All you need to know about olive oil
Tips / / December 19, 2019
How to choose the olive oil? What types are there? How to test olive oil to natural? Answers to these and other issues related to "liquid gold", you will find in this article.
The author of this article is Maria OvseyetsWith which Layfhakera readers are already familiar with her article "As owls no problems getting up in the morning».
Which product called "liquid gold"? That's right, the olive oil! Namely, it is perhaps the most important component of the Mediterranean diet is so popular. She, by the way, many believe the standard of healthy eating. Magazines about health loudly chant the use of this product. They say that olive oil is much more useful than other vegetable oils. And it is not surprising that after these conversations, many are willing to pay for it more than worth it, for example, sunflower oil.
Is it worth it to overpay
Olive oil - the source antioxidants, Phosphatides, which are so important for the brain tissue, vitamin E, and K. In it there are polyunsaturated acids, but they are mainly represented by the omega-6 fatty acids. But the contents of the most useful for human omega-3 fatty acids in olive oil tends to zero. Also in linseed oil this stuff much more.
Yes and vitamin content of olive oil can not be called a benchmark. In the normal sunflower oil Russian production of vitamin E is 1.5 times greater. Otherwise, they are roughly comparable.
What does it mean? Only that the olive oil in the first place should be seen as a gastronomic product that gives a unique flavor dishes.
How to choose
If you do decide that the olive oil in your kitchen should be necessarily need to know how do not make the wrong choice.
- The bottle should be made of dark glass. Remember: olive oil stored in a dark place at a temperature of from 18 to 25 ° C. Otherwise, it will be deprived of protection from light, and it will accelerate the processes of product spoilage. On oil in plastic bottles do not pay any attention. In the process of storing chemical compounds liable to become oil plastic packagingThat would make it unsafe.
- Shelf life. If the package indicated shelf life of more than 18 months, this product is not worth taking. At the end of shelf life of samples with extended shelf life (24 months) is the probability that the useful components will be less than it was originally.
- Very good, but also the most expensive oil - products labeled P.D.O. or D.O.P.
- We look to the period of implementation has not passed for the second half.
Types of olive oil
Olive oil is divided into categories depending on the level of acidity. It shows the oleic acid content of 100 g of product. The lower the acidity, the higher the quality of the oil.
- Extra Virgin - acidity less than 1%. Suitable for salads and added to other dishes.
- Virgin - the acidity of from 1 to 2%. Suitable for salads and added to other dishes.
- Classic - the acidity of from 1 to 2%, the mixture was refined with Virgin. Suitable for frying.
- Lite - Virgin does not contain oil, but calories and fats as many. Suitable for frying.
calorific value
In all kinds of olive oil about 125 calories in one tablespoon.
How to test the oil on a natural
Open the refrigerator and place it to oil a day or two or three. If there appears a white precipitate - do not panic. This stearin. And it only shows that you have made the right choice. Tested - Bring oil in the original appearance. At room temperature, it will acquire the original transparency.