20 tips on how to improve the quality of public speaking
Work And Study / / December 25, 2019
1. Always give a clear guide to action
No matter how inspiring is your speech, Any audience would prefer to learn something immediately to immediately apply new knowledge in their lives.
Inspiration - that's fine, but the use of your material has a much greater significance. So do not be afraid to say: "Today, think about the material, and tomorrow do so-and-so."
2. Do not delay answers to questions from the audience
If the question arose in the middle of your presentation, it's great: it means that someone is listening to you. Use this opportunity. If the answer to the question posed in the previous slide, go back.
The best presentation is perceived as a discussion, so never miss an opportunity to interact with the audience.
3. Ask questions that do not know the answer
When you ask questions to get people involved in the discussion, it can be felt as a compulsion. Instead, ask a question, to which the audience does not know the answer, then tell me, that they themselves do not know him.
The fact that you do not know but want to know the answer, not only makes you more simple and humane in the eyes of the public, but also makes people more attentively listen to what you're talking about.
4. Fill your mental engine
The amino acid tyrosine contained in the protein, improves cognitive abilities during stress and improves mood. So include in your diet foods before the performance, protein-rich.
And eat beforehand. When you are nervous, the food - it's the last thing you think of.
5. Burn a little cortisol
When you worry, your adrenal glands produce cortisol. This hormone restricts your creativity and ability to work with complex data.
When you attack the cortisol, it is practically impossible to read or respond to what is happening with the audience.
A simple way to reduce the amount of cortisol - exercise. Work out on the street before you go to work, take a walk at lunchtime or go to the gym shortly before the performance.
6. Create two backup plan
As a rule, the biggest source of concern - is the question, "What if ...". What if your presentation fail, someone will constantly interrupt you or your ideas to anyone not to like?
Take two of the biggest fear and create a backup plan. What will you do if the projector breaks down? What do you do if the meeting would last too long and your performance will be only a couple of minutes?
Even if your fears are not realized, the backup plan will help you perform better. The better you think through all aspects of its performance, the faster the orient, if indeed there will be something unexpected.
7. Replace superstition useful habits
Superstition invented in order to gain a sense of control over their fears. "Happy" socks do not help you better run in the competition. Putting on a "happy" thing you are trying to magically affect future events over which no control and that inspire fear.
Rather than produce superstition, do some things that help calm. Walk around the room, which will act, and get the best vantage point. Check the microphone. Nurse on your presentation to make sure once again that you are ready for action.
Select a few really useful things and get used to execute them before each performance. Familiar steps will help you gain confidence in their abilities.
8. Install the spare goal
Let's imagine that you speak to the people in the framework of the charitable program and understand that your performance is not successful. In this situation, people tend to either start too hard to try to address all the same liked, or just give up.
If your goal was to establish contact with the audience and you realize that this is not possible, try to change the target. If you have not reached your initial goal, think about what else you can get from the performance.
Replacement goal will help you stay positive and focused until the end of the performance.
9. Share emotional story
Many speakers tell stories of life, but not always, it brings obvious benefits. If the story is told by his slip only to show how far advanced the narrator, it will not cause a response from the audience.
Another thing - to tell a story that will make you emote. If you were sad, show it. If you shout, tell a story in a raised voice. If you feel remorse, let him get out.
When you show genuine emotion, there is an immediate and prolonged contact with the audience. Emotions make your performance soulful, impressive and memorable.
10. Pause for 10 seconds
Stay 2 seconds - and the audience will think you have lost your mind. Take a break for 5 seconds - and the audience decides that you stopped intentionally. After 10 seconds of silence, even those who had corresponded during your speech, raise their heads to see what was happening.
When you begin to speak again, everyone will be sure that your break was intentional and that you are confident and advanced speaker.
Unsure narrator abhors a vacuum, and only an experienced speaker feels good during silence. Make a long pause to collect his thoughts, and the audience will automatically add you points.
11. Share surprising fact
No one will say: "Yesterday, at the presentation of the Gantt chart that guy's unbelievable I was impressed." Rather, you will hear: "Yesterday I learned that, when we blush, your stomach also turns red."
Find amazing fact or unusual analogy on the subject of the report, and share with the audience. People love to be surprised. They will remember your speech and talk about it to friends and acquaintances.
12. Seek help your audience
Most speakers considered the purpose of his speech to obtain immediate benefits: for example, the promotion of the site or service, expanding the range of customers.
Thinking of speech in this way, you increase the pressure already stressful situations. Instead, strive to ensure that your speech was useful audience.
When you help people to grow professionally or trying to somehow improve their lives, and so you get the benefit of a loyal audience, popularity and new customers.
13. Do not make excuses
Now let's look at a few things that you should not do.
Because of feelings of insecurity, many speakers start their speech as follows: "I have had little time to prepare," or "I'm not very good at it."
It does not force people to take your performance better. Instead, your audience will think, "If you do not know anything, why waste my time?" Revise your speech on the subject of justification and cross out.
14. Finalized before the show
When you stand in front of an audience, the time for preparation has passed. Do not test the microphone, light control to scroll through the slide - do it in advance. If for the technical side of your performances meet the experts in advance to find out from them what to do if something goes wrong.
If, during your presentation, something went wrong, try to look confident as solving a problem (or until establishing technology equipment). When something goes wrong, the most important thing - how you respond.
15. Do not overload your slides
There is a simple rule: the font size should be twice the age of your audience. This means that the font size is between 60 and 80 points. If you can not fit on the slide all the words have to be shortened message.
16. Never read the slides
Your listeners should slide look through the slides. If they have to read, you will lose their attention. In addition, you will miss the audience, if they themselves will read the slides during the presentation.
Slides should accentuate your words, to emphasize some points of your speech, but do not be these points.
17. Conquer attention
Instead of asking people to turn off mobile devices (no one did), try fully gain their attention to them, and thought there was no check email during your performances.
Make a presentation so interesting and inspiring people to necessarily listen to it from beginning to end. The audience is not obliged to listen to you, that you have to get her to listen.
18. Always repeat audience questions
The microphone is at each speaker, but rarely available to people from the audience. Therefore, if you asked a question, be sure to repeat it for the audience before starting to answer.
Firstly, it will help all participants understand what is at stake in your reply. Second, it will give you a few seconds to find the best answer.
19. Repeat key points
Consider the structure of your presentation so that you can sometimes repeat the key points of his speech. First, explain the item and then give examples of how you can apply this information in my life, and complete description of the specific actions in accordance with the said.
Since no one can remember absolutely everything that you say, the more you repeat key points, the greater the chance that they will be delayed in the memory of your audience and will be used in life.
20. Be brief
If your speech took 30 minutes, use 25. If you were given an hour to speak for 50 minutes. Always respect the time of its audience and finish sooner.
Trying to reduce his performance at the stage of preparation, you will sharpen your speech and will remove it from all unnecessary.
Finish early and spend the remaining time answering questions from the audience. If not enough time, ask students to meet after the presentation to discuss the obscure points.
Never tighten performance. It can destroy a positive impression and leave the audience an unpleasant aftertaste.