20 vital truths that will inspire you to change
Inspiration / / December 26, 2019
Altusher published in his blog a list of life lessons that he learned during his career. Perhaps they will inspire you to change something for yourself.
1. Your identity form the people with whom you spend time. Do not waste it on those who poisons your life.
2. use strategy kaizen. Every day, become better at what you love. Even an improvement of 1% per year will help you make significant progress. It is much more than do the remaining 99.9% of the people.
3. To be free - so do not depend on other people's decisions in all that relates to your self.
4. Thanks and fear can not coexist with each other. All the decisions we make are based on a desire to develop or fear. But only the first move us in that direction, which indicates our inner compass.
5. There are different groups of people. Conventionally, they can be designated by signs +, - and =.
Spend more time with people from the category of "+". They are those who in some way are better than you, who you can learn from.
Group "=" - those who are on the same level with you, you can grow and develop together. A "-" - those who are lagging behind you, they can do something to teach.
6. To achieve anything in any area, we need energy: physical, emotional, creative and spiritual. Try to fill each of the types of energy.
7. To be healthy physically, eat healthy, move more and get enough sleep. These are the three major health factor.
8. To be healthy emotionally, spend more time with those you love and appreciate.
9. For the development of the creative potential of every day record of 10 new ideas. Whether they are good or bad. According Altushera, three months appears Superpower generate ideas.
10. In order to maintain peace of mind, do not let the regrets of the past and anxiety about the future distract you from this. This moment - this is the only thing that we have.
11. Always try to help others. It's not about the money, though, you can share them.
Need to change the way of thinking: to give without expecting benefits for themselves and do not regret that you have something to lose.
12. Do not retreat from its principles. Living in general is difficult, but with no allegiance to its principles have to live two lives. It takes strength and makes unhappy. Therefore, clearly define your values and principles and not be afraid to follow them.
13. Doubt in everything, do you think that you know and understand. Many of the facts that at one time seemed indisputable, then changed. Do not believe something just because it is said or written. Always ask questions. it will develop skeptical thinking and help achieve success faster.
14. All we think irrationally. It is not surprising that we are right is extremely rare. Do not forget about it, then maneuver among the successes and failures will be much easier.
15. Do not shift the blame to others. Altusher told that he had lost money in the stock market. He was advised to sue a stockbroker, but he did not do. He believed that he is guilty, because it was he who made all decisions, including the decision to follow the advice of broker. You can always learn something, if you admit guilt. Analyze your losses and learn from them - the only way you will be better.
16. Focus on the process, not the result. If you are making an effort, learn, cultivate, apply the advice of more experienced people, reading and practicing, you just can not predict the outcome. After all, tomorrow you will be better than today.
The result - this is only a fantasy of the future and the process - this is your present. Try to enjoy it.
17. Money - a by-product of the foregoing.
18. Romance - a byproduct of the above. Do not shift the obligation to maintain your self-esteem a partner. He has enough problems with her.
19. Health - a by-product of the foregoing.
20. Any obstacle - it is an opportunity. Remember this and never give up.
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