How to stop being afraid Mondays and love my job
Work And Study / / December 25, 2019
What determines, you will be pleased to come to the office or not? In the service Company "Button"With a modern outlook in all plans believe that make customers happy, you can only after the employees happy. Here are 10 techniques that are based on real experiences, which help make the office "the most pleasant word in the vocabulary."
The company "Button"
Provides accounting and legal services, provides services to the business and banking assistant. Despite his youth ( "Button" works only one year), the company receives about 20 applications for connection to the day since its inception has helped bring 12 business projects.
Since the success of the company depends entirely on the customer and the relationship with them, the leaders of "buttons" have found a right path:
Any service - it is primarily people, and if you want to create a long and happy relationship with customers, you quickly realize that you will have to start to make their employees happy.
These ideas are not new, they have been copied from other companies, but it settled down, and successfully used so far:
These ideas we shamelessly copied during friendly visit office Zappos, and some brought to our office service guru Dee Cooper of Virgin Atlantic. They work there, and we see no reason why they can not work here. At least, there is no reason not to try.
And this is how it is being implemented.
Make a cozy office
Dull office discourages wake up in the morning, mediocre environment makes people mediocre. Make your workplace a comfortable and you do not want to leave home.
It is believed that a beautiful and comfortable office - the lot of creative agencies or levels of "Yandex" company. We have not yet earned his first instagram so expensive designs, malachite tables and oak parquet - not for us.
When our guys call in the new room, we give them a free hand, and 100 000 rubles - they can choose the finish, break down the walls, furniture order, drag the carpet for grandma selfie.
All you need - a couple of people with a sense of beauty and a trip to the "Ikea". The easiest way to understand what you are on the right track - ask yourself, would you do something like this at home.
Do not get attached to the place
The force of habit is destroying creativity, it starts with the small things. Make your mobile workplace, and every day the brain will thank you for new incentives.
Optionally, nailing his chair to the laminate! Instead of reading Facebook tape make a permutation, put his desk across the corridor, and when it draw the attention of the employer, promise to work well and have a laptop - they have long ceased to be luxury.
The "button" you can go to work in the kitchen, in sports and games room, frostbitten on the roof of the office or work in the cave, where the leaders are sitting. This makes it possible to change the situation and get a fresh perspective on their problems with the perspective of someone who does not understand anything. Thus are born great ideas.
Work in mixed groups
Professionalism - is good, but it often limits your perspective and does not allow to look at things from a different angle. Call to the aid of people who do not understand what you are doing!
This advice follows from the previous one. You often decide to familiar problems of inertia and are able to do it quickly, but that does not mean that they can not be solved better.
Put aside the professional snobbery and try to discuss their work with colleagues from a neighboring department. The "buttons" are all working together - this is the main idea of the service.
Working as a team, an accountant, a lawyer and a business assistant can see the pitfalls that would not have noticed, working separately. As a result of these problems would have been the head customer pain and turned nervous breakdowns of employees who are forced to listen to the negative of the quality of service.
Beat the routine
Much of your work day - a routine, it is impossible to make a nice, but you can make sure that it is not bored and did not discourage the desire to wake up in the morning.
Bring a favorite toy to the office. Will fit all: darts, basketball hoop, a set of courses. How does this help to cope with the routine?
In the office, "Buttons" there are several scooters, skate, three guitars, a set of 74 Lego four hookah and one cat.
It is necessary to dislodge the primary documents from a couple of dozen counterparties our client? I take the portable, saddle scooter and try to count how many laps around the office takes one conversation.
Does not converge balance Crash base 1C, hand nerves? Invoke the aid of the healing power of Knopkokota. Protracted argument with a colleague? Shoot at him with an arrow. All this does not prevent a drop of work - at the same time you spend thinking about the fate of heavy and unfair bosses.
Take on more responsibility
Let's be honest: the employees for the employer - it's a problem. They need to motivate, encourage and inspire. Make yourself pleasant and boss, start to do more than is expected of you. It will pay off.
Nobody will be able to motivate the employee, if he does not want it. Work - a third of your life, do not you wish to live it aimlessly? Try to understand what your company, learn business objectives, key metrics and indicators.
Whether you're a designer, developer or marketer, it will significantly expand horizons and useful in the future. And by the way, it is incredibly interesting.
We make sure that every person in the "button" is well understood business processes, could find any number or fact and to participate in any dvizhuha, where he deems it useful.
Every day we spend scrum meetings every two weeks - a presentation that has made every team. Every second, you can go to the marketer, HR or chief, ask any question and to be sure that the answer will be more meaningful than "none of your business, pathetic% jobtitle%!» It helps children to understand why they are doing what do.
Be yourself
Nobody likes bosses (except other superiors, and then only in the event that they do not conflict). We know the easiest way to get rid of the guards on the job. All that is needed - to work hard.
You do not need a boss in time to wash the dishes and do the cleaning at home, because you know that besides you no one will. Try to resolve all operational issues, not redirecting them "upstairs." You will be surprised when the boss will stop to look at the monitor over your shoulder and begin to trust you.
The "buttons" are now working 82 person (and 1 cat): 20 accountants, 12 business assistants, 6 lawyers, 12 programmers, 4 designer and interfeysologa, 3 leader and 25 more helpful people, including 0 managers, heads of department and other important posts.
Guys can not blame ordinary questions to supervisors, do it yourself, get an incredible experience and are happy that no one is above the soul.
Life without routine for all
In "Button" from time to time use third-party services and professionals are not always satisfied with the attitude. Understanding the nature of the service and interaction with customers, they know how difficult this business, and try to do better.
Our job - to deliver entrepreneurs from the routine, but I want to go ahead and do so that she did not unhappy, and others. Then Russia will have more good service, and we too will be satisfied customers.
If you want to make sure that they got it, come to visit or leave the application on the website of "Button" with a phone number and a code word "Layfhaker". You will be pleased:
We are pleased to communicate, answer tricky questions and free help to solve some business problems.