As no money to increase the efficiency of employees during a crisis scenario eLearning
Work And Study / / December 25, 2019
Integrators and business coaches in the crisis - that dead a poultice
The culprit of the epidemic labor impotence in times of crisis - anxiety. So consider not Aby who, as employees of leading Russian recruitment agencies. They advise, "Just communicate, even in small doses, with their subordinates, teach them, improve their qualifications in the midst of a crisis, and you will see how cheerfully they will rivet you to grow indicators. Note material investments this takes the minimum "- enthusiastically summarize HR-pros.
Leaders of big business in our homeland already have realized, what benefits they can bring this simple technique - training. And the most seasoned web Sharks know that today there is a simple and effective way to train employees (read: - to motivate), not bothered cumbersome applications without hiring new staff or trainers coaches.
To hell with hired consultants and optimizers that require space fees! Fuck integrators with their arcane and cumbersome approaches expensive solutions! During the crisis, concentrate on the essentials, debug business processes and survive. Just use eLearning - eLearning - corporate education format in the crisis began to gain enormous popularity.
According to Vladimir Shcherbakov, co-founder of the Russian platform for online learning TeachbaseNow time is hard, customers save not so much on the specialized solutions, and pencils and plastic cups. "We give the opportunity for inexpensive high-level organized in eLearning company for employees. That is our customers motivate staff and at the same time save money. Yes, I'm not afraid to admit: we have a crisis, it appears at hand! But just because we are the anti-crisis solution ", - says Vladimir.
Who already use eLearning?
In the US, for example, the eLearning market today is 91 billion dollars, and in Europe in 2011. More half of all businesses in the country have their own units that were engaged only in electronic training. But otvedom envious eyes of the West, and we note that in Russia for the last couple of years for many large companies were the first running-in online learning. And in recent months of the crisis, these companies fully experienced all the buns that format. Take, for example, four of the case.
- Corporation "Siberian health." Manufacturer and retailer of nutritional supplements and cosmetics. Adaptation courses for beginners, a course on sales techniques.
- The network of medical laboratories invitro. Five years of use eLearning: introductory courses for beginners, testing staff, webinars.
- Shoe retailer Mascotte. More than a year using eLearning: webinars.
- "Kimberly-Clark" - an international corporation, the world's largest manufacturer of household paper products, products for personal and industrial hygiene. More than a year using eLearning: educational films, testing of employees.
These companies are quite different approaches to eLearning, but the implementation happens c using the same platform - Teachbase. Specialists have we learned the subtleties of the process of corporate education of these companies, and brought artless formula that ...
What should be the online training in crisis?
There are five basic requirements to eLearning, which make it a true motivator of staff.
1. cloud Solutions
As already mentioned, integrators forest are underway: their complex solutions, and businesses need specific services that solve the problem, but do not perform indirect tasks. To develop their own, and even in a crisis - suicide.
Larisa Soboleva, "Siberian health":
The "Siberian health" powerful IT-department. But, when we ourselves have tried to implement the functionality is now transmitted Teachbase, understood: it is much more effective and cheaper to give this function is outsourced to us.
Irina Praksina, Mascotte:
We have calculated the budget implementation of similar features on their own, and it amounted to 200 thousand rubles. Ready to use platform turned out to be much more profitable.
And it becomes clear that the most effective option - cloud solutions. And all less relevant for businesses free or shareware platform: its extreme cheapness is often accompanied by elementary incapacity in the case of corporate eLearning. Thus, limited audience reach, no deep analytics capabilities to record and squander webinars and so on.
Irina Praksina, Mascotte:
After the webinar, we get a link to the free download, and it's very convenient. Plus, we can repeatedly review and squander the recording during playback.
Another vague and partial option - additional features of Skype and similar programs, but it is a solution for absolutely bold and greedy.
Irina Praksina, Mascotte:
I can not in this case both to speak and to show the presentation. Finally, it does not always have the opportunity, if you gather a large group of students, to connect video, as shown by my practice.
Larisa Soboleva, "Siberian health":
Using Skype implies participation of a particular person, which will be aired. Us, it is fundamentally not satisfied.
2. Limiting simplicity of the interface and usability
During the crisis, everyone is full of workloads, and everyone wants to give all the best to the full - almost run out into the street and sell their wares to passers-services. Under these circumstances, workers are trying to show the boss their success not to be dismissed.
At the same time the authorities can be no doubt that online learning in their spare time - at home - It will be used to the maximum just above for two reasons: on the work once and achieve high as necessary.
Here, the management just need to take care of the simplicity and convenience of eLearning process, staff do not have to waste precious time and effort on intricate interfaces.
Irina Koroleva, director of the Higher School of Medicine invitro:
Invitro staff - nurses of different ages is not necessarily young people who on the one-two controlled by a computer. We need to fundamentally ease of use: the listeners, and students do not spend much time reading all that much press.
3. Maximum different formats
Man should be interesting to learn, and the one who teaches knowledge should serve utilitarian formats - in the form of webinars, courses, films, tests, and so on. eLearning platform that selects the company must offer the maximum possible distance learning formats. Here, in particular, it includes the ability to learn through mobile applications.
Irina Praksina, Mascotte:
Webinars connect, for example, when there is a new loyalty program that starts the action or there was a new test and so on. Who can - look online, the rest are the records.
Larisa Soboleva, "Siberian health":
With the help of the training course "Technology Sales" promote new products and promotional items - get good leverage to obtain feedback. Some of the staff I had never seen in her eyes, and the effect is!
Andrew Komizerko, development manager competencies in sales, "Kimberly-Clark Russia":
If the platform provides the opportunity to receive the training content is not only PCs, but also through smartphone or tablet, then this learning tool there is no price at the expense of mobility and simplicity use.
4. The opportunity to try and pick the right moment
Products on the market trying!
Perhaps the company is afraid to throw the bat. Then you must first break in the system, and then switch to full professional rates. The solution is simple: ask for the potential SaaS-providers "probes" - to probe the capabilities of the system to free fees or negotiate on the pilot project. In the same Teachbase half of the clients first start and the pilots when they see good results, will start already on a permanent basis.
Andrew Komizerko, "Kimberly-Clark Russia":
The pilot launch, we just watched how it works. It was important that all employees - from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad - said: "Yes, do not hang, and we are all clear." We've put together a focus group feedback received from them, and then just laid on a platform of learning content.
Another feint ears - you can negotiate with providers on the temporary use of the system: podgadat and hold Training in this month, pay for it, say, 10 thousand rubles, and after 3-4 months to return to process. Convenient and profitable. And we are in a crisis it is not!
5. The ability to receive analytics, track results
Finally, remember: traffic control online courses and webinars, detailed statistical reporting, feedback - an invaluable tool head.
If SaaS-platform does not provide such an opportunity, boldly push the such a platform! If it is impossible to evaluate the results of online learning, as they all realize that it is effective?
Irina Koroleva, invitro:
The most valuable information in the platform - is the ability to monitor the statistics of training. You can trace how much time people spent on testing, what questions he answered incorrectly, see the summary statistics for - the weakest points of our employees.
Larisa Soboleva, "Siberian health":
Every year we are measuring involvement of our employees, and from the beginning of e-learning, this figure has grown considerably, as evidenced by the results of internal corporate investigations and measurements.
Five simple rules - a pledge that now, in the crisis, the company's employees will not lose his presence of mind with the help of modern tools eLearning. He seemed a sign that everyone needed the company, there is no reason for apathy at work, but there is an additional incentive and the possibility of self-development... In this context, a strange expression "The crisis - a time of opportunity" really becomes a practical meaning.
Larisa Soboleva, "Siberian health":
Reduced turnover, reduced costs for mentors, and even as a result of increased number of positive reviews from customers. The original purpose - to improve the level of service - we definitely achieved.
Irina Koroleva, invitro:
Now I gave the job to colleagues to optimize corporate training and everything that can fit in an online format, without delay, to translate it.