Online ticket office: who needs it and how to save money on buying
His Work / / December 26, 2019
What is the online ticket office
Online ticket office - a device that can not only print checks, but also transmit information on all transactions in the online mode via the operator's fiscal data to the tax office. Use these offices requires the Federal Law № 54 "On the application of cash registers when making cash settlements and (or) calculations using electronic means payment ".
Conventionally, online ticket office - a combination of cash-handling equipment with a fiscal storage and software with an Internet connection to communicate with the Internal Revenue Service.
When paying businesses and organizations need to give customers a cashier's check or form of strict accountability. If prior to the calculation of the client to provide a phone number or email address, or check form to duplicate even in electronic form.
Who needs such cash
The law permits certain categories of businesses and organizations to dispense with online banks. For example, calculations can be carried out without cash registers at the following activities:
- Sale of securities.
- Trading in the retail markets, fairs and exhibition centers.
- Peddling food and consumer goods (exception - technically complex products and food products that require specific storage and sale conditions).
- Trade in kiosks ice cream or soft drinks on tap.
- Trade of road tankers kvass, milk, vegetable oil, live fish, or kerosene.
- Repair and painting of shoes.
Going on-line box office - a gradual process, it will end by 2019. A full list of those who need to set the box office this year, and entrepreneurs who can do without this equipment, you will find here.
How to choose the right cash
Price is not the main thing. Far more important than the technical possibilities and the purposes for which you need an online box office.
fiscal registrar
Working combination is as follows: fiscal register (that will print checks) + phone, tablet or PC (as a device control cash transactions). Variation "fiscal printer + phone" relatively inexpensive and suitable for any small retail and service businesses.
The control device can be set tovarouchotnuyu system and automation of many trades in the shop (purchase of goods, inventory, control of illiquid goods).
Stand-alone cash register
If the day you serve up to 100 customers, an assortment of 50 SKUs and your main goal - compliance with the Federal Law number 54, is suitable with respect to a budget option - standalone box office. She minimum performance requirements and software capabilities. Such offices are suitable for small shops without the sale of alcohol, outbound trade and delivery services.
Cons of working with an independent insurance fund:
- It is only used to print checks at the box office is not embedded analytics and user-friendly cashier functions (mixed payment, deferred check, the possibility of discounts on merchandise receipt).
- To enter the names of the goods must be connected to a computer.
- Low speeds.
- No integration with the acquiring, the cashier the amount will have to be administered in two places.
- Unable to use loyalty systems, promotions and assortment management.
- It is not possible without expensive additional equipment to work with EGAIS.
- There is no possibility to control the balance: cash register does not make automatically check the value of goods, on the basis of weight.
- No product search function by name.
- There is the opportunity to work with selected products. When cash bar, you can quickly select popular products (bread, milk, etc.), increasing the speed of customer service.
- No automation of trade opportunities as a whole. Extract more revenue will not work.
Stand-alone offices - the previous generation devices. Now on the market represented by more modern smart model. They are not much more expensive, but on the ability to exceed the autonomous fund.
Smart terminal
He's clever box office. It's an option for the owners of small and medium-sized businesses, aimed at the development of the company.
Smart terminal - the new generation of cash registers with enhanced and improved technical performance. All the necessary functions for the shop in one place: the tablet to control the cash register, printer for printing checks.
In some models of smart terminals integrated barcode scanner, and acquiring an additional screen for the buyer. Most models smart terminals support autonomous operation without recharging and can hold from 10 to 48 hours depending on the model.
Smart MTS Cash not only has a basic set of features for cash transactions.
It supports the following features:
- Favorite products - selection of popular products (bread, milk, butter) with a quick search panel in the main menu box office.
- Search for products by name.
- Promotions, discounts.
- Manual discount for check / item.
- Cash, cashless payment and combined.
- Sale with a free price.
- Work with orders (payment, partial payment).
- Selling weight goods, restricting the sale of goods without leaving residue on the trading floor.
- Working with online orders.
- Deferred check.
- Bonus and discount cards.
- Gift certificates.
- Unloading checks as they become available.
- Reports on sales, ABC-analysis.
- cashier management from the central office of the entrepreneur.
For convenience, the headings shall be made in cash in several ways: by hand and loading from Excel file. Faster and more convenient to just bring a new product to the database through the scanning: box office looks in its global directory and displays the list of products on display. It remains only to fill in the price, quantity and size ranks - all goods brought in a range.
You can transfer information in the smart box office, by integrating it with the data that you already have, for example, in the products of "1C" or "Contour". are smart cash MTS from 10 900 rubles.
If you sell alcohol, online ticket office must support the ability to install UTM module and work with the scanner to read the excise stamps. Please note that the scanners are also different from each other. For alcohol needed 2D-scanner.
How to save on buying a ticket office
After the purchase of a new online ticket office, you can return up to 18 000 rubles.
Compensation should be:
- Individual entrepreneurs, operating on the patent.
- Individual entrepreneurs on a single tax on imputed income (PI on UTII).
Can not claim compensation for the purchase of online ticket offices:
- Entrepreneurs on the simplified taxation system.
- Entrepreneurs on a common system of taxation.
- Businessmen on a single agricultural tax.
- Organization on UTII and patent.
The amount of compensation - no more than 18 000 rubles on each instance of cash registers.
- The cost of cash registers, fiscal drive.
- the cost of software for the cash register.
- Expenditure on set-up and equipment upgrades.
To receive compensation, and entrepreneurs to UTII Patent working in catering, as well as having wage workers, must register cash to July 1, 2018, the remaining PIs can do it before July 1, 2019 of the year.
Compensation you receive in the form of a tax deduction (the form can be downloaded here). If the amount of compensation greater than the tax that you pay for, the remainder can be used later: for SP with hired workers - until the end of 2018, to IP without wage earners - until the end of 2018.
Entrepreneurs working on the patent system of taxation can be applied to reduce the rest of the deduction the cost of the patent in other activities, which also provides for the use of cash registers technology.
How to choose the right software
Without special software can not do. If you do not understand the subject, it is best to acquire cash with pre-installed software. This is a guarantee that the ticket office will be compatible with it and problems with operation will occur.
Good software will not only keep the calculations in accordance with legal requirements, but also help to make more money.
For example, using the MTS Cass with established native software can not only optimize the turnover, but also increase profits by 20-30%.
Simple and easy to use software allows LiteBox:
- Reduce the level of non-liquid products in stock and the associated losses. MTS Cash is running and the ratings of the most popular products of the least - in a month you will see clearly the weak link in its product portfolio. Sale of illiquid allow reimburse investment and free up space in the warehouse for liquid goods.
- Quickly take inventory. MTS cashier receipts and consumption of goods are recorded in real time, and the remains are sorted by category. It is enough to be discharged from the system with the remnants tovarouchotnoy file in the right department (dairy products, vegetables, groceries) and check their actual number in the store. To all this, you need only 20 minutes. Inventory can be carried out without closing the store - in the hours when there are no buyers.
- Customize ADR goods as their implementation at the store. The system will calculate the right amount of product, given its rate of sales, delivery and the date of the next residue in a warehouse, and then automatically generates an invoice. With ADR illiquid never fall into the procurement list.
- Install an automatic ban on order. Your employees will not mistakenly order position, which is already provided in overabundance.
- Create a loyalty program for customers. With cloud services MTS Cash bonus card will be valid in all restaurants of the chain. You can not only increase customer loyalty and increase their average ticket with purchase, but always will see what amount granted discounts for the reporting period, as well as purchase history for each map.
As the development of the program, you can make settings in the pricing details lead sales analyst, Using accessible in financial instruments (for example, ABC-analysis) and remotely monitor the performance of personnel.
"Initially, our task was to automate trade transactions directly at the checkout in accordance with the 54-FZ, but now we actively use opportunities tovarouchotnoy system, - says Elena Tsimbalyuk, General Director "Kaisa". - We have increased turnover by 35% in the first three months due to the analysis of popular products - the program helps prevent their absence from the retail shelves. Software keeps track of the goods are not in demand, - on them, we have reduced the supply. We actively use the panel "Selected Items" - so sellers do not forget to inform customers about the most popular and store promotional offers.
At the peak of sales became indispensable ADR: the program will analyze what the volume of goods were sold in a week, how many are left in stock and what is the rate of sales. Proceeding from this, the software automatically generates an order to the supplier. We have introduced a loyalty program for customers and issued discount cards. As a result, the average check for regular customers increased by 17%. "
MTS Cash automates business processes in the enterprise, and advanced analytics and sales statistics allow you to monitor and manage the business. The free test version It has the opportunity to work with the system and see how it suits you.
The cost of using MTS cashier software - from 500 rubles a month. For this money, you have complete control over how things are going in the store, convenient tools for situation analysis and management, as well as round the clock technical support.
What to do if you are having trouble
In dealing with any online cash register can not be excluded technical problems. Sales stop, store profits fall, so without a good technical support is indispensable. In evaluating the performance support, consider the following: how quickly its experts solve the problems, how and how much it will cost.
Let's say you have a trading network for the area, and periodically there are glitches with the Internet. If within 30 hours of on-line box office will not send checks to the tax office, it will be blocked. To resume work may need the help of experts.
To tackle such situations quickly and with minimal losses, need round the clock customer support service with the ability to remotely restore the system. In this regard, cloud services are in pole position.
The software is stored in the cloud, on the developer's server, all updates are produced on time and automatically, and solves the problems that arise hour technical support. It works so MTS Cash.
"Boxed" program installed on your computer and require further support and services that an additional burden borne by the business owner. Updating and removal of technical problems will have to carry their own, which means you need to take on the staff or hire a programmer outsourcing. As a result, maintenance costs "box" decisions may at times exceed the service cloud.
As a rule, companies limit the number of support calls, for example, once a month or only during working hours and days. Clock support is provided by the unit. It seems to be a trifle, but it may be for business owners cause losses if sales will rise. To avoid this, check how the support service.
Online ticket office can make your business more profitable and greatly facilitate the sales management process. Not to overpay for nothing, choose the model and tested in advance to find out, how a technology helpdesk.
Select online cash