How to prepare for performances
Inspiration / / December 26, 2019
Karaulova Anna, Director of Development Agency of online advertising i-MediaIt reveals the secrets of preparing for performances before the public. This is the detailed instructions for creating a successful presentation for those whom nature has deprived Rapporteur talent.
Anna Karaulova
Development director of i-Media advertising agency. An expert in the field of creation and analysis of complex advertising campaigns online. He conducts seminars at the Higher School of Economics, RMA and "Netologii".
Sometimes it seems that there are people who have good talent speaker. Talent is difficult to learn, and technology - is quite possible. Prepare a successful speech - a process that takes time and effort. I want to tell you how I prepare for their performances.
Preparing for the performance consists of several parts:
- Elaborate ideas.
- Creating a presentation.
- Run the presentation.
- Performance.
- We are promoting content.
Let's talk, which includes every one of them.
Study ideas
development method is described in the presentation of the concept
books, Many coaches are lessons on it. Personally, I use materials Alexei BurbaBut he was not the only one who can learn it.To create a concept I use Mind Map. This allows a glance the entire presentation. With maps ideas easy and joyful work.
While the development of the mental map was for me something new, I spent on the creation of a document one-half working days. Now I am able to make the content of the scheme of 4-6 hours.
Creating a presentation
Visual design presentations - it's part of speech. It is important that it supported the story, helped him, and not contrary to, or distracted.
Good presentation, in my opinion, has several options:
- The uniform style of illustrations (illustrations or similar meaning, or on registration, and better - on both counts).
- Common fonts (one font for headings, sub-headings, body text, captions and annotations).
- The same visual elements: arrows, graphs, charts, frames, tables and so on.
- The same animation effects.
- Complimentary agency logo and the logo or the name of the event, at which the report reads.
The choice of visual content and the selection of illustrations - this is what most of the time is spent at vorstke presentations.
This is a truly creative process, he brings great pleasure.
A few words about Prezi. I have long been aware of this format and wanted to learn how to use it. It turned out that not gods pots: on YouTube there free video, Which describes in detail all the subtleties of working with the editor. build rules Prezi document are the same as in PowerPoint. Having done all the exercises consistently, you can learn to use the program.
Prezi is suitable for complex layout presentations: bright visuals helps students better perceive and memorize the speech content.
Sowing content after the event - an important part of marketing. It is necessary to immediately prepare a presentation for the correct mapping in Slideshare. Just follow a few simple rules:
- Writing header and text in the specific modules slide pattern (can be checked in the display mode "Structure").
- The graphs and tables include a presentation graphics (Slideshare PowerPoint converts graphics and tables in long sequences of numbers).
- Use predefined fonts. If you are using non-standard fonts, upload a presentation to be only as a PDF. In this case, you can lose animation.
Terms layout presentation is approximately two times longer than that of inventing mental map: One-half of the day, if I am not distracted (8-12 hours). The presentation should be ready for at least a week before the event, or other point of time does not remain. Therefore, I reject the speeches that are confirmed at the last minute.
Run a presentation - a dress rehearsal performances. The purpose of the run - to find the most errors in the presentation, statements and responses speaker. Except for me, in the run involved the head of the marketing department, one of the managing partners of the agency and one of the experts. My task - to read the report. The task of the listeners - to criticize it, and ask as many questions can be tricky.
standard report run lasting 15-20 minutes takes exactly one hour. As a result of the run I get a list of defects. On the necessity of the second run of the team agrees on the results of the first evaluation: if a lot of comments, a second meeting. And so as long as the team is not satisfied with the quality of the material. After making the adjustments I remain ready presentation in unchangeable format (for PowerPoint is PPSX) and send the file to the organizers.
To correct the presentation I spend two to four hours.
The art of public speaking can and should learn. Courses acting and public speaking skills, books... If you do not have time or money for a full-time education, you can use free of charge and polubesplatnym content (on YouTube there are excellent schools rollers voice "speaks" in "Netologii" and other online education centers - video on the preparation and holding of presentations).
I prefer the informal style of communication with the audience. I know that sometimes this brings me.
The speech is spent from three to eight hours. I try to come to the site for at least half an hour before the "ether". Be sure to bring along a USB flash drive with two presentation formats: editable and non-editable. Editable can be useful if the presentation will need something urgently corrected.
Before the performance you need to:
- Get used to the audience: understand where I stand on the stage, how much space I have to move, there are no foreign objects on the stage floor, for example wires, about which I can stumble.
- Check how the presentation was opened.
- Check the projector's brightness (sometimes want to change the color of some of the visual elements so that everything appears correctly).
In this performance itself is completed. The following steps are related to the promotion of content.
Promoting content
i-Media supports its speakers. The agency has spent the publication scheme of the content after the event:
- We put the presentation on Slideshare Enterprise.
- Out positions on the agency's Facebook page (1700 subscribers) and in the press center site.
- We are buying traffic from Facebook. All posts presentations promotes.
I have recently transformed their own personal profile on Facebook business page. It gave access to the professional publishing tools, promotion and analytics. Now my page 2700 subscribers. The layout is similar in its content schema Agency: Slideshare - Facebook - promotional posts. Since the presentation contain logo or name of the event, all the readers know for whom the material was created.
Writing articles, text proofreading, coordination video, publications and answers to comments take time. All marketing support - it is usually more half of my working day (four hours).
And that's not all…
In explanation of the reports are often written and published articles. But that's another story.
The above scheme of preparation for performances requires some resources:
- Study of the idea: 4-6 hours.
- Layout of the presentation: 8-12 hours.
- Run 1 hour.
- presentation Correction: 2-4 hours.
- Address: 3-8 hours.
- Marketing: 4 hours.
Preparation of performances usually takes me 22 to 36 hours, 4-5 days. Such reports I read no more than once or twice a quarter, or a job do not have time. But the result is worth it.