Jobs: Hope Mereschenko, CEO performance-agency Adventum
Workplaces / / December 27, 2019
hope Mereschenko
More than 10 years of experience in internet marketing. Worked in the company SpyLOG, he supervised projects "Ashmanov and partners." Then he became the director to work with clients in Adventum, and four years ago led the agency.
What do you do in your work?
I supervise performance-marketing agency Adventum. I am engaged to a greater degree of alignment of strategy, marketing and management team. But also plunge into the unusual problems of our customers. Therefore, "in the fields" often I am.
Performance-Marketing - a comprehensive digital marketing that, in contrast to the traditional, largely focused on the result, namely an increase in profits of client's business. This marketing model requires more in-depth cooperation on all fronts promotion: personalized work with users, forming a complex strategy and conduct Online analytics. Performance-Marketing makes it possible to calculate the cost of each action of buyers (application, visit the website, call, order).
What is your occupation?
I have a law degree. She graduated from the Russian State Social University. By profession and I have not worked, but knowing the law helps a lot in life.
The higher the position, the more important to understand where to place commas correctly, that "can not execute pardon" was established by legal norms.
I'm all for academic education: it develops a person learns to memorize, understand and organize information, to think and work well.
However, in our academic education is not enough practice and applied subjects. On the market there are many theorists with ideas detached from the reality of life. In my opinion, practical exercises should actively enter the third year. This would help companies to pre-grow itself a personnel reserve, and students - to gain experience.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- the ability of well-structured information, think strategically, to see a few steps ahead, calculate the actions and consequences.
- I like to work with people, to train and develop them to transfer their knowledge and skills.
My weakness is that it is sometimes too good. In some situations, you have to be tougher, and in dealing with business issues discard emotions.
How does your workplace?
I am a young mother, so I have two jobs: in the office and at home. With the birth of his daughter, to combine her education with work, I had much to rebuild the schedule.
In the office - a separate small room, which is probably not very similar to the principal's office. On one side is depicted the landscape of Berlin, on the other hand - a garden.
My office door is always open. If I'm not in the office, employees are using it to conduct negotiations or when someone needs to work in solitude.
Home my workplace - it is with insulation loggia with a table and a computer.
I often take back home chore: tables, figures, and so on. Houses have a second monitor, as with large amounts of data on a single monitor to work hard, especially when you want to compare several tables. The time spent in the office, try to use to discuss ideas, strategies and plans. 90% of the time in the office takes real communication with colleagues.
How to combine career and motherhood?
My motherhood passes almost on the job. When born the first child, I was on maternity leave year, and the younger daughter in her arms came to the office, when she was only a month.
In my experience, as long as the baby is one year old, you can still combine team management and communication with clients with walking, feeding and sleeping. For example, to address important issues in the mail, to conduct calls via Skype. Some of the tasks delegated to subordinates, I, and this year I have grown a strong management team. As they say, a good leader - one with the business without it works just as well with him.
The older the child, the more have to rely on a strong base, without in any way. Since children aged 1-2 years, there is no concept of "mother responds to the letter." They constantly require a lot of attention and effort, it is necessary to delegate the solution of many working tasks subordinates.
Houses are very helpful husband, grandmother and elder son. I was very lucky with colleagues and family.
What gadgets and software do you use?
My life is dominated by Android and Windows. I have many years the Asus laptop, for some reason he neubivaem.
If we talk about phones, the sooner each year updated the iPhone. But the iPhone 6 and its battery have become my disappointment. Therefore, after the son and husband went on Xiaomi. In the first three months of normal flight operation. According to the job function it even better than the iPhone.
I do not have time to test the mobile application trends. Is that set all sorts of toys are played my little daughter.
The fact that a child addicted to games on your phone - it's not a problem, but a reality. Now all children grow up in a digital world. The main thing - skillfully extract from it.
There are many games that develop memory and imagination. Due to interactive and colorful, they are more popular than the usual toys. But, of course, you need to limit the time children with communication gadgets.
In our family, it is strictly limited, if we go anywhere we fly in an airplane and you need to distract the child, I authorize to play a maximum of 20-30 minutes, if at home - 10-15 minutes a day. Then I was smart books, stickers, and other toys.
Mail client - Mozilla Thunderbird, because it has a large memory capacity. On your phone - Nine.
As an electronic scheduler using «Google. Calendar ", synchronized with a laptop. Actively use the application "Public services", really like. All services, from tax to the electronic diary, which is very relevant to me, in digital form, which is great.
Messengers from actively using Telegram, mainly on business issues. In second place - WhatsApp, since that is where the parents sit children and teachers of the school in which learns to my child.
Well, where do without Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Is there a place in your paper work?
Yes, I love the paper and to write by hand. This helps to structure the information and thoughts.
In addition to notebook and diary, often use an A4 sheet to prepare for presentations and other tasks. They are convenient to draw diagrams, do calculations.
How do you organize your time?
Here you can go on the reverse: while organizing me. Every day I decide many tasks.
Ambition force in a very short time to make a large number of solutions to meet many people. Thus it is necessary to leave time for socializing with family and children.
I do not use any hard time scheduler. Rather, an internal self-organization. Tasks to be solved, are recorded in the diary, vychorkivaya as execution.
With mikrozadachami try to sort out immediately to avoid were saved, and then to not be distracted. But as much as I had planned, there are often urgent issues to be solved here and now, and schedule all shifts. Such unpredictable agency business.
Year combining the maternity leave and the work helped to make a breakthrough in the issue of delegation of authority. Quickly learned to let go of a situation and to specify the TOR to the output to get maximum results.
What's your daily routine?
I pronounced owl and do not believe that the owl can be converted into a lark. Productively head can work starting from 11 hours. But at home in the morning on a weekday it is still a long time you must lie - children.
If in the morning workout in the gym, then I get up at 6:30. If it is necessary to collect the child to school, then at 7:00. If you do not have to do neither one nor the other, I get up at 8:30.
In the morning, I am sure to make out post, highlighting issues that need time "to think" in silence. Further, as a rule, the food in the office or in a meeting. If several meetings, try to schedule them for 1-2 days, and does not stretch to a week to other days to be stable in the office.
The problem that I want to solve this year - free evenings. I'd like to learn how to finish the job before 21: 00-22: 00 hours.
I go to bed, usually after midnight. After all, in addition to work, there are still household chores. Now the school such loads that the evening has to do with the lessons of the child.
To sleep, enough for me 6 hours. With age, the body needs less time to recover. As a child, I and 12 hours were few, and my grandmother would get up with the lark and feel great. Of course, with a constant lack of sleep efficiency decreases, so 1-2 days a week, I allow myself to sleep longer.
How to pass the time in traffic jams?
I love to drive. For many, it's stressful, but for me the opposite: I relax behind the wheel. In this case, not much I drive, and do not break the rules.
The traffic jams and queues:
- I call those with whom you have not talked to (mostly relatives);
- sticks to Facebook, Instagram, read the news about what is happening in the world and digital-sphere;
- I think about current problems, plans, I bring these thoughts in a note to come back to them already in the workplace.
What place sport occupies in your life?
Sport started practicing a year ago, largely because of problems with his back. They intensified after the birth of her second child: pregnancy and the constant wearing of a child at the hands of the affected spinal condition.
Now I am three times a week I go to the gym on sessions with a trainer, as itself I usually regret not finish the exercise, relax and he does not. Plus his love for CrossFit makes our lessons extremely non-boring.
Sport has helped me to strengthen the muscular system. After a year of training about pain in the back, I do not remember. In addition, the body as a whole has become much fitter and healthier. The more sports, the less colds.
Layfhakerstvo of Hope Mereschenko
I always liked to read books and art, and business literature. Layfhakera readers can recommend the following book.
- «TED TALKS. Words change the world: the first official guide to public speaking"Chris Anderson. An excellent guide for anyone who wants to learn how beautiful, interesting and exciting to perform in public.
- «Work with objections. 200 receptions for sales cold calls and personal meetings"Dmitry Tkachenko. In the book, a lot of useful tips on how to behave in difficult situations, when a potential customer or buyer fails you, and how, in spite of this, to succeed.
- «Business in the lotus position. How to combine work and spiritual quest"Rizwan Virk. A wonderful book on how to learn to live consciously in harmony with oneself and the world, combining the spiritual self-development with business and career.
- «Boss: peerless or useless" Raymond Immelmann. Business novel, which tells how the company is important relationship between people and how to build a thriving company where all employees share common goals and dreams.
- "Employees of a lifetime. Loyalty Lessons from Southwest Airlines »Lorena Grabs West. History of Southwest Airlines Company, from which you can learn the principles of creating such an interesting corporate culture where all employees are passionate about their work and feel of one big family.
What is your life motto?
Credo is associated with the principles, stereotypes, values, vocation, time and space. But life is always something changing, and therefore there will always be new principles of life and transform life credo.
At this stage of my life I have several.
- Be yourself in every situation.
- Live the present and the future. Not reflective on "and if I would have done differently, then ...". Everything that has been done already in the past and change it no one can. You just need to draw the right conclusions and not to forget about them.
- Love what you do and do what you love.