Do you want to create something new? Do not wait for permission - act!
Inspiration / / December 26, 2019
Sometimes, one person or group of people can create something that is not under the power of whole governments. And all you need to do - to get into the Internet, to collect the necessary data and arrange like-minded group. Head of the MIT Media Lab Joe Ito brings experience in similar projects in his speech at the TED conference.
In order to create something new, it is not necessary to wait for permission from above by higher authorities. Now is the time when everyone can go and do something, to make a contribution, almost without leaving your computer.
Joe Ito, director of MIT Media Lab, talks about his experience of such inventions, the impetus for which was the 9-magnitude earthquake in Japan and the explosion at the nuclear power plant. He and his supporters did not wait for help from the government, and formed a group and have designed their own Geiger counters, drawings that can be downloaded, and make them connect to the network. They have an application that shows the highest concentration of radiation in Japan and around the world. They are one of the most successful civilian research projects in the world that has created the largest open database radiation indicators.
A handful of fans could make something that was not capable of government, with all its possibilities.