Best Cases Conference: creative advertising practices from Copenhagen
Work And Study / / December 25, 2019
On April 23, the workspace consists mainly Deworkacy creative conference for professionals in marketing, advertising and media.
Experts will present the strongest practices and reveal the secrets of the best cases. The program included the intensity of the international market leaders in the field of interactive design and visual communications.
Guests Best Cases Conference expects a full program: more than 500 participants, 40 speakers, 20 of the best advertising cases, the key insights of the advertising market, project presentations and discussions with the creators of the acclaimed campaigns.
In two halls of the speakers will talk about the latest technologies and practices of creating advertising and discuss the details of cooperation between the agency and the brand.
Leading Agency will present the main cases of the season and will mark the evaluation criteria and methods to measure the effectiveness of campaigns from advertisers. Expected project presentations about avtokorlinge and accidents during the radio broadcast, Showcase airliner, the SAP results Forum 2017, the implementation details of a successful re-branding of the service delivery of food and restyling key mobile operator.
Among the participants: RA «Sunrise», SMpolis, Marvelous, S7 Airlines, Possible Group, Kaspersky Lab, WildJam, «Yandex. Alice », Eventum Premo, SAP CIS, Granat,« Dostaevsky "," Everest "," MegaFon », Carat, BMWRussia, FriendsMoscow, Utair, Wargaming, and many others.
As part of the BCC will be held from intensive international agency Anglemap (Copenhagen, Denmark), which specializes in teaching, research, global insights, visual communications and design services.
The team will present a program focused on the analysis of cross-platform cases in outdoor advertising and digital.
Intensive Program:
- Case-stage digital-installations and static advertising OOH (Out Of Home);
- design concepts and international practice;
- prototyping and formats.
Anglemap - it's practitioners in the field of interactive design, communications, social sciences, psychology and journalism. Among the agency's clients: Google X, Singapore Arlines, LEGO, Phillip Morris International.
Intensive teachers by leading employees of the agency, industry experts and professionals from around the world:
- Lorenzo Romagnoli - interactive designer with expertise in the field of digital media and visual communications. He advises companies in Italy, the Netherlands, China, creating a design concept and working on prototyping facilities.
- Mario Siardalli - designer, focused on digital. Assists companies in identifying product and service concept, is the founder of a startup, to build a connection between fintehom and sports.
Seats on the Intensive limited, hurry up. News about the conference looking at the official group on Facebook. On all questions write on e-mail: [email protected].
to get to the BCC in 2018