How not to despair when seeking employment
Work And Study / / December 25, 2019
What we feel when the quest "Get a job" too long? That's right, we are nervous, bad sleep, eat a little, we have nothing in the joy, and the level of our self-esteem is poor. Finally, in desperation, we are ready to accept any job, even if a priori know that she will have to we do not like. To learn how to avoid these dire consequences, and not give up when looking for work, today we'll talk.
1. Find something that will help you to keep faith in yourself and your strength
It could be anything. Your last successful work experience. Received formation. Support Group, consisting of family and friends. Try to remember all their merits, all of which you can be proud of, from victory in a school football match and ending with a big win the tender for the last place of work.
If all else fails, then remove from the depths of their family albums kindergarten picture. Look into the eyes of this child, and remember how many promises given to him at the time: to become a pilot, the big boss, a happy man at last. It's something you certainly can not cheat, right?
2. Arrange all the i
Sometimes we can not find work simply because they do not know what it is looking for. We muttering something like: "I want to pay not less than N thousand" or "I want to work in their specialty at the university." When the fate of so helpfully teaches us something about what we are, in fact, it requested, we have a heap of grievances and doubts: "No, the salary is certainly worthy, and I studied this five years, but I'm not sure I can take on that responsibility / each weekday to come to the office, which is on the other side of town / process "and so Further.
In order not to fall into this trap, codenamed "What is asked for is what you get ', you should not be blurred representations about its future work. Take a sheet of paper and describe in detail everything that you expect from the deal of a lifetime, ranging from the size of the job and the salary and ending the presence of the office dress code and coffee machines.
Perhaps the staff of such a list, you will understand what you want too much. At least for the moment. And it's not a tragedy, and it does not mean that you have to bury their dreams, not even giving them a chance to become a reality.
In this case, it is important to keep in mind about your ideal. And know what you are willing, as long as it does not offer.
3. Remember that your life - it's not just a job search
When the pocket are the last 500 rubles, when all your friends on social networks say our moral duty to keep asking you: "Well, have found a job?" when you each hour come on sites with vacancies - very easy to make a nervous breakdown.
Yes, the search for work - this is your main priority at the moment. But do not forget that your life is. In the above cases, it takes place in agony. Yes, you are looking for a job, but that does not mean that you should throw the training, hobbies, friends - everything that brings you joy. And it is unlikely your prospective employer wants to see in his team nervous, exhausted, gloomy man that you will very soon turn into if you live only one thought - to find work.
Do not console yourself that you will live to the full, as soon find a job. If you do not know how to be happy every minute of his life, even if those moments endured by hard times, You can not be happy at all. And once you get a long-awaited work, immediately you find a multitude of other reasons for suffering.
4. Look for detours
Lack of money - this is the main reason that we agree on the work that will bring income, but no joy. If you feel that all is not lost, and you have the strength to fight - do not give up, do not settle for anything less. Secure your financial rear: Try yourself in the role Freelancer or find a temporary job with a free schedule. So you can easily search for what would you like, without worrying at the same time, that when you are invited to the next interview, you will not just money for the trip.
There is another workaround - return to the previous job, if your post still free, of course. The method, which seems to be a disaster for many people. The thought of going back to the fact of what you once grew - just wildest nightmare. Take a step back. Surrender. Play. Sign in their own powerlessness.
But do not forget:
John SteinbeckThere is nothing the enormity of what we can inspire themselves.
Most of your colleagues in a week already and do not remember that any time you are away. The earth moves, life goes on, everyone has their own problems, and if you do not Christen like a failure, then no one will.
Whichever strategy you choose, the main thing - to know his worth. Paralyzing fear, not our inability - that's what happens in most cases the real cause of our failures. Be bold enough to work not only because "so right" and "I paid for it," but because you really get a kick out of what you do.
What you once helped or helps not to despair when looking for work?