Rent premises - this is a huge cost. But the business can be opened without it. Share ideas for business that's easy to arrange at home.
1. Web development
This specialty includes IT-sphere: what has changed in 10 years? in the top 10 fastest growing IT professions. At the same time to create and maintain websites can be completely out of the Home Office. In the process, the programmer needs to communicate with the client, but almost always it will organize a remotely - to arrange a videoconference or phoned. Moreover, you can even collect a remote command from other web developers performing tasks on freelancing, and take on larger projects, which do not pull alone. However, it needs to be not only a good programmer, but also the manager.
How to do business remotely
2. Preparation of Digital Content
A computer with special software - it's everything you need to work a lot of people of creative professions, working with digital content. Houses can be done free illustrations, writing articles for publication on the site, engaged in editing, typeset articles for the blog of the company. Authors, editors, and designers can start their own creative agency that will work completely remotely and deliver the finished product to the customer.
3. household repairs
If the service is home clients, without an office can easily manage. For example, when you repair the broken equipment or help with repairs. Tools it is possible to store at home or in the garage, and three-dimensional consumables often bought just before the implementation of the order. You can provide their services alone or coordinate the work of teams of other masters, the client can immediately solve all repair problems with one call you.
4. Photographers Service
Photographers do not need an office because they usually carry out shooting on the road: in nature, in a rented studio, which is paid by the client, or in place of doing reportage. Treatment of the material can be practiced at home - enough to have a PC or laptop with the necessary software package. To quickly find new customers, photographers can combine with videography, wedding studios, florists and other contractors.
5. Style advice
Modern stylists can remotely advise on the compatibility of things. Or create for a client mudbordy with bows on different occasions. Some go home to the client, check with wardrobe and ruthlessly get rid of enough of stylish things. Others - calls up on Skype and otsmatrivat wardrobe via video. Others are asking customers to send photos of favorite combinations of clothes and give advice on how to improve the image. Another activity of the stylist - to go along with the customer to shop and help choose clothes. All of the above can be easily organized without an office.
6. event planning
Planning and maintenance of the service's Event extremely popular right now. Even for the home children's birthdays often called decorator to arrange a beautiful photo zone. In this case, you are always working in the field - in the place of celebration. If you take the more newsletter invited guests, it can be done from anywhere. Stylistic design, designers, catering, page layout to advertise holiday - planning's Event can assemble a team, and no one in it would not need an office.
How not to spoil the online reputation