As in the heat to protect the dog from overheating
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Veterinarian Darryl Phillips (Darrell Phillips) from the Center for assistance animals Mississippi shared tips for dog owners.
The hot weather is especially important to monitor the health of pets. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke can seriously harm the dogs. Unlike humans, they are not so well adapted to high temperatures. So do not take your four-legged friend on a day jogging.
"If you can do run in the heat, Does not mean that he can, and your pet, - says Phillips. - Dogs do not sweat the same way as we are, because of the wool. The only way to cool them - rapid breathing, and it helps for a short time. " Especially large breed dogs seriously: they have to be cooled for longer.
Normal temperature in dogs above human. Therefore, they quickly overheat heat.
Walk the dog at dawn and after sunset, or as close to that time. When walking in the heat required to take a pet for water, better with ice. If you have to leave the dog in the street, find a place where there is shade.
Buy a special cooling pad or make it yourself. To do this, put a cold wet towel on the plastic bag.
While walking in the heat watch for the state of the pet. "If the dog is breathing hard, anxious, she increased salivation, or changing the color of the gums, it may be signs of heat stroke, - says Phillips. - And if the temperature rises to 40 ℃, it is time to take action. "
First of all, try to cool the animal. Phillips advises paw wipe cloth soaked in cold water, and better still entirely lowered into the water. Pour cold water on the dog's neck. Try to bring the temperature to 39.4 ℃ and contact your veterinarian.
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