30 things that begin with the change for the better
Inspiration / / December 26, 2019
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1. Be honest with yourself
Do not lie to yourself - how about what is right, and that you want to change. Be honest with yourself about their achievements and who you want to become. Avoid lying to himself from all aspects of their lives. Because you are the only person on whom you can always count on.
Examine yourself to see who you really are, without illusions and self-deception. Do it once, and then it will be easier to understand how you live, how you want to live and how to achieve it.
2. Do not be afraid of problems
your Problems They do not represent you. Your identity determines how you react to them and how you are used to solve them.
In most cases, the problem can not be solved as long as you do not start something to do with them. Not necessarily devote all their time to this - start doing anything.
Tiny steps in the right direction is much better than no movement at all.
3. Spend time with the right people
The right people - those conversations that you enjoy. These are people who appreciate and support you on the right track. They make you feel alive and not only accept you for who you are at the moment, but also are willing to unconditionally accept who you want to become.
4. Make happiness a priority
Your needs are important. If you do not value yourself, do not look after yourself and do not feel that your needs are important, you will only complicate your life.
Remember: you can take care of themselves, without neglecting the needs of others. And when your personal needs are met, you are much better able to help those who need your help.
5. Be a sincere and proud
If you try to be someone else, you lose yourself. Stop it, feel free to be themselves. Take your personality full of ideas, strength and beauty. Be who you feel, be a better version of yourself.
6. Learn to ignore the present and live in it
Right now there is a miracle. Now - this is the only point in life where you can be sure. Now - this is life.
So stop thinking about what great things you will make in the future, and stop worrying about what you have done or not done in the past.
Learn to be in the here and now and experience life in the course of its flow, without returning to the mind back and not looking ahead. Appreciate the world for its beauty right now.
7. Begin to appreciate the lessons that can be learned from mistakes
errors - this is normal, this is a step towards progress. If you're not wrong, so do not try harder to achieve something and learn.
Risks, make mistakes, play, fall and then rise up and try again. Appreciate the fact that you are pushing yourself forward, learning, growing, and correct their mistakes.
By the significant advances almost always leads a winding path full of failures and falls. So that the next mistake you so afraid to commit, can be associated with the biggest achievement in my life.
8. Be polite with them
If you had a friend who spoke to you the way you can sometimes talk to yourself in thought, how long would you tolerate it? If you criticize yourself mentally or aloud, you agree to let other people just treat you.
If you do not respect and do not love yourself, nobody will do it.
9. Enjoy what you have
Many people think that they will be happy, if reached a certain level in life - the level at which other people live, such as the head of a separate office or steep friend, who built a mansion on beach.
Unfortunately, to achieve this is not easy, it will take time. And when you finally do it, you come up with their new achievement, which is not enough to be happy. And so you will be working all his life to achieve something new, while not enjoying the fruits of their labors.
Learn to relax and enjoy what you already have. Thanks a little practice you can arrange every morning - just think about what you have, and experience thanks for this.
10. Learn to find happiness alone
If you expect that someone will make you happy, you lose a lot. Smile simply because you can. Select happiness for themselves. Be happy with yourself, with what you have right now, and let your way into the future will be filled with a positive.
Happiness is often a time when you decide to find it, and where you choose to do so.
So, if you decide to find happiness in the present moment, most likely you do.
11. Give the chance to their ideas and dreams
In real life rarely get the chance, often you have to find it. You will never be completely sure that your idea will work, but you can be sure one hundred percent that if nothing is done, the idea is not exactly going to work.
In most cases, your ideas are worth trying to translate them. And no matter how it would end: success or another life lesson. You win either way.
12. Believe in what you are ready for the next step
Are you ready! Think about it. You already have all you need for the next small step forward. So take the opportunities that are opened in front of you, and agree to the changes. It is a gift that helps you to grow.
13. Begin to make new relationships
make new relationship with reliable, honest people who respect you and accept your changes. Choose friends who will be proud of the people whom you admire and who reciprocate your love and devotion. And with great attention about the fact that a person does. His actions speak louder than its words and opinions of others about him.
14. Give a chance to the people you meet
It sounds hard, but you do not get to maintain friendly relations with all. People change, and priorities, too. While some relationships are disappearing, others are stronger.
Appreciate the opportunity to make new relationships, giving up old ones that have served their own. Make new relationships, knowing that step onto unfamiliar territory.
Be willing to learn, be prepared for problems, and always be ready to meet someone who might just change your life forever.
15. Compete only with past versions of yourself
Get inspired other people's example, most other people, learn from them, but never compete with. It's a waste of time.
You are constantly competing with only one person - with himself.
Compete to win themselves, to become even better. Set a goal back and exceed personal records again - only this competition will bring you favor.
16. Learn to enjoy other people's victories
Begin to notice what you like about other people and tell them about it. The recognition that people around you are great, leads only to good. So I am happy for those who are making headway. Cheer for them, I sincerely wish them victory, and sooner or later these people will be rooting for you.
17. Keep yourself in a difficult situation
When in life there Hard timesDo not forget to cheer himself. Take a couple of deep breaths and remind yourself that the ordeal will make you stronger.
Think about your victories and achievements, all right, what you have in life. Concentrate on what you already have rather than on what is missing.
18. Learn to forgive yourself and others
Everyone has ever been hurt by their wrong decisions or actions of others. Although it is normal to take such a painful experience, sometimes suffering is delayed too. We are going through this pain again and again and it only prolong an unpleasant period in his life.
The only cure for this - forgiveness. And it does not mean you erase the past or forget about what happened. This means that you give offense to disappear and the pain and leave the event in the memory as a useful experience, nothing more.
19. Begin to care for others
Take care of the others, shows them the right way, if you know it. The more you help others, the more help you. Love and kindness are always returned.
20. Listen to your inner voice
If it helps, discuss their ideas with loved ones, but the final decisions are made, relying on their intuition. Be honest with yourself, say what you need, and do as your heart tells.
21. Keep track of the level of stress
Calm down, breathe deeply. Stop and redistribute forces to again move forward with a clear sense of purpose.
When you are overworked, short break can refresh your mind and increase productivity. In addition, short breaks give you the opportunity to look back and evaluate whether all your actions were aimed at achieving the goal.
22. Begin to notice the beauty of small things
Instead of waiting for the big events such as weddings, births, promotions, or winning the lottery.
Seek happiness in the little moments, insignificant at first glance, things that happen every day.
A cup of coffee early in the morning, a delicious smell of toast and homemade food; happiness to share the moment with those you love; joy because you hold the hand of his partner. Learn to ignore those little pleasures, and your life will be much more pleasant.
23. Learn to accept imperfection
Remember: the perfect does not mean good. One of the biggest tests for people who want to improve themselves and the world - to learn to accept things as they are.
Sometimes it is much better to take the world and people as they are, rather than trying to fit them into incredible ideals. This does not mean you have to settle for a mediocre life, abandoning any changes. Just sometimes necessary to take things even if they are imperfect.
24. Move toward your goals every day
What ever you dreamed of, comes close to it, not missing a single day. Each small step, little action and achievement bring you closer to the goal.
Many of us at least once in their lives thinking about what you need to follow their vocation, but only a few are really starting to work on it. Work at it - then slowly and steadily move toward the ultimate goal.
25. Be open to your feelings
If you are suffering, give yourself time to go through it. But do not close, and do not try to score their suffering in a distant corner of consciousness. Talk to close friends, tell them the truth about how you feel, let them listen to you. This easy way - let your feelings out - will be the first step towards relieving the suffering and feel good again.
26. Take responsibility for your life
Take your choice and your mistakes and be ready to fix them. If you do not take responsibility for your life, someone else will do it, and then you become a slave to other people's ideas and dreams, instead of being a pioneer in its path.
You are the only person who can control the consequences of their actions. Yes, it will not always be easy, each of us will be a lot of obstacles. But you have to take responsibility for any situation in your life and overcome these obstacles.
27. Actively supports the most important relationship
Bring honesty and a real joy in the relationship with your loved ones - just tell them how much they mean to you, and do it regularly. You can not mean a lot to all the people, but for some of you - that's all.
Decide for yourself, who are these people, and keep them as a great treasure.
Remember: you do not need a certain number of friends - you need friends in whom you believe.
28. Focus on what you can control
You can not change everything, but you can always something to influence. Wasting their energy, talent and emotions to things that are beyond your control - the best way to feel powerless and frustrated. Therefore, direct their forces only on those things that can change.
29. Concentrate on capabilities and positive outcome
Before a person does something, he has to believe that he could do it. A great way to avoid negative thoughts and destructive emotions - call positive emotionsWhich have a much greater force.
Listen to your inner dialogue and change negative thoughts to positive and installation. Regardless of how a situation, concentrate on what you want, and then make the next step forward.
You can not control everything that happens to you, but you can control your reaction to what is happening. The life of any person includes positive and negative aspects, and on which specific points you focus depends on your happiness and success in life.
30. Realize how rich you are, right now
American writer Henry David Thoreau once said:
Wealth - is the ability to fully experience life.
It is very important in the difficult times to see all the good things you have.
You do not go to bed hungry, you do not have to sleep on the street, you have to choose what to wear, you can hardly sweat all day and not spend another minute in fear.
You have unlimited access to clean drinking water and medical care. Do you have Internet access, you can read.
Many in our world will say that you fucking rich, so be thankful for all that you have.
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