Upgrade your Twitter-account!
Web Services / / December 24, 2019
Twitter on everyone's lips, but until today it has neither developed channel communications, or a blog as a platform for microblogging with palpable audience. What he really became so This is an interesting role-playing game for geeks and their friends. Here it is necessary to achieve growth in the number of followers and ascend to the heights newly ranking of YandexWhich became measure of Russian tvitteryan. Let's share tips how to be the coolest tvitteryaninom and what you need to do. Start with your advice, and I welcome your comments.
What not to do:
- no Fallaway everybody in the hope that you, too, in response zafolovyat. This dismal exchange - the lot of the needy. Nothing good will come from this, as there is nothing interesting in this mass of people you do not read, and no you did not say anything sensible.
- I do not need a lot to write and mark all the hashtag # in the hope that you will notice the advanced Twitter-users. In addition to labels you need and still get there "in the subject" and interested in writing.
- no skvottit - occupy catchy brand names and famous people. You yourself have decided to promote, or what?
- Twitter - this is not a chat and it is not necessary to arrange it verbally transshipments. Answer in the case without a counter question, or in private. Such verbal effusions usually enrage and beginners and experienced tvitteryan - because the conversation by regular means Twitter is very difficult to track.
And now some adviceThat do not put you in the top right, but help to join the Twitter-public:
- write interesting. Then you will be constantly even retivitit those first few followers, which you certainly will be the first day;
- share interesting content found on the network, but not too often. I, for example, by going to Twitter, and see how he for whom I follow, written in a row 10-20 messages, unsubscribe from it immediately;
- do not be greedy and retvitte everything you interesting;
- advertise your twitter on your business cards, presentations, that you spend
- Describe your account, namely the URL field and Bio. Their true reading. And a positive load avatar. Rejoice people, because the time is no longer simple;
- tell the readers of your blog or forum that you have Twitter and you are crazy about it - they will have zafolovyat if pogruschyatsya in all of this;)
- participate in #Followday Twitter-type games, where each tvitteryanin advises anyone worth zafolovit.
... and finally ...
— zafolovte me@woofer_kyyiv and ask your questions directly on Twitter!
And what advice can you share from your Twitter-experience?