35 career skills that you need to get up to 35 years
Work And Study / / December 25, 2019
1. Cool to explain who you are working
If the answer to the question "Who do you work?" You habitually lowers his eyes to the floor and mumbled something incomprehensible, it is necessary to deal with it. Learn how to talk about their work briefly, clearly, and so that all will remember and even friends told. Consider what career achievements you are proud of, and pass this information to others.
2. Discover their super-strength
Superpowers are at all. This is what you have no equal. The fact that you know how to do best. Realize what you're better than everyone else, it is very important. A well-known entrepreneur Tina Roth Eisenberg (Tina Roth Eisenberg) says:
The most successful people - those who know exactly what they are good as anyone else.
3. Find your kryptonite
You know your superpower? OK, now find a major weakness. Admit it: there are things that you do not simply bad and hopeless. Do not settle for a statement of fact. Ask for help and try to remedy the situation. Although there is another way.
4. Learning to delegate
Trying to sit on chairs all at once, you are splitting their time unwisely. Do not do like this. Learn to separate the issues worthy of your attention, from those whose solution can be charged to another person. Moreover, if you learn to delegate authority to get a clear vision of the work process.
5. Decide what you want
Every day we meet face to face with the opportunities and make choices. It is better to know in advance on what principles you never back down on that you will not waste time and energy, not to deviate from the intended path. Write down on a piece of those principles, aspirations and goals, which will not want to refuse. Use this list as a guide every time you take a difficult career decision.
6. Do what will be very, very proud of
And write it in the summary.
You can work for an idea or for money. But there must be something to be proud of is you. Even if it is a trifle, even if it eventually will sink into oblivion.
7. When shame - to draw conclusions
Usually, before creating something than to be proud of, we are wrong and shame epic several times. It becomes very embarrassing and very bad.
The main thing - to draw conclusions shortly after failure. Analyze when and how you make a mistake. Otherwise, a burning sense of shame will come to you again.
8. take up the gauntlet
You're a professional, and a good employee. For example, you can very well speak to an audience of 30 people. It's great, no one disputes. But you need to try to do more.
Come up with a challenge for himself: perform speech before hundreds of people. Let looks at you three times as many people. After all, you never know how good until you try.
9. Do what you are afraid
Doing something that had never tried, try to go even further and scare yourself. The conference? Offer to speak first. Afraid boss? Ask him to raise. What scares you in the early days, today it seems ridiculous and petty. The same will happen with today's problems. The more that a great risk and can bring great results.
10. Normally accept criticism
And I want it to receive. It is very important to take notes right, seriously, not as a personal insult. Know that you is not good enough, that you expected more from what you still have room to grow - it is very important for career advancement. Only then you can move on.
11. Learn how to criticize others
This is what is called "giving fidbek".
However, in 90% of cases, it all comes down to mutual praise or muted criticism.
The principle of "one hand washes", of course, is good, if you do not want to move anywhere and develop. But, if you dream about making career thrived, I have to learn to tell others their mistakes and demand maximum impact.
12. Learn the word of three letters
Learn to say "no."
13. Know someone who knows the person
A man you can trust. And there are people in your community should be more. For a successful career, you need to have a network of useful and reliable dating. It is better to start building it right now.
14. Get good tips
For any occasion, from problems with the head to doubt how to build a career on. Find people who can give you good advice. Well, if it will be your friend. Cool, if that's your mom.
15. Remove dirt from the web
An adult does not publish photos from drunken parties on social networks. On the other hand, adult once was young and stupid. It is time to correct the mistakes that he did, and remove all incriminating posts and pictures from the web. Find your old pages on social networks and check their content.
16. Bring LinkedIn profile to the ideal
Suppose, head of the company of your dreams wants to take you to work. What he sees, if it finds your profile LinkedIn? Make it so that he has found the ideal form, which impressed him in seconds.
17. Make an impressive portfolio
Collect all the best thing you've ever done in one place and call it their portfolio. Articles, campaigns, projects, design... Everything that you are proud of, it is necessary to show to others. Moreover, the portfolio should always be up to date and close at hand. Because when you want to hire, you should immediately prove that this stand.
18. learn to sell
Many people somehow believe that the market - it's embarrassing. In fact, sales skills are almost the most important of those that you need to get. Learn how to sell - get everything else. Whether you are selling your product or yourself as a valuable qualified staff.
19. learn how to trade
Even if you were not born in Odessa, you are still able to learn the tricks of trade. The main idea - to get what you need, the lower the price. Try to start small. For example, ask the chief to pay you a refresher course or a trip to an interesting conference.
20. learn to work
You need to have your style of work. Do not adjust to the boss, do not adopt the methods of your manager. Develop their own ways to cope with the tasks and manage time.
21. Write letters to the coolest
Do not press the "send" button until you are sure that your message will win a destination at a glance. Professional correspondence - one more way of influence on a person, and you need to learn how to create such messages, to achieve goals with a single line.
22. Learn to shake hands
Handshake - the fastest way to make a first impression about yourself. Learn how to shake hands so that it was not like a "pop-a dead baby."
23. Finding the right way to make to-do-lists
Correct - hence effective. If you write out nicely in a column all of its business for the day, but no sense from this, it means that your system is working with to-do-list is wrong. Try different techniques, applications and tools.
24. Explore your body
And use it especially good. Know when you peak energy and efficiency, and when it is better to postpone everything and have a coffee or a stroll. There is nothing worse than forcing yourself to work at a time when the entire body that resists.
25. Go to bed on time
This was a long time already should know.
Sleep - this is important.
Regardless of, how much do you sleep, Try to adhere to the sleep mode. Better sleep - better work.
26. Do not be nervous
Stress and anxiety can ruin a career and health in no time. Take care of yourself, stop nervous and learn to deal with emotions.
27. Stop constantly apologizing
You probably think that you are very polite, and that such behavior will strengthen your position and career.
In fact, the constant excuses, especially for small and unpredictable occasions, only to irritate, and even call into question your professionalism. Save your apologies for really serious blunders.
28. Get rid of the impostor syndrome
Enough. Just admit that you have excellent specialist and works well.
29. Prepare a Plan B
What if you get fired tomorrow, what's the take? If the answer to this question you do not have an urgent need to come up with a solution. Backup plan may never come, but if things your company will not go, you will be glad that a premeditated escape route.
30. Take on side projects
Develop your hobby or try to advise. Of course, your career - this is important, but you will have a diverse experience in other areas. And you do not get bored.
31. Invest in retirement
It seems almost unreal, but it should be done, whatever the salary.
32. Invest in yourself
In training, in training, in new knowledge in the hobby. The more you know, what are you working better, the faster will advance up the career ladder. You can buy a new suit, and you can go to English courses. The second will be repaid first - no.
33. To invest in the world
That should not only take but give, you've probably heard. With the realization of this installation there are problems. Engage in volunteering, charity, even just help those who are lucky less.
34. Decide what you wish for
It is unlikely that you know who will become, the time you're 35, but you can imagine the loud and clear what you want to achieve. And it is very important to know what you have for yourself not want to. Be the boss-dictator or a middle manager. Engage in sales. If you imagine where you want to get there in a few years, but not exactly where you want to be, get close to the goal by another step.
35. Follow one's inclinations
How else?