As the development of artificial intelligence is changing designer profession
Work And Study / / December 25, 2019
The industry of artificial intelligence is now estimated at $ 15 billion and continues to grow. Today, about 2600 companies engaged in the development of smart technologies. It is expected that the value of the industry will grow to $ 70 billion by 2020.
And it not only attracts technology giants: USSA uses smart technology to protect personal data of its users against theft, and the company Under Armor MyFitnessPal application is connected to Watson IBM, so that users can get as much as possible with accurate information about the state of their health.
For designers of artificial intelligence opens up opportunities. Although in this area will be in demand skills that a good designer is already there, and so, a lot more have to learn: to understand the sociology, psychology, biology, and put into practice the knowledge statistics. One creative approach and attention to detail is not enough. By and designers have to adapt. Now it's time to think about how will be working on projects in the future.
Why artificial intelligence - a powerful tool for the designer
First, a few words about why designers should take the AI with open arms. The best designers have always understood that a good product must meet the user's needs, but it needs a good understanding of human behavior. But historically, that designers are able to offer solutions that would satisfy the majority of users in a specific situation, rather than each individual constantly.
Artificial intelligence is a change. It will allow designers to not only meet, but also to anticipate the needs of the individual user. Imagine a mirror in the bathroom, which regulates the lighting in the room depending on the individual level of stress. Or a robot that helps in learning and adjusts the plan of the child classes if he was tired or unable to concentrate. With artificial intelligence products and services will perform not only its direct functions. Awareness of emotions allow us to offer the best solution for every user.
time to learn
Design today is associated mostly with the humanities. But the designer, who will work with artificial intelligence need to broaden your horizons.
The new data appear in today's mobile touch-world non-stop. Disciplines such as statistics, Extracting information from the data array processing theory and analysis of data needed to find patterns in numbers. Technological community has paid much attention to machine learning, that is trying to teach machines to make decisions, starting from such laws. Therefore, the designer should be understood mathematical methods to use the information in the design.
Artificial intelligence has to interact differently with the user, for example, at two o'clock and two o'clock in the morning. If the time is unusually late, it is likely that the user is upset because can not sleep. Or oars, because the drink. Or panic, because there was something extraordinary. It is important to pay attention to it.
Designers should understand that users can really react differently to different situations. And so their plan will depend upon such factors as the mood of the user, location, and even that was for lunch today. This will require a deep understanding of human psychology.
One of the biggest disadvantages of artificial intelligence systems is that they can upset the user. And people are not prone to the same understanding about the machines with which they relate to each other. Artificial intelligence, which will be able to quickly and accurately understand the user's request or intention from the context, circumstances and emotional state, will be key value.
Designers need to consider when artificial intelligence will be considered as a separate part of the community and whether it will happen at all. Whether or not to give the names of such systems Siri, Cortana and Alexa and whether they differ from each other? Or such name - it's just a brand? It will be like the intellectual environment? Is it possible to allow various artificial intelligence to communicate and interact with each other? Whether artificial intelligences network to become an independent company will be able to? And will such a society subject to change due to people using the system?
This means that designers need to understand in great sociological theories and to apply this knowledge in practice in intelligent systems.
Synthetic biology - a new direction in science: scientists combine biomolecular components in the new structure and network and change the DNA of living organisms. This means that in the future designers and architects will be able to use natural material for clothing and construction of buildings.
Artificial intelligence will raise the synthetic biology to a new level, allowing living organisms to grow and change on machine learning principles. For example, look at the Ginkgo Bioworks, a startup that designs robots for constructing genes. Recently, the company raised $ 100 million for business expansion. One customer Ginkgo Bioworks, perfumery company, requested the startup display synthetic rose oil, to be able to cease to produce it from the real roses.
The boundary between artificial intelligence and real life is becoming increasingly blurred. And soon, the designers have to learn how to use living organisms to create smart objects and environments. A thorough understanding of biology and ethics play an important role in this.