1. Steve Jobs was adopted and it is - half a Syrian
Apple biological parents were legendary founder Joan Shibli and Syrian immigrants Abdulfattoh Jandal, who met at the University of Wisconsin, when they were 23 years old. However, the girl's parents insisted to give their first child for adoption. Later, Shibli and Candan still married and gave birth to their second child - a biological sister of Steve Jobs.
2. Price first Apple computer was a "satanic"
The first Apple computer, Apple I, had a price tag of $ 666. Steve Wozniak explained that the devil here is not with it, and the price he set, because it decided that three identical figures will be convenient to print!
3. Apple carries all loads through the air, rather than water
Apple - the biggest client of goods by air carrier Cathay Pacific, because Apple prefers a high rate, albeit at a high price. The benefit is that the goods can be delivered from China in the US for 15 hours instead of 30 days and instantly go on sale, as well as the plane is much safer, because it can not be attacked pirates.
4. Macintosh - it's sort of apples
Macintosh from Apple was named after apples Jef Raskin favorite varieties. While the name was a code name for the upcoming production of the computer, Steve Jobs tried to change it to a "bicycle", which means "wheel". However, Macintosh name is firmly stuck to the end of development and in the end turned out to be on the box.
5. Promotional photo products Apple - this is not the computer graphics
Large, stunning photos of incredible High Definition Apple devices that we see on the official website and in the commercials - this is not "photoshop". In fact, hundreds of pictures, "close-up" combined into one incredibly sharp, gigantic image of imaging technology with wide dynamic range (HDRI).
6. Steve Wozniak is still working at Apple
Steve Wozniak in 1976, along with Steve Jobs created a company in the garage. Now he, in fact, does not work on Apple products, but according to the documents listed in the state and receives a salary of about $ 120,000 per year.
7. "Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow"
Sister of Steve Jobs in his speech at the funeral of his brother said that his last words, which he said, looking at his family, was: "Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow!"
8. Apple has had three founder
Few people know that Apple was the third founder - Ronald Wayne. He drew the first logo of the company, wrote the original partnership agreement and the instructions in the Apple I. Soon, however, he sold his share in 10% of the total of $ 800, because I had to pay some debts.
To date, its share could be sold for $ 35 billion!
9. Thank you for the white iPod, Ive
Sir Jony Ive was behind the creation of the legendary white Apple devices such as iPod. Steve Jobs was initially opposed to the idea, but it was Johnny Quince managed to convince him to use white as the main color of Apple products.
Love to white was at Quince, even when he was a student in his native England.
10. obsession package
Apple pays packing no less attention than the products themselves. So much that at the headquarters in Cupertino, there is a special top-secret "wrapping" room.
Designers spend all their time opening the package, choosing the ones that cause the desired emotions buyer, first open the box with the new device and test hundreds of options each the smallest detail.
11. Nothing like?
In his unofficial biography Johnny Quince Linder Kani published photos iMac G4 in the box. The columns are located on the sides of the legs, which is attached to the monitor. It is said that the idea to arrange them so that all together resembled genitalia, belongs to the design team. Also, in this book there is a photo Jony Ive as a student - an extravagant hairstyle "Mallet" clearly indicates that in the young designers prefer bold and daring solutions.