Excellent Swipes task manager got the version for Mac
Macos / / December 26, 2019
Swipes - it is a simple task manager for iOS, which on closer inspection is strongly reminiscent of Mailbox. But it is rather a plus than a minus. Recently, the application will receive the version for Mac, which we describe.
About us Swipes wrote just over a year ago. Then the application was only iOS-version, and for the task manager that is not enough. It is no version for Mac then prevented me to use Swipes as "tudushnika".
But on July 30 as a version for the Mac, which does not look stretched just a mobile version. This is a great app, and if you choose the Task Manager, it is worth your attention.
Swipes professes concept Mailbox and Clear - neat, beautiful and with a minimum set of features. For example, in the list of applications is not. But there is a tag and a separate window for them, in which you can sort tasks. When adding a new task screen is divided into two parts. On the right side are the tasks on the left - a window to enter a new one.
My main task manager - it
Things. And yet I do not like the fact that I can not set a reminder about the task at a specific time. Swipes At this all right: when you add time window will appear familiar to anyone who uses the Mailbox. There you can choose the time of the appointment.Of all the managers of the tasks that I used only Things were good synchronization. The task added to the computer instantly appears on other devices. It is also done in Swipes. When adding tasks for Mac and update the list on the iPhone, it appears instantly. And vice versa.
Swipes free. Developers introduced a paid functionality, but it was removed because it did not like the users. Who paid features are finalizing. Most likely, they will expand the possibilities of joint and corporate work. For private users the same Swipes remain free.
Swipes - really good app. Free cheese is not always in a mousetrap. Sometimes he and the App Store.