As do many things and not feel busy
Inspiration / / December 26, 2019
I want to confess: I do not busy.
Yes, while I am the father of three children, I have my own business, I publish a blog and a podcast 7-10 articles a week, a lot of travel twice a month to speak in public, doing sports daily, every week is added to read list Book another.
And, despite all this, I have a lot of spare time. I often play with their children. We spend weekends together, for example, go to the beach, and we have dinner together almost every day. I walk a lot, listen to and compose music, watch movies and sports, pay attention to his wife, and rarely sleep less than eight hours.
I almost always have the time to talk to friends on serious philosophical themes, just to chat about football and basketball, or help them with operational report. And with all this I did not feel like I'm somewhere constantly in a hurry or something at me from all sides pressured deadlines.
And there is no magic, and I do not have superpowers. My life was not always so filled, but there are several techniques by which I learned to understand that I have a lot of time. I believe that my success depends on the way of thinking and living, and not on my specific skills and knowledge.
So here's what helped me and I hope that helps you.
Be honest
It took me a very long time to admit that I hate to feel busy. From adolescence until about 28 years I was busy every hour of his life. I slept for five or six hours a day, constantly torn between responsibilities at home, and his own work projects. I did not have time to just walk around and think. I could not carve read more than ten minutes a day.
I was proud of myself, because I was able to do so much. But the truth is that the more things you do, the more tasks you get. I wanted to be one of those people who live in a constant stream of cases and never linger, so I began to lead such a lifestyle. But it was not for me. After I listened to her, set priorities, it became easier to move away from the image of eternally busy person.
I know that there are people who like to live in rushing, in a steady stream and tasks. For example, my brother - it was such a person. Before, I wanted to be just like him, but I feel much happier when I realize that I am a completely different person. And it's better to be yourself than the shadow of others.
If you like to live among things, like my brother, find more different life hacking, help you to live in conditions of continuous deadlines and have time to cope with all tasks. But if you are a person who does not like to live in a never-ending stream of cases, do not lie yourself - just admit that you do not like it.
Finally, I admitted to myself: I hate to be busy. I need a lot of free time. I need time to reflect, create, play. Employment negatively affects the quality of my life.
Be honest with yourself, answer this: Do you ever be engaged or like this makes you unhappy?
Find people who are better than you
I'm competitive (some might add that even a little arrogant), and my inner voice often He tells me that any business which undertake, I am able to perform better than others and, of course, within a reasonable time. This can be great, it can motivate, but it takes a lot of time. Trying to be the best in absolutely everything - is a recipe for disaster.
In fact, I am not a professional in any field of activity, and I stopped trying to be. I'm doing what I have to, but try to find a way to delegate the case whenever possible. Previously, I was proud of myself, I managed to do everything himself. But the joy of this was not enough, because I was only a few hours a week for a quiet life, when there was no need to run somewhere at breakneck speed.
Delegate small tasks are inexpensive, so that as soon as I learned to tame his pride, life has become much easier.
Sometimes you do not need money to do this. In your community there are people who cope with some tasks better and faster than you. Find them. Ask them. Work with them. Help them to something else.
Do not take for the cause, if you know that nearby there is someone who is willing to fulfill it better than you.
Be ruthless minimalist
I have a strict rule regarding the mail: it is always zero new letters. Each letter - electronic or paper - I immediately viewed. I'm looking for excuses, by which I do not need to engage in low-priority tasks and not the causes, of which I should follow them. I take action immediately. I pay bills as soon as they arrive. I throw out unnecessary paper.
I photograph a check for a business lunch, and then send the photo to your e-mail, and then throw a paper check and delete the photos from your phone - and all this before I bring my lunch.
Every few months I get rid of old T-shirts, magazines, broken toys and other junk that has accumulated in the house. I think that, slowly cracking down on all of this now, I'm saving a lot of time in the future.
I check email and SMS all day, every day, even on weekends and holidays. Just because now it takes only a few minutes and can save hours later, which can be spent more productively.
I save time wherever possible. And it's great to help me out when I needed to devote himself entirely to one important and big business. I try to avoid meetings and telephone conversations, if it can be solved by means of a letter by e-mail.
Never do what you do not want to
My favorite word - "no." It took me a long time to learn how to respond to the refusal. I like to help people like to see them happy. But if you say "yes" to every cool idea, nodding in response to any request or rush to help with each project or event, then sooner or later you will realize this is getting absolutely nothing and yet still feel a sense of guilt.
It's not cool - say "yes" when you are well aware that not cope with the fact that you are going to shoulder. Do not argue, to say "no" is difficult, but then it will turn in your favor.
If you really want to give up something, just say "no." Every day I ask myself, if I want to do what I suggest. And if I find that I do not like something, I start looking for a method that will allow me to stop doing it.
It's amazing how many things are mixed in our lives: peer pressure, guilt, manipulation and other people's expectations. If for a moment to rise above all of this, you will notice this himself - a man with his own desires. It is hard work to walk on this path, you'll have plenty of time to say "no." And no promises, learn to give to others, you will begin to live a peaceful life in which there is no place stress. But it will be easier.
Determine what you do not like, that poisons your life - and get rid of it. What remains in the end, it will be the one that is important to you.
Contact your subconscious
All the time I think about work. While taking a shower before going to sleep, while walking, while standing in a traffic jam, and indeed, I think about the work absolutely everywhere and always, unless, of course, I have not specifically forbid myself to do it. The advantage is that when I want to stop thinking about work, the hardest part is over. No matter what it is: a response to a letter, a presentation, a phone call, the choice of the supplier, meet colleague - at the time of the decision, I'm tired of thinking about it and at the same time devoted to these things a lot time.
The trick is that when you think about doing the work while other things are not working the problem It is your top priority, but it does not mean that you can not get to a remarkable decision. On a subconscious level, you find exactly what you need.
Some people need to focus on work, to think about work. But not me. By entrusting the solution of some issues subconscious and waited a bit, I straightened with chores faster and better.
Do not hurry
If you like the rush, keep up the good work. If you're not sure, then think and stop in a hurry. If you grasp at everything at once, then in the end confused in business and in yourself.
No, of course I do not recommend you give up opportunities, and certainly not recommend the use of my advice as an excuse not to deal with difficult cases because of fear of failure. But, if you notice that you are mired in activities that you hate, and that does not bring you nothing but stress and feelings ineptly spent time - begin to change something.
Find ways to help you to free up more time. Be ruthless with respect to what you do not like. Next you will tell you thank you for it.