As it often happens with me, I bought into the annotation of the book - "iKona. Steve Jobs "," truthful, realistic description of the phenomenon of Apple [...] received the copy of the manuscript for review, the company is forbidden to sell in all Apple stores book publisher Wiley & Son ยป. Why she did it, it is clear from the first page.
Authors Jeffrey Young and William Simon, deeply studied the life and work of Steve Jobs. According to them, a young man and a young man he was a respectable scum. Even as a child Jobs "dictated" rules. At first, parents, forcing them to move to a new place of residence, and then friends.
Apple Founder presented as hard head, to intervene in all aspects of the work. He is hysterical (costs nothing to yell at a subordinate because of a trifle, or even cry), capable of deception, meanness and intrigue.
At times, the book resembles tabloids reading, or watching the program "Maximum". In his quest to find the "hot" facts in the biography of Jobs, the authors go too far - even mention that Steve relieves stress, lowering his feet in the toilet bowl and drain the water. Is it important to know me?
Reading "iKona" constantly catch yourself thinking, "How Jobs, who according to the author does not understand details technologies and with whom it is very difficult to work, was able to create Apple's, letting out great products? ". Young and Simon did not give an answer. Yes, they mention the performance of Jobs, his leadership qualities and unique flair in respect of human emotions, but it seems to me that this is not enough.
Nevertheless, the book is worth the time spent on reading - the most interesting chapter is devoted to the creation and establishment of the studio Pixar.
Book "iKona. Steve Jobs "in the Russian translation has issued the publishing house" Eksmo "in 2007.