15 tips for those who do not like tips
Inspiration / / December 26, 2019
Rules (in general) - it was good. Our life is based on certain laws. They stop us from having to go to the supermarket or naked marry his dog.
But there is a special group of people. They are constantly maneuvering between the established rules. This creative people that the laws of the creative process manages to ignore.
So much has been said and written about how to be creative, to do more to generate good ideas, structuring thoughts... If you try to identify the stages of creativity as such, they will look like this way:
- dive into the process;
- had the idea;
- specify the idea;
- check on the adequacy of the idea;
- implement.
Once you know the laws of the creative process, you can go to the bookstore next door to spend the salary on the books with nice covers and learn thousands of new tips to help you become even more creative.
But where the law is installed, be sure there will be those who violate it. The creative process - this sort of thing, which is itself confronted by its own guidelines. For example, it is easy to say "specify an idea."
Meanwhile, everyone knows: good thoughts come from somewhere in the depths of the subconscious. Suddenly, like a hiccup.
We violate the law is that the creative process should not be a law. Still, there are certain rules, and they are quite applicable in real life. If you are from the category of people who are abhorrent to the laws, read on, you'll just love it.
1. Do as done
Someone who works "from start to finish", someone so revels in the process that can sleep on the keyboard. Someone evenly distributes the load, someone spends 99% of their time watching videos with seals and the remaining 1% of the time to complete all the cases. Someone quite simple schedule, and some include a timer to control their productivity.
Do your job as you are comfortable. We are adults and can themselves be responsible for the way it is working.
2. Do as much as possible
There is nothing that paralyzes creativity as inaction. Car running on petrol, and creative people charged by what they do. If you work for more than six months in one place and during this period we did not create anything worthwhile - fired. Try to write a beautiful statement on the dismissal. Give us something to be proud of.
3. Please, no brainstorming
brainstorming method - it is as if ten people in the room at the same time engaged in self-satisfaction. Little embarrassing at first, but after the clean up would not hurt. Remember, when the real problem was solved by a brainstorming session? We also do not remember. Try for a minimum connect people to the maximum - to take responsibility and make decisions.
4. stop record
At the beginning of your career you record all the most important thing in a small cheap notebook. Then comes another period when the bookmark is replaced by the imposing notebook in an expensive-bound. Now it's time to stop writing and start thinking and remembering. Your brain can handle myself: forget the unnecessary and, most important to leave to the surface.
5. Do not advertise and inform
Seems to avoid advertisements - is a skill that we have grown into an unconditional instinct. Any advertising, even the best, are not very interested in people. Create information occasions, talked about the latest news, inform. It will be read.
6. Put aside your smartphone
Not too rely on modern technology. They provide a sea of ​​possibilities, but you can be trapped. Think about the idea, trying not to rely on the technology around, get their ideas in the world where the smartphone is not at the head of the corner. Then what you create really is alive and present in even the most futuristic reality.
7. Look for flaws
Typically, marketers are trying to put forward in the first place the benefits of the brand. Accept the rules of the game. Listen leadership, smile, shake his outstretched hand and leave the office. Then go to a secluded place and methodically, step by step, think about all the things they had heard. Try to find the worst in the company. Use it for the benefit.
"It's not a bug, it's a feature" - that's the correct way to introduce the brand shortcomings and start to sell them.
8. Everybody is trying to be the best. Be worst
Perfect, flawless and best overrated. You are fighting for a place under the sun in a crowded market where everyone wants to unprecedented heights. Identify yourself worse. From now on you'll be alone. And you will notice.
9. Doubt - it is also a skill
Employees of the advertising industry and the media often guilty of arrogance towards their customers and audiences. However, you have a cool skill. It is called "Doubt". Are you still able to doubt their own decisions, thoughts, ideas. It shows your humanity - both you and your customers.
10. At first a hobby, then work
Be a director, writer, illustrator, knit scarves and sweaters. Take your hobby with you to work. You're not a bank employee, with the hobbies you have no one to fire. Let your hobby charges workflow and vice versa.
11. Management's beliefs
And if they are contrary to succeed, consider whether you need this victory so. Of course, this is not a law, and a reminder - that what is so easy to forget.
12. correspond to reality
There are medicine and plastic surgery there. The latter creates a hypertrophied version of reality. If you are brought to life meaningless fantasy, you will quickly become bored. Only one who is included in the reality of the situation and can be relevant always, will be genuinely interesting to other people.
13. Nothing you do not know
Naivete - one more powerful tool. Most of us pretend to know more than they actually are. It is better to be honest and listen carefully. And yet it would be good to know the true professionals and learn from their knowledge and skills. But beware: these people are usually very boring. Do not invite them to the party. Do not ask them to witness at the wedding.
14. trust your instincts
It is believed that the proper way to work on the idea - a long time to perfect, to bring to perfection, remodel again and again, do not forget about self-flagellation for a second. Once this is wrong. Your natural instinct is not mistaken, trust spontaneity.
Imagine that your intention is to cook a steak. Wanted - made: a piece of meat roasted on a frying pan. Just then another, and baked in the oven. And then sent to the microwave oven. Then - in the deep fryer for 15 minutes and another half an hour in boiling water boil. You are ready to eat it?
The idea should be fresh.
15. Gives all meaning
It's not the official position of your company or brand. Can be significant and by itself, it's a state of mind. In all that you do, to be a certain sense: in how you depict people, that you want them to say, in general, the promise of which are trying to convey. Creativity and communication with the outside world, there are inseparably. And this understanding comes with time.