How Long to Read will tell you how long it will take any reading books
Web Services / / December 24, 2019
How Long to Read - a service for the calculation of the time it takes you to read the book. His library consists of 12 million works, including the Russian language.
Occasionally, if the book I did not like too much, I look at the number of pages and try to figure out how long it will take its reading. Do not read at all - is not an option, sometimes a book need not only for entertainment but also to provide useful information.
How Long to Read - a web-based service that allows you to not consider how much time you spend reading a book, and calculates the information itself. It is noteworthy that the service works not only with English-language books, but also with the Russian, too. For example, reading a volume of "War and Peace" will take about five and a half hours.
The right side of the screen there is a timer. After its launch, you can read the test section, and then stop the timer, and the service will calculate how much time is required for reading a book, taking into account your speed. Unfortunately, this feature is a Russian-language books does not work well.
Service takes information from Amazon books. Its library has about 12 million books available. Check the operation of the service in the Russian-language works, I found everything I wanted. Starting from Max Frye and ending Daria Series.