10 video podcasts, which are sure to subscribe
Inspiration / / December 26, 2019
Despite the fact that I listen to podcasts almost every day, I've never noticed a small tab "Video", which is in the podcast app. Going at it recently, I discovered a whole new world of video podcasts for every taste. I reviewed many of them and want to share the top ten below.
In order to view video podcasts, which I will discuss below, it will take any Apple device or application for Android, for example, Pocket Casts or any other.
TEDTalks Music
Over 50 TED speeches in which well-known in the musical environment of the person talk about music. Here you will find a huge amount of new information about the music and stories of unusual people who have dedicated our lives to it.
KEXP Video of the Week
KEXP - is an American radio station that invites every week to her unknown, but damn cool bands. Despite the fact that KEXP stopped updating video podcasts section with April 2014, now in its more than 250 performances. I am sure you will be able to find those artists that match your musical tastes.
Free Drum Lessons
From the name is easy to understand that with this video podcast you will learn how to play the drums. It is a mecca for both beginners and experienced drummers, because there are about 150 classes from a very steep teachers.
The Year in Ideas: TED Talks in 2014
The TED chose the 48 best performances in 2014 and made them a separate collection. We wrote about ten best performances TED. If you have already watched them, then here you will find five times more!
How to Start a Startup
You've heard of Y Combinator - one of the most well-known venture capital funds in the world. Sam Altman and several other investors, Y Combinator made video course on how to create startup and what mistakes you can at the same time allow.
Stuff They Do not Want You to Know
Video from HowStuffWorks site. In each of the issues we talk about things that are usually ignored. A conspiracy of oil companies, the Opium Wars, religious cults, and much more.
Art of Adventure Photography
A small, but certainly worth your attention video of Bruce Percy, photographer and traveler. In each issue, he talks about his travels to Kyoto, Ethiopia, Nepal, India and other countries, reinforcing his words with pictures made there.
Start Cooking
Another video with an obvious name. Katie Meister leading podcast talks about how at home to cook a variety of goodies. Homemade "Nutella", lasagna, English muffins, etc. with steps and videos.
Insanely beautiful issues of divers from all over the Earth, showing the beauty and the unknown underwater world. More than 100 videos, each of which was filmed in different parts of the world and completed interviews with divers and photos.
And last, but certainly not the worst video from TED. I left it last only for the reason that you probably already know about TED and, most likely, watched a lot of video conferences. Here are duplicated all the speeches at TED since the beginning of 2014 and at the current moment.