- service to quickly create beautiful slideshows
Web Services / / December 25, 2019
Just two decades ago, taking photos was a real mystery and demanded a series of manipulations. You bought the film, putting it in the camera clicked, verifying each precious frame gave to the developing, printing, and that's less than six months as the family gathered for a preview of "fresh" photos. Today, even the camera lens embedded in a simple phone number of images to hundreds of hours, and the publications time is a few minutes after the shutter clicks. Our services dozens of different photo sharing site, ready for free gtgabayty save our pictures.
That's just a demonstration of your photo collections are sometimes problems. Therefore, you want to introduce you with excellent service Slide.lyWhich will assemble your photos from different sources, to impose one of them beautiful photo album and to demonstrate to all comers as a slideshow.
To get started with the service you must create an account or sign in with your Facebook account. Then press the button to create a new slide and fall into step by step wizard, who for three simple movement will help to achieve the desired results.
As a source of images can serve your photo albums to Facebook, Instagram, Picasa, Flickr, Google search results, or uploaded from your computer files. Let's for example look for something interesting and make this beautiful show.
The next step should be noted a photo that we want to use. At the same time they appear in the bottom pane. If you click Sort Photos, then this panel will unfold and you can change the order of frames demonstration. You can add up to 90 pictures.
The next step is to choose the music. Here the creators made it possible to quickly select clips from such services as YouTube and SoundCloud, as well as the selection of music categories. Immediately after that, we find ourselves in the preview window where we must choose one of the themes slideshow, and set parameters such as the display frame rate, the total duration, privacy. By the way, design templates, though not very much, but they are really nice.
Well, the final stage - pressed Save & Share button to save the video to your account and get the ability to publish to Facebook or Twitter social networks. In addition, you are provided with a direct link to the created video and the code to insert into any website or blog. I, for example, we got here is a visual range.
Well, because the beautiful, is not it?