Why the best ideas come to us in the shower
Inspiration / / December 26, 2019
All day sitting at work - no inspiration, relaxing at home - the same thing. You go in the shower, and then - bang! - comes a great idea, or a music tune, or lines of the poem, or even a line of code!
Why it happens? Why the best ideas always caught us in the shower? This phenomenon can be explained logically, and we'll do it later.
For example, I was often in the soul come interesting ideas for articles, and I think that my other colleagues too. All people are different, and one ideas come more often to others - less. However, the shower - it's a magical place where inspiration lives. Let's look at this event from a scientific point of view.
So why do good ideas come to our mind? The short answer is: the whole thing in meditation or in the introduction of brain predmeditativnoe state. In my heart you do not have to think about anything, while the body feels very pleasant and is in a comfort zone. It is these two things - the freedom from everyday thoughts and comfort - contribute to the fact that the brain begins to "be creative".
Here's how this phenomenon explains psychologist John Queens
You are distracted from the surrounding things and concentrate on his thoughts. When we focus on one thing, for example at work, routine affairs, watching the show, the brain works linearly, ie, a predetermined pattern.
Following this theory, we can say that a small shake out of their comfort zones and provide a distraction brain necessary stress, which contributes to the unusual and often creative thinking and ideas.
Shower provides the necessary distraction and, in addition, is the most relaxing daily specials. Now that we know the cause of this phenomenon, it is necessary to understand that the interesting and unusual ideas do not come to mind, and in that time, when you are relaxed as much as possible and are in pleasant surroundings.
Can I have a inspiration constantly
Once you understand that in such a condition may include not only in the shower, you should try to call him more often. Of course, it is possible to run each time for inspiration in the shower, but you can find a more convenient option.
If you are trying to solve the problem, and fixated on several standard solutions, try to take a break and a change of scenery. Stroll through the streets, to dream, go meditation. Thus, the brain switches and stop offering linear and standard solutions.
This approach is not always necessary. Sometimes ordinary breynstormy helps much better. However, if you lack inspiration, try to change the situation.
Or go to the shower.