5 best apps for the repost to Instagram
Tips / / December 19, 2019
1. Repost for Instagram
The application has many useful features and has an intuitive interface. There's even a built-in guide with videos.
To share a post, you need to copy the link to it. You will notice, and after clicking on it will open the screen with the image, ready for publication.
By default, the application adds to the picture name of the account from which you do repost, but also copies the signature of the original post. To get rid of the watermark and advertising in the application will have to buy a Pro-version for 260 rubles.
Price: Free
2. Repost Photo & Video for Instagram
In this application, too, need to copy the link to the publication, to make it a repost. It also picks up a text description of the original. You can view the history of recent posts.
To remove the watermark from the user's name, do not need to pay. Also in the program is implemented conveniently choose images and videos in posts, consisting of several elements. All of them are displayed separately, and you just have to choose what you want to add to your account.
3. Repost via Instant
When you copy a link to the desired position, a button will appear, offering download the publication on the smartphone in the center of the screen. Then you can easily add it to your page.
If you choose a post with several elements, you can scroll to the right and to publish it in Instagram or even in another application. The saved content can be sorted into folders.
Price: Free
Price: Free
4. Repost for Instagram - Regrann
There are several modes in the application. The most convenient - "A pop-up selection box". In the program it opens automatically when you copy a link from Instagram. Then you can quickly make a repost, save the publication in the smartphone or add content to your favorites, to publish it later. These three functions are also available as separate modes.
If the post is composed of several photos or videos, you'll need to first save them in memory. As in other applications, you are free to add a watermark to the publication of the author's nickname and paste the text.
Price: Free
5. EzRepost +
This application, unlike the others, allows you to repost without copying the link. You have to sign in to your Instagram-accountThen you can view the tape and do repost right through EzRepost +.
It is possible to quickly and easily access popular publications, as well as the images that you layknuli. There is a search for users or hashtags.
At the time of publication repost signature will be automatically copied to the clipboard - you just need to insert it. Watermark with the user name are not required but can be.
To remove an application from the advertising, will have to buy a subscription. It costs 139 rubles a month.
Price: Free