How to take the place of his boss
Work And Study / / December 25, 2019
Until you or your company does not create a new job for you, or you decide to leave the current place of work, the chance to rank your boss are low. In addition, even if your boss will go on increasing, there is no guarantee what you will get his position.
To your candidacy had the best chances, go as follows:
1. Find a job
2. Prepare a replacement
The first point implies to learn all that makes your boss to the last detail. What his work schedule, what problems await him every day, and how he deals with them, where he receives the information. How do I know this? Just ask him. Let him know that you are prepared in advance. It is important that it is seen in this your quest is not a threat but an opportunity to move up the career ladder.
The surest way to your career stagnation - a flawless execution of their work so that no one could replace you. So if you want to go on improving, begin to prepare a replacement. Share your secrets with one or two colleagues, where do you see the potential to take your position.
Show your boss and the company that you're more than ready for a new position and a better salary. Good luck!