How to open your online store: a real success story
His Work / / December 26, 2019
Today we share with you the story of a businessman who refused prestigious managerial position for their own business. You will learn how to create an effective website, what to do with advertising and whether it is necessary to work with the family.
Sergey Garanin
Entrepreneur, founder of the online store "Samet".
The decision to give up a stable and not the most exciting job in a big company did not come immediately. Especially at that time, I rose to the head of department on work with clients in a certain Internet and teleprovaydere. But I was 22, I just got married, and understanding that you now need to support a family, pushed me to the top of your own business. I picked up in the kitchen "consultation" of the best friends and brother in law. Together we've been discussing possible ideas.
Creature online store it seemed the best option: while shopping on the web popularity noticeably gained momentum. In the end, I supported the only brother in law, to this day, we are companions.
Many say that a family business can not be build. By experience I say: it is difficult, but possible.
Yes, half of the conversation at the family dinner is reduced to a discussion of the working moments, but are you sure you will not fail and will worry about the case as for his own.
Implementation of the idea took about six months. Enthusiasm was plentiful, but the money did not exist, so I decided to take the help of the state (yes, that is possible). It was necessary to take courses at the center of employment, protect the business plan and take shape as an individual entrepreneur. After this, you could get a one-time annual payment from the employment office, which at that time was for me in 1500. e. With this money, we have created our first website where studied and stuffed bumps.
Month delayed paperwork. It was necessary to benefit from the state, and then another week in the registration queue robbed instances and paperwork. Themselves sites recorded easily: it was enough to provide copies of the documents, or simply enter your details and pay for a domain name and hosting.
Our first site made friends for a nominal fee. Now he is resting in peace on the Internet. The next project on the recommendation of friends has been created in the marketplace with the designer of websites and online stores. Over time, we decided to create a corporate website, putting to maximum effort and time. More than a year was spent on the registration of the trade mark "Samet".
To view this site was chosen playground - Ukrainian version of the popular directory of goods and services - playground, where you can build a business on the Web with minimal effort. You get at their disposal ready to use site with a modern design and lots of features for promotion: from contextual advertising in search engines to email- and SMS-distribution.
On the pages of buyers easily find any product or service, and seller ratings and customer reviews ensure the success of the transaction.
Even if you already have a website, become more effective platform to promote and ensure an influx of new customers. The service works in Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine.
I called the manager and asked to try to work on this site. For my part, did not require any effort, manager one day set up shop and carried to all the goods.
I originally chose the package "Standard", but quickly realized that this project will be a good return, and moved to the package "Maximum". Sometimes we use banner advertising and contextual advertising on the website is always enabled. We launched it almost immediately, and over the years it is paying dividends.
What can I say about I like that the portal does not rest on its laurels and is constantly improved in technical terms. If necessary, you can receive prompt feedback from managers. There is not a unique text is stolen.
Orders started coming in from search engines at once, but then there was stability. Orders attracted through contextual advertising on the portal began to arrive on the day of her first run.
The main problem at the initial stage was, of course, lack of experience. Initially, we chose the wrong niche and began to engage in expensive goods for children - strollers and car seats. Boxes with all that stood in front of our house.
As it turned out, to start with expensive things difficult. Competition in the market of children's goods was at that time a huge, so it was not possible to survive a site-beginner.
Sold out all wheelchair, we strongly started looking for other options for store development. Just then I received an offer to work for dropshipping. Gathering momentum, we gradually began to buy top seller and create a warehouse, which at first was placed in our garage. Orders are delivered my companion, and sometimes for that had to take even my wife.
Over time, we have entered into contracts with courier services and transport companies. The family business was involved and my wife. Leaving work, she took courses SEO, internet marketing has mastered and is still engaged in the development of our website.
Of course, over the years has increased the number of stores, so the competition makes itself felt. The stronger it is, the more effort we are making to the development of shops, trying to come up fishechki that may be interested buyers and profitably allocate us from the competition, and, of course, give advertising.
The best advertising - it is word of mouth from satisfied customers. A large number of positive reviews on different sites is bearing fruit.
Very cheap, but no less effective advertising widgets are.
We are firmly focused on the further development of stores. At the moment, the situation in Ukraine is not the most stable, no business can not say with certainty what will happen to him, even after six months. But if there will be no surprises, the course is always more or less the same: expansion of the state, range of products, sample various areas of production, building sites and an increase in popularity has existing ones.
I would also like to note that one of the main secrets of business success - the correct selection of quality employees. I am grateful to my team, managers and employees of the warehouse for their dedication and professionalism. They - the backbone of our business.
Open your online store