8 tips for beginners udalonschikov
Work And Study / / December 25, 2019
1. As much as possible communicate with colleagues
Communication - the key to success in any profession, but remote work is particularly important. You can no longer sit in a few steps from colleagues and managers, so your task - once a week to deal with them one on one.
Discuss common goals, upcoming projects and current tasks. Accurately describe your progress over the past week. Head hard to see your progress when you're not in the office. So do not be afraid to mention self-important stages of their work.
2. Get a reliable technique
Of course, first of all need a stable Wi-Fi. At least for a stable connection during video calls. The rest depends on where you work and what exactly busy. One need high-quality noise-canceling headphones, the other - a wireless keyboard and mouse, but someone - two monitors.
3. Get support from like-minded people
It is believed that remote workers are more likely to feel lonely. To feel the support and the connection with the real world, communicate with like-minded people online or in a local coworking. Surrounded by people who are successfully working remotely, for beginners it is easier to engage in their own work.
4. Find a comfortable workplace
Nothing should prevent concentration. Coworking, a cozy coffee house or a separate workstation at home - Find the conditions that motivate you most.
5. Define your work style
Find out when you're more productive: in the morning or in the evening. What you need breaks: short and frequent or one big in the middle of the day. Consider these features when compiling personal schedule to work more productively.
6. Do not forget to take care of themselves
Udalonke on the boundary between work and home is blurred. Gradually, you may notice that you are sitting at the computer longer and longer. Sometimes it is really necessary, if we are talking about a major transaction or an important presentation. But do not forget that you need to think about myself. Set aside time to exercise, breathe fresh air and eat right.
7. Time disconnect from work
This is one of the main difficulties. You need to get used to, you will receive e-mail notification and at any time of the day, especially if you are with colleagues in different time zones. But this does not mean that all messages should immediately respond.
Determine the official off from work, after which you will no longer think about their problems. Do not tell colleagues that you are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
8. Enjoy the opportunities
If you are lucky enough to work with a flexible schedule, remove most of it. Spend more time with your kids, make an appointment with the doctor, which did not have time because of the standard working day. Finally, the tour! Now, you are not tied to the city where your business is located.