10 mistakes that can hurt your career
Work And Study / / December 25, 2019
Warren Buffett (Warren Buffet), American entrepreneurWell, when a man learns from his mistakes. But it is better to learn from the mistakes of others.
Life rarely develops in the way we want. Because we - ordinary people who are fallible. Try to avoid the career mistakes that we list below.
1. Linear career - the key to success
Who said that a career must necessarily be linear? Whence this statement and why we are so unquestioningly believe him?
Linear career - this type of career, in which a person goes from the lowest to the highest positions.
Usually we think of career development as follows:
- education;
- an internship;
- obtaining the lowest position and a pair of years until the increase;
- obtaining a higher position;
- Search position in another company with better conditions, if the increase in the same place is no longer available.
Or this:
- you - freelance;
- you start to do the work for next to nothing, to earn a reputation;
- you continue to work for nothing just a few years;
- you can not make ends meet;
- you arrange to do some work;
- you leave a job because of her hate;
- you begin to ask for more for their services;
- every year you slightly increased rates.
Or even this:
- You - the entrepreneur;
- you start your own business;
- all goes well, you start to think you are brilliant;
- you spend more than you can afford;
- you are trying to attract investors;
- Investors take your business;
- Congratulations, you have no more business.
Why do we believe that the need to build a career in this way? Life is too short to act on the pattern. Instead, you can speed up the process. You can try to get more knowledge to try to earn more money, try to make a leap forward.
Today's economic development requires rapid growth. For the first time in the history of many companies (not all of course) do not look at age, gender, diploma, degree, or something else, but your real skills. That you really know how to do and are willing to offer the employer.
Use this advantage wisely. How? Learn faster. Do you have a non-stop unlimited access to virtually any information. Go for it, it all depends on you.
2. Priority - Money
Realize that the money - not the most important in the work. That is the situation in which you can presumably be:
- you throw a low-paid, but the favorite work;
- you agree to work for high-paying, but hated the work;
- Congratulations, you've just sold your soul to the devil;
- you have the money, but for some reason they are not encouraging.
In all this there is nothing unnatural situation, but also a sense of stability and confidence in the future it is also not guaranteed. What are you willing to make money? Does the fact that constantly feel miserable? We are not trying to prevent you from earning, but think of the possible consequences.
Rather than dwell on the money, why not focus on other, much more important things? Such as training, improvement of professional skills, taking care of loved ones.
Most people do not follow this advice, not because he could not say "no" to money. There are numerous good reasons to work only for them. But now is not about that.
There is only one rule, which will help save money and freedom. It goes like this: live within your means. And yes, limit yourself to something easy.
3. Inefficient own time management
Think of how many evenings and weekends you lost, when lying on the couch, viewed useless programs, doing some nonsense or flipping the news feed on the social networks. Or are you just killing time, senseless loitering somewhere around. The entertainment from time to time there is nothing wrong, but you do not have to relax every available spare moment you have.
What do you know how? What's so special about you that is beneficial to you apart from everyone else? Ask yourself these questions.
If the answer is no, then it is time to reflect and to change something in their lives. Begin to learn, to practice, to do anything. Make an effort to change.
4. The desire to become an expert in all
You have worked in finance, but you did not. Then you decide to engage in jurisprudence, then you are somehow drawn to art, then suddenly interested in robotics. The fact that you are so versatile, there's nothing wrong. But only when it comes to common interests, rather than work.
To become a real professional in the business, you must know how the industry is constantly study the market and understand the people and their unwritten rules. If you're rushing from profession to profession, then nothing good is not finished.
Instead, choose one or two related industries, that you like, and try to understand them, to become an expert and achieve impressive results.
5. Reluctance to get out of the comfort zone
"I have a lot of hard work, and now I'm fine," - you think. Seriously? Think again and good. Such things can never be completely sure.
Life - it is a competition. A lot of people are waiting until you make a mistake, then to suddenly appear out of nowhere and take your place.
You would think that it's more like paranoia? Frankly, no harm will be safe. In some cases, remember about the existence of healthy competition is useful, because it spurs and does not allow to relax.
6. Inability to talk about their desires
Yes, you can be a good person. But do not be too good. We have already talked about the fact that many people are just waiting for the right moment to something annoy you, and then take your place. Do not be naive. Just usvoyte rule: business - it is a business.
If you want to get something, you have to ask about it. Do you want to raise? Ask. No one will give it to you just like that. Want to pay raises? It seems you already know what to do.
Did you expect something like, "Hey, dude, you're so cool! You do not want to pick up a suitcase that's the money? ". It will not be like that.
7. Neglect of self-interest
Here, people are traditionally divided into two camps. Some people believe that you need to follow their dreams and passion, others believe that this is not worth.
Funny thing: people who believe that we should not follow their dreams themselves do not. Why would they encourage others?
This debate endlessly moving in a circle. Remember this: life is not endless. Do you really want to live your life doing something you hate?
8. Ignoring the opinions of colleagues
You get the position of their dreams, and in the clouds. You enjoy yourself and your situation, thinking that you can not be good. Of course, you do not even think about how to start to follow someone else's advice. After all, if you listened to all in a row, then the position is unlikely you would get. This is a big mistake.
You have to be humble and to listen to the people around. Not only to those who are more experienced than you and understands some of the issues better, but also to those who are less experienced. They are very often sensible ideas. Therefore, do not play the arrogant snob, go down from his pedestal and start listening.
9. The desire to get everything at once
Suppose you agree that career should not be linear. Then you can start to think ahead to success will certainly need to move in leaps and bounds.
Every day to get one useful skill that will work every day to realize some vital truth every day to invent ingenious techniques, to which no one has thought earlier. If none of this happens or something does not work - it means day is lived in vain. You too fast.
Say you want to write a book. Before you will have at least its draft version, you will need to write and rewrite hundreds, or even thousands of notes. Or, for example, you want to begin to conduct trainings and seminars for people. To share their experiences, we first need to acquire it, or what you will generally tell them?
We must learn to be more patient. To hone your skills to perfection, it takes time. Nothing happens immediately, and that's fine because you're learning.
10. Refusal of assistance
Perhaps you are too proud. Maybe afraid others seem weak and foolish. Maybe you just raised.
But here's a truism: if you do not ask for help, you will never get it and do not.
Almost everything in life - the result of teamwork. Even if you work for yourself, you still need people. And you need them.
success stories people who claim that all that they have, they are required only to himself - are the real fake.
Whenever you feel that you do not manage on their own, ask for help from others. Try to reach colleagues, partners, friends or relatives. They will help you. And if you do not help, they just do not your team.
This is your career! Why would finally begin to treat it seriously? Do not be so indifferent. If you are dissatisfied with their position or how advances growth on the career ladder, find the strength to change it.
I have everything that you do not like - it is the only universal advice.
And start doing it right now. Do you know why? Because if not now, then when else?
It seems that the answer is obvious. (If it is not obvious, something tells - never).