10 useful things that you need to know about your Dropbox
Work And Study Web Services / / December 24, 2019
There is nothing better than Dropbox. We give chances Yandex. Disk and Облаку@mail.ru, but most stay on Dropbox. He is fast. He has a cool integration with many of your favorite applications, such as ifttt or YNAB. But even this minimalist service has chips, which does not know everything, but that makes it even better!
1. Adding to Favorites caches documents
If your mobile application you have starred any document, it will be available for offline reading. All previously added to favorites available offline.
2. Store documents in Dropbox
The best solution for you would be to move the link to the documents folder in Dropbox for ongoing synchronization and backup. OSX users need to run the following command in the terminal: cd Dropbox, and then ln -s ~ / Documents Documents. In Windows, right-click on the Documents folder and select Properties and then select Move → your Dropbox-folder.
3. Keep investing in your Dropbox email
Not to drive the array of files in the mail and do not keep copies of files in multiple copies, store attachments in Dropbox. This allows you to make Sparrow email client and others. If you use the service
sendtodropbox.com and aodklyuchit him Dropbox, the investments can be made from any email program and service.4. Upgrade your Dropbox
Constantly there are ways to pump space on Dropbox simply inviting your friends to it using the referral program. And sometimes there's such distribution. It is necessary to monitor and read, for example, we are :)
5. Keep Firefox to Dropbox
Place the portable version of Firefox in your Dropbox and you get a real cloud browser with full synchronization of bookmarks and tabs. Even with all of your plugins are out of sync.
6. Download links from the Internet directly to Dropbox
With the help of the service URL Droplet You can upload any file from the internet simply to feed a link to it. And, you can upload files to Dropbox using anonymous dbinbox.
7. Download torrents remotely
How to organize downloads torrents on your home network
8. Run multiple Dropbox accounts on one computer
This hack requires some training and described here for those who want it have to organize themselves.
9. Make a backup of your site on Dropbox
services like Backup Box or WordPress.org plugin They allow you to make regular backups to Dropbox cloud.
10. Start your site on Dropbox!
Yes, yes, Dropbox can host your blog or site, although not intended for that. Decisions about which we wrote: DropPages, site44, pancake.io, Scriptogr.am and Calepin.co
Share your tips, if you know something about Dropbox applicability in various fields.