4 questions to help you see if you are satisfied with your career
Work And Study / / December 25, 2019
During your holiday, you can not only relax and recharge, but also to think about your career and your goals in life. Try to ask yourself these four questions to find out is whether the direction you are moving.
1. I happy in their work?
We all have difficult days, when you want to drop everything, it is quite natural. But think, if gives you pleasure your normal daily work? Do you look forward to the end of the holiday to work on new projects? Try to determine what tasks you perform with pleasure, and think about whether it is possible to deal with them more often.
If you can not think about returning to work without fear, then perhaps it's time you look for something new.
2. my career is developing in what direction?
Most difficult to answer the question of where they see themselves in five years, because they do not think about it. Of course, there is no time to plan in advance when you head over heels in cases where there are always new goals and your industry is developing rapidly. So leave - this is just the perfect time to reflect on whether or not the direction you are moving in the right.
Imagine what skills you still need to get in order to succeed. Are there people who can help you develop these skills? Maybe it's time to improve their skills and to pass any courses? Perhaps even your company can pay part of such training. Think about who you can learn it.
3. Who do I need to meet?
Colleagues - not only those who work with you in the same company, it is also all the people of your profession. Look for a professional community in which you can start. They can learn about the latest trends in your industry and share experiences with people who deal with the same problems as you.
In addition, think about with any of the colleagues at the current place of work would you like to network and how to do it.
4. What am I missing?
It's great if the work gives you a sense of purpose and satisfaction, but about hobby also do not forget. They are energized and the steam valve, which allows to release the accumulated work strain. In addition, it is an excellent opportunity to interact with people from other fields of activity.
Remember, what hobbies you abandoned due to lack of time, or try something completely new.