentally, has convinced me that the flash drive only needs to store her passkey to Client-Bank).
The main browser on the laptop Sega's Chrome (until recently was Safari, but it bothered her brakes). Firefox - for grooming coding, and even Opera has found its niche: run it is extremely rare to walk under Russian aypishkoy proxy is driven into its settings.
Bookmark all major browsers are synchronized between two computers using Xmarks, mail client Mailplane ideal for Gmail, and so almost in sync does not need. keychain and calendars pushatsya through iCloud between all device, so the main manager tasks having distinct deadlines is iCal.
Of online software in use Basecamp, MockingBird and MindMeister.
On iPads often use the native Twitter, Mail, Flipboard, Wunderlist, Adobe ideas.
On iPhone: WhatsApp, Wunderlist, FB, Twitter, Instagramm, Privat24 and Shazam.
Is there a place in your paper work?
Better tool for mokapinga than a sheet and a pencil does not exist, so da. In the rest - is extremely rare-prekrayne.
Is there a dream configuration?
It would be necessary to upgrade equipment to the freshest ones in their generations, and will be ok).
Alexey Fedorov on the Internet: