Who will replace Google Reader? InoReader
Web Services / / December 25, 2019
We would like to remind you that before the closing google Reader very little time left. Yes, it is not clear finally, how tough will touchdown favorite service: whether it will simply be frozen in its current state, then there really razed to the ground. In any case, Google Reader is necessary to find a replacement is necessary. For those who have not yet done, we will do a series of publications that will introduce you to the most worthy alternative programs for reading RSS.
online service InoReader does not hide his ambition to take the place of the outgoing leader and by all means wants to be not just like, but also to try to beat him. For easy migration, you can import your subscriptions from Google Reader, by connecting your account. There is also the possibility of exporting subscriptions in OPML format or Google Takeout, that, as I understand it, allows you to save your marked record.
Appearance-reader makes no discoveries and meets the specified standards of Google Reader. On the left is a list of your channels, organized in a tree structure consisting of folders. The main place is occupied by the display area feeds on it is a toolbar. News can be displayed as titles or details. You can choose to display all messages, or only unread, sort the items from the old to the new and vice versa.
When viewing an article, we can do the following with it. First, put your Like that somewhere must take into account, and for some reason needed. Second, mark it with an asterisk, thereby sending to the Favorites folder. Still have the opportunity to share the news with your friends by adding an article to your personal RSS-channel, which will be able to sign up to attend. An interesting feature is the ability to view the full article without switching to containing its website. In addition, you can add items to your comments, send an e-mail, edit tags, share on social networks.
Appearance You can change the reader with built-in design templates, which are not that dramatically change its appearance, but bring some novelty. There is an option to change the font size, that will please people who have vision problems. In general, with regard to the settings here InoReader on top. Settings a lot and everyone can customize the behavior of the service to fit your needs. I am glad the availability of integration with popular services deferred reading Pocket and Instapaper.
C terms of service work InoReader speed does not cause any negative emotions and does not differ, in my opinion, from the same Google Reader. Headlines quickly loaded as scroll through the list, the discovery of articles takes place almost instantaneously.
Overall, the online service InoReader the impression of a highly modified Google Reader. If you do not want to change anything in the usual way of reading news, then this service is to your taste. A bit depressing lack of mobile clients, but A special version of the service for viewing on mobile devices can help out in this situation.