5 obstacles that hinder make a hobby a profession
Work And Study / / December 25, 2019
Doing things you love and earn money at the same time. It would seem that for some reason it is not that at all? After all, if a person is "lit" affair, he will definitely achieve success in it. However, even in this scenario, we are faced with obstacles that prevent the dream a reality.
My love of travel and blogerstvu long been a hobby for which I spent scraps of free time. Initially, due to the fact that we had to learn, and after that - to earn a living in other work. But a few years ago I decided to change things and to turn his hobby into a main occupation, that I will make money. Six months later, my efforts, I received the first positive result - editor's work in Internet projects, even after a year - has linked its activities with travel. Now I think of these events as something incredible, but to do that I had to work hard, especially in the first stage. And now I can identify the main stumbling blocks that have prevented me and, I think, is separated many from being able to turn really favorite hobby into a profession.
5 obstacles that hinder turn a hobby into a profession
Enjoy the process
I enjoy the fact and have a hobby to get satisfaction from the classes. This approach is ideal in order to spend time to cheer yourself up and get away. But often we fixate too much on the process, believing that once the dreams themselves become a reality. It is not enough just to love to write, photograph or travel, it is important to determine what exactly would you like to earn a living in this area - to determine the own goal.
How to decide: Specify measurable goal and outline the options, as you can come to it. At this point, do not limit yourself, write all possible and impossible solutions that come to mind. Love to travel? Determine exactly what you want to do - to provide travel services, a blog and write about new places, or create a new service for travelers. You want to create a website about "something something interesting?" Specify what will be specifically to broadcast your life, and for whom, in what would be its characteristics and value to the readers.
Lack of self-discipline
A hobby - it's not the lesson, where we are used to drive yourself in the frame. Therefore, since we often fuse with grabs for a new idea, and then to throw it quietly. The reasons for this may be many - tired, heavy, there is no time or inspiration (inspiration for later). In such cases, many of us begin again satisfied with the process (see. paragraph 1), or push the goal in the distant future.
How to decide: Can not cope with it - the obligation to help you. Find a partner or a customer, who will have to provide a specific result, take some of the tasks on a freelance or take part in another project, even on a free basis. Several years ago, this approach has helped me to develop myself in a totally new for me in journalism and content. I just started to write a certain amount of materials for the internet portal.
From inspiration to inspiration
It helps to come up with inspiration and do incredible things. But workflow inspiration can not be built, because today it can be, and tomorrow - no. And what to do when the "is not"? Just wait? And if the muse will come back in a week or a month? In this case, a high probability that all the plans and goals will go down the drain.
How to decide: Create the conditions for his inspiration. Think, for what it is you're doing, how much effort has already been made and that you will receive as a result. All the same, "do not go"? Remove all distractions, concentrate on what you love to do, think out the promotion and use those things inspire you the most: check what has been done, or flip through your plan, look some inspirational videos or turn music. Dream a little, praise yourself and start doing.
No one in the neck does not drive
Why rush when deadlines we set ourselves. Want - are working, and want - no. We are entitled to change your schedule or make a time-out just to be lazy or do something else. And perhaps everything should be done differently? Which option to choose? The selection and the fear of making a mistake - the real villains. This to me was a lot of times.
How to decide: Do not hesitate and take action. In any case there are several options, we just need to make a decision and choose one of them. If you fail, you do differently. Do not relax and do not invent excuses next. Adhere to the defined schedule, rush to realize his dream into reality.
So if I am good?
Putting the soul in any activity, sometimes we are too much afraid of criticism. What if my efforts will not appreciate or have someone do the same thing a hundred times better? Maybe I'm just not fit for it or I do not have talent? I remember that similar questions arise in my mind.
How to solve: instead of spending the next assessment itself, believe in yourself and start to act. Do not seek to please everyone, just do what you love, as much as possible. Not for someone, but for themselves. Adequately evaluate their work and results, listen to constructive criticism only people whose opinion matters to you. If you do not like something, it is correct.
If you want to change your life and do exactly what brings you pleasure, cease to be realistic and start dreaming. Write down your ideas and fantasize about how you would like to sell them. And then safely get down to work. And no excuses - only the goal, hard work, inspiration, training and clear "plan to take over the world." :-)