5 popular types of beards and care tips
Tips / / December 19, 2019
1. Bristle
Previously, it was considered a sign that a man is lazy and launched himself. Company producing shaving accessories even tried to instill the habit of their customers to shave twice a day to avoid looking sloppy. Today, the bristles are perceived as an adequate balance between smooth-shaven face and beard.
Of all the options available to men, stubble is the most unpretentious: just need to stop shaving for a few days. Care it is also quite simple.
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Typically, three or four-day stubble comes to most men: with a length of facial hair will look neat. In addition, it is able to create the missing path willed chin and perfectly conceal skin imperfections.
Stubble is ideal for men with children's facial features, because it instantly adds to their maturity and brutality. And yet it is suitable for those who can not even grow a full bushy beard.
How to care
- Regularly trim the bristles and use the air conditioner. If we neglect basic care, there is a risk to look sloppy.
- use trimmer beard with the cutting height of 3-4 mm in order to maintain the optimum length. Always make sure that on the cheeks and under the Adam's apple is not any hair left.
- Adjust the natural contours of the bristles to visually change the shape of the face. So as to give a more brutal kind of jaw, down the length of the bristle under the chin. And in order to lengthen a round face, shave off areas on the lower part of the cheeks.
- use scrub facial twice a week, paying special attention to the area around the neck, in order to minimize the risk of disease ingrown hairs.
- Do not forget about moisturizing products after applying the scrub. They will help soften the skin and improve the condition of hair.
2. Goatee
This stylish beard has long been a hallmark of rock stars, intellectuals and rebels. In fact, it includes all types of vegetation over the lip and on the chin, which is sometimes connected around the mouth. In short, it is an artistic and a little bitchy sister beard.
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Goatee perfectly complements the rebellious style of dress and gives the dangerous appeal of any image. It is suitable as the guys with short hair, and with elongated, slightly disheveled hair.
Especially good goatee looks at his thin, angular face, but do not grow it too much, otherwise it will seem meager. It is ideal for those who do not get to release a full beard, and still can make a round face a little slimmer.
How to care
- Select the appropriate option goatee: experiment with loops on either side of the mouth or even leave the only vegetation on the chin.
- Grew a goatee to a comfortable length and support it with a trimmer. Hairs do not have much to play for jawline, otherwise you risk to become the owner of unsightly goatee.
- Take your time, giving form: wet hairs become longer and you risk shave too short.
- Use gel or foam to the skin around was clean-shaven. Be careful and attentive, creating precise contours.
3. More mustache, beard than
This style is a hybrid in which mustache It stands out more than the surrounding vegetation. And if you do everything right, you just ooze brutality.
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This type of beards equally good looks and loggers, and on a city mod adding them both droplet seductive virility.
But, although this option is suitable for most face shapes, it still requires a thick hair. Best such beard will look on guys with a wider filtrum (vertical groove on the skin between the nose and the upper lip) and prominent chin. And yet the difference in the length of hair on the chin and above the upper lip should not be too big.
How to care
- Evenly distribute attention between stubble and a mustache, so as not to run any of these areas.
- Select a starting point or a full beard, you've already released, or bristles, the length of which you will adjust as you grow, depending on the desired contour.
- Use a beard trimmer with a special nozzle to periodically trim the hairs on the chin and cheeks, leaving his mustache grow to the level of the lower lip (or slightly lower), but do not let them go on the chin.
- apply wax beard and mustache, distributing it with a special comb. This will protect them from tangling.
4. short beard
It is more accurate and does not attract as much attention as long. A man with a beard as it says: "Yes, I've been watching his appearance, but without obsession." This "enhancement" would be appropriate to look and with a business suit and with everyday sweater.
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Neatly trimmed beard adorn most entity typesThough, you may have to adjust its shape around the edges to emphasize the dignity and hide defects.
For example, if a round face, you can slightly reduce the length of the hair on the sides to pull it visually. This rule works in reverse: to face seemed wider, should leave the hair on the sides longer. A double chin can be masked if grow a beard to the Adam's apple.
If the color is no hair or short they are swift, beard growth line should not be raised above the upper edge of the ear. It is also desirable to make the grading towards the temples.
How to care
- Let his beard grow back 1-2 cm, adjusting its length and shape using a trimmer and shaver.
- Use wet shaving to remove all single hair on the cheeks and the lower part of the neck.
- Do not make the beard bottom line directly under the chin - otherwise there is a chance that you will visually highlight the chin, even if you did not. Instead, when you come to the line of the lower jaw, adjust the cutting height on the trimmer so that the length of the hairs gradually reduced to the Adam's apple - so you get the effect of calibration.
- Apply to beard special quality care oil, Distributing it over the entire length with a brush with natural bristles.
5. long beard
Growing a full beard - is an integral part of the rite of passage into manhood, along with getting a driver's license and the acquisition of the first adult hours. But the process is more complicated than it might seem at first glance. The longer and thicker beard, the more care it requires and creates more problems.
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Men with oval faces were more fortunate of all, but others may need to create an artificial creative path to such a beard they "sat".
Holders of angular and elongated jaw should leave the hair on the sides a little longer to soften and round face shape. Accordingly, if you make a slightly longer beard on the chin line and the shorter edges of your face will be extended visually.
How to care
- Grow a beard to a comfortable length (you'll know when you reach it).
- Use the trimmer for adjusting the contours, pre-combed beard and dry it.
- Do not be nervous, if your beard first appears inhomogeneous - over time, as the regrowth of hair, gaps naturally disappear.
- Use a special oil. Since facial hair pull moisture from the skin, it can become dry and flaky (hence the terrible dandruff), Therefore apply oil with your fingers, rubbing it under the hair.
- Daily use comb or brush beardTo minimize the risk of tangles.
- Achieve greater visual density of the hair dryer will help to cool the air flow. Driving comb or brush downwards and outwards until completely dry hair.
- At least one visit barbera for creating professional circuit beard, which you can later support themselves.
see also🧐
- 5 things you need to know everyone who is going to grow a beard
- Why beard - it's cool
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