Dozer - for macOS application that hides the icons in the system tray
Macos / / December 25, 2019
Trey in line macOS menu - great convenient and informative thing. In addition to the date and clock, launch buttons Siri and Spotlight, manage Wi-Fi and Bluetooth in the menu bar, you can settle much more useful applications.
However macOS menu bar, there is one drawback - the system does not know how to hide unused icons (unlike Windows). If you are carried away by adding all sorts of goodies tray, they will take away too much space. This does not give pleasure to those who are sitting at a miniature MacBook Air - on small screens swollen macOS tray does not look very aesthetically pleasing.
To rectify the situation by hiding those icons that are temporarily not needed, help Dozer. The app is absolutely free and has open source.
Download the DMG file-Dozer, open it and drag the application in the Applications folder. Then run Dozer. On your menu bar, two points will appear in the system tray.
Press CMD and drag one of the points so that it "cut off" unwanted items from the tray that you use regularly. Dozer second point, drag in the same way at any convenient place for you (for example, close the notifications panel to the switch).
By the way, while holding CMD can drag not only Dozer, but also all the icons - you can choose what to hide and what to leave.
Now click on any of the Dozer points, and those icons that will be left of it, will be hidden. Click the point again, and they will be back.
To open a Dozer settings, right-click on any of the points. In the settings you can assign a keyboard shortcut to toggle the icons of your choice and include Dozer autorun at system startup.
Try Dozer, and see how much cleaner and neater looks macOS menu bar.
Download Dozer →