Few orders and pay a penny, why scared to go on freelancing and what to do
Work And Study / / December 25, 2019
Fear number 1: "I will not have orders. I die of hunger in the prime of life! "
The bad news: the door the office has no queue of customers who are waiting for you to finally be able to work with them. The good news: if you do not sit in one place, you will find the work itself.
What to do
To begin, collect portfolio - all of your professional accomplishments and projects, which is proud of. If you master the new skills, suitable training and work: the customer has to see what you can do.
Tell us about yourself: help and a simple website to Tilda, and Public on the social network, even channel Telegram. Then go to the search for customers: Learn and exchange community for freelancers, put there links to your portfolio and do not be afraid to write first to potential customers.
Fear number 2: "I do not know how much money to ask for a job. A lot to me no one will pay, will have to eat roach "
Beginners are difficult to assign a fair price for their services. In the future, it does not bode well: there is a risk that will choke the flow of orders, but get paid for their work pennies.
What to do
Calculate how much is an hour of your work. How it might look: suppose you are working on five days for 8 hours a day and get paid for it 35 thousand rubles a month. This October, you have 184 working hours: divide 35,000 by 184 and get 190 rubles. If you want to earn 60,000 rubles, the cost of one hour under the same conditions will be 326 rubles.
When ASSUME major project and agree on payment, think how much time it will go, and multiply that by the cost of the working hours. Get the approximate amount by which you can throw ratio for the complexity or, on the contrary, give a small discount.
sometimes you can work with well-known customers for little money, but instead to gain valuable experience and a cool place in the portfolio. Consider it an investment that will pay off in the future.
Fear number 3: "Freelancers have to pay taxes. Or not. A-ah, too difficult! "
The office work is no problem: with taxes understands the employer, and employees get money on hand after deduction of compulsory payments. Freelancers have to take the fuss with taxes.
You can work in the background and not have to pay nothing to the state, but it's history for fans to tickle your nerves. If the bank is interested in that money regularly coming to your account, it has the rightFederal Law "On counteraction to legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and terrorist financing" from 07.08.2001 N 115-FZ block the card to ascertain the circumstances. You will need to prove that everything is clean, and not words, and documents. In the tax also be asked, have to payArticle 14.1 of the Administrative Code. Entrepreneurial activity without state registration or without a special permit (license) the penalty for work without being registered as individual entrepreneurs and to reimburseArticle 113 of the Tax Code. The limitation period for prosecution for tax offenses of tax debts for three years.
What to do
Do not take the sin on the soul, and work according to the law. Freelancer can register as self-employed or an entrepreneur. Experiment with self-employment so far goes to Moscow, Tatarstan, Moscow and Kaluga regions. If you work with individuals, you will payFederal law "On the experiment to establish a special tax regime" tax professional income "to federal cities of Moscow, in the Moscow and Kaluga regions, as well as in the Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) "from 27.11.2018 N 422-FZ 4% of revenues, with legal - 6%.
When operating as a sole proprietor or choose the simplified taxation system patent. If your activity does not require large expenses, you can pay uproschonkeSimplified tax system 6% of revenues.
For some jobs (such as tutoring, software development or transfer) is suitableThe patent system of taxation patent system. The amount of tax is dependent on the potential annual revenue.
Work for yourself is easier than it seems. If you still scared intensive Layfhakera Academy will tell you how to go freelance and work legally. The course "Freelance from zero to first order"Starts on November 14 and will last two weeks.
Over 18 lessons, you get ready to work on freelancing, you learn how to formalize their activities in According to the law, learn to look for customers, competently enter into contracts and to develop with them personal brand. Bonus - a selection of books and channels that help to develop and find profitable orders.
The course is designed freelancers practitioners with extensive experience. educational projects director Sergei Layfhakera Bolis working on freelancing and udalonke 13 years, content marketing and editor Mile Kotljarova seven years of freelancing and project lead of the remote operation Digital Broccoli, and email- and CRM-marketing Anastasia Zielke has been freelancing since 2012 of the year.
Learn how to work on a freelance
Fear number 4: "Freelancer - it does not work. I also laugh at home! "
Do others really can arise claims from the series "Petechka fellow, working in the office, and you just know that the Internet to push the buttons ", but who said that it is necessary for them listen? You work hard to get good money and live the way you want to, and not a neighbor from the fifth floor or second cousins cousin from Lipetsk.
What to do
For all you say your work. Revenue growth, cool customers and interesting projects, free graphics and the ability to build your working day, rather than sitting in the office from start to finish - is worthy arguments to justify the transition to freelancing. In the end, the one who decided to work for themselves, deserves more respect than people, year after year, living out of inertia.
Fear number 5: "I have no experience udalonki. Work from home - it's all like "?
At first, the complexity can be: it is necessary to hand over the project, but instead want to lie, and clothes would be nice to pat. The work is worth, and you are buried in procrastination and willing to do anything, not deeds.
What to do
Work at freelancing - it is also a job. In fact, it is not much different from what you do in the office: is the problem, you need to solve it by a certain time, and during that give money.
The obvious option - the usual schedule of 9 to 18 with a break for lunch, but nobody forbids to experiment. You may work best in the early morning or late afternoon. If so, then warn the home, that at this time they did not stick to you and you can focus on business. Focus help "Tomato" technique: smash the working time on half-hour intervals, of which 25 minutes of work and 5 minutes of rest.
Fear number 6: "In the office, a stable salary, and freelance will have to be interrupted from order to order"
All true, freelancer no one pays simply for the fact that he was a good boy and spent the whole day at the computer. On the other hand, and beg your boss pay more it is not necessary if not enough money, you can take on a couple of projects, or to learn how to properly dispose of the budget.
What to do
Sounds boring, but excluding revenues and expenses in freelance nowhere. Money can flow away quietly on things like another cup of coffee, punching a hole in the budget. Find out how much money you need in the life is worth more in the office when there is a fixed income. Podobote result of a couple of months - will realize how much you need to earn, not to count pennies.
Pre-create yourself airbag and refill it regularly. If new orders will not, pillow helps to stay afloat. Ideally, every month you should be some amount that can be put off for a bright future, so do not rush to spend everything you earn.
Fear number 7: "Since my specialty is not to freelancing job. And have a lifetime cuckoo in the office "
Part of this fear is justified: for example, the office manager, who is busy with papers and meets the company's guests, to work remotely is almost impossible. However, the list of professions, firmly attached to the office, not so great. On the go freelanceHow many of us freelancers and where they work: Survey Results Not only journalists and designers, but also lawyers with accountants and IT specialists. Even operators of call centers can easily work from home.
What to do
To get started, try to combine the basic work and freelancing. It will not be easy, but realize suits from home if you work format or still without live communication too hard.
Another plus a smooth transition: when you want to get away from the office, you will already have a pool of customers and distinct portfolio reviews. So, to find new projects will be easier: you do not just randomly applicant, as a freelancer with experience, albeit small.
To prepare for departure from the office to the free bread helps intensive "Freelance from zero to first order». It is based on the experience of employees Layfhakera: many of us are freelancers, and some are still working remotely.
Intensive helps you understand which direction to choose work, to learn to communicate with customers and operate efficiently without compromising privacy. The course consists of 13 lessons and 5 videozanyaty with experts, as well as a gift, you will get a video tutorial on creating websites to Tilda - in case you do not know until now where the place Portfolio.
Intensive cost - from 1790 rubles. All lessons are stored in your personal account during the year, so you can read them in any strange situation. If you are afraid that it would be difficult to choose the intensity with personal tutor. He is always in touch, answer any questions and help you quickly overcome the path from novice to seasoned freelancer.
Enroll in intensive
Fear of number 8: "And if I catch up with burnout? We'll have to drop everything and go back to the office? "
Often burnout - resultJob burnout: How to spot it and take action excess stress and impaired balance work and life. And yes, freelancers, too, may face with.
Plus and minus at the same time work to freelancing - you define the boundaries of the working day. The theory sounds nice: worked in the morning and in the evening - well-deserved rest. In fact, it turns out otherwise. You are constantly distracted by household chores, and then discover that there is a time to midnight, and work more fully.
What to do
Save a clear timetable. Work work, but you need to leave time to relax, otherwise, sooner or later will meet with burnout.
If every day you sit up late to work, clean up in business. Perhaps we should abandon projects which do not bring a special profit and pleasure, and look for something new and interesting. Just in time for this event is useful to financial airbag.
Fear number 9: "I think I do not know how. At freelancing I vividly expose! "
Looks like it's you whispers impostor syndrome. You do not believe in yourself, afraid of difficult projects and live in fear that fraud is about to be revealed, and you kicked out. It's simple: if you were really bad specialist, it would long ago have floated to the surface. What do you think, would be to keep your company in the state of amateur? That's right, for the beautiful eyes no one is paid.
What to do
Take it for a fact that if you are a few years working in the specialty, so at least something to understand it. Failures happen at all, but this does not mean that you need to shake your nerves for each school to work.
Switch on your achievements and do not hesitate to ask for customer feedback on their work. There's nothing out of the ordinary: you have coped with the project, the client liked it, so why not leave a review of a good freelancer?
If you still scared Suck skills. Let now far from ideal, but you can learn something new and become better.
Fear of number 10: "A client will suddenly inadequate? Refuse - will sit without money "
Sometimes really have to work with strange customers who leave a ton of edits and changing requirements every day. Plus freelancing is that you are not forced to waste time arguing with them.
What to do
Before you agree to a draft study reviews about the customer. If you know that he likes to throw money or asked to redo the project over and over again, sign a contract, which spelled out the terms of payment and the number of possible revisions.
You feel that you can not work - carry out the order and stop cooperation. This is not the office, no one will drive you to the shameful record in employment. Better channel the energy to find customers who are pleasant to work with than suffer day after day - you do not leave this office.