10 techniques of oratory that of normal speech make great
Work And Study / / December 25, 2019
Victoria Shilkina
Editor in chief of the electronic library of non-fikshen book reviews KnigiKratko.ru.
The appearance of the head of the company, its leadership and sales skills will determine the success of the enterprise. It is known PR specialists who write speeches for executives think through their appearance, learn to speak in public and to place accents correctly. However, even the best public relations specialist will not be able to make their own out of ordinary human bright personality, character of public speeches.
The book of James Hyumsa - famous writer, a former speechwriter five American presidents - reveals some of the secrets of oratory skills and charisma of creation. Having mastered the techniques offered by the author, you will gain confidence and learn how to easily and successfully deal with public speaking.
1. Pause
Where should begin any successful performance? The answer is simple: with a pause. No matter what you do it: detailed presentation for a few minutes or a short presentation of the next speaker - you have to make silence in the hall. Stepping to the podium, the audience inspect and fix the eyes on one of the listeners. Then mentally say to myself, first sentence and after an expressive pause start talking.
2. The first phrase
All successful speakers attached great importance to the first sentence of speech. It must be powerful and be sure to cause a positive response from the audience.
The first phrase - is, to put it the terminology of TV, "prime time" of your speech. At this point the audience is maximum in number: each person in the audience wants to look at you and know that you are a bird. After a few seconds may begin screening the audience: someone continue a conversation with a neighbor, someone utknotsya the phone and someone falls asleep at all. However, the first sentence will listen to all without exception.
3. bright start
If you have not left a bright suitable aphorism capable to rivet everyone's attention, start with the history of his life. If you have an important event or news, an unknown audience, start immediately with the it ( "Yesterday at 10 am ..."). Audience to perceive you as a leader, you need to immediately take the bull by the horns: choose a strong start.
4. the main idea
Even before you sit down to write your speech, you must define its main idea. This key point that you want to convey to the audience, should be concise, capacious, "placed in a matchbox."
Stop, look and make a plan: first, to highlight key ideas, and then can add and clarify their life examples or citations.
As Churchill said, a good speech is like a symphony: it can be performed in three different tempos, but it should be kept basic melody.
5. quotations
There are a few rules that give effect citation. Firstly, the quotation is to be close to you. Never cast an author remarks that you're not familiar, uninteresting, which you hate to quote. Second, the author must know the audience, and she quoted should be short.
You should also learn how to create an environment for the citation. Many successful speakers use such techniques: Quote before they make a break and wear glasses or else with a serious kind of read out a quotation from a card or, for example, a sheet of newspaper.
If you want to make a special impression quote, write it on a small card, take out during the performance of his wallet and read the statement.
6. Wit
Surely you many times advised to dilute the performance of a joke or anecdote. This board has some truth, but do not forget that joke joke only insults the listener.
No need to start my speech with no relevance to the situation of the anecdote ( "It seems that it is customary to begin with a joke, and so. It comes as a man to a psychiatrist... "). It is better to go quietly to his funny stories in the middle of the speech, to defuse the situation.
The author advises to check the sharpness of a joke or use the rule of three P: joke should be realistic, relevant and tell (not read).
7. Reading
speech-reading sheet with downcast eyes, to put it mildly, do not cause delight of the audience. How, then, to do? Do you need to learn a half-hour long performance? Not at all. You need to learn how to read.
The first rule of reading the speech never say the words, if your eyes are looking at the paper.
Use the SOS technique: watch - stop - say.
For exercise, take any text. Lower your eyes and mentally photograph a few words. Then lift your head and stop. Then, looking at any object across the room, tell us what is remembered. And so on: refer to the text, stop, talking.
8. speaker techniques
It is known that Churchill recorded their performances like poetry, dividing them into separate phrases and writing each on a separate line. That it sounded even more convincing, take advantage of this reception.
Use rhymes and internal harmony in the phrase to make the sound of his speech, poetic the impact force (for example, the phrase of Churchill, "We should follow the principles of humanism, rather than bureaucracy ").
Come up with a rhyme is easy, just remember the most common of them: -on (war, peace, need), -ta (darkness, emptiness, a dream), -h (sword, speech flow, meetings), -ozy / wasp (roses, threats, tears, questions), -anie, yes, -one -tsiya, ism and so Further. Work out with these simple rhymes, making fine-sounding phrases.
But remember: rhymed phrase must be the same for the rest of it, you do not need to turn his speech into a poem.
And that rhyme is not lost in vain, to express in this key phrase the idea of speech.
9. Questions and pause
Many speakers used to establish contact with the audience questions. Do not forget one rule: never ask a question unless you know the answer to it. Only predict the response of the public, you will be able to prepare and extract the maximum benefit issue.
10. The final
Even if your speech was understated, everything can fix a successful ending. To impress in the final tune, calling on the aid of his emotions: pride, hope, love and others. Try to convey the feelings of the audience as it was possible the great orators of the past.
In no case do not end your speech on a minor note, that you just destroy his career. Use duhopodomnye quotes, poems or jokes.
Finally, the last tip author: surprise the audience, caught them by surprise! That is what all the great orators. Do not be predictable and prosaic, do not become slaves of pleasantries. Be not such as all.