We set up electronic document management system in a couple of clicks
Work And Study Web Services / / December 24, 2019
Benefit business document translation in the figure and in the cloud. But some companies think that it is too difficult so far: unfamiliar terms, it is unclear how it all works. «Megaphone"I created a very simple and convenient electronic document system.
A bit of history and theory
Back in 1960 the organization in the United States and Europe began to exchange electronic data. But electronic document enjoyed only a few large companies that could afford it. Indeed, common standards would not exchange electronic documents. While in the late 1970s is not talking about the electronic signature.
Electronic signature - that is, information in electronic form which is attached to the other information in electronic form (Signed information), or otherwise associated with such information and that is used to determine the Signer information.
Article 2 of the Federal Law "On electronic signature"
Simply put, it is requisite of the electronic document to validate its authenticity (authorship), the authenticity and integrity.
The cryptographic algorithm to create a primitive digital signatures was developed in 1977. And seven years later they adopted the common European exchange EANCOM standard data (EDI).
In the 1990s, many European countries have adopted specific laws on electronic documents and legally important document became carried out in electronic form. In Russia, a law adopted in 2011.
Electronic document management
More and more companies automate internal business processes, implement information systems and store data in the cloud. In place of paper treaties and acts come to electronic documents. Hours Act.
And if the internal optimization of most companies handle more or less successfully, the electronic document with contractors often frankly lame.
Electronic document management (EDM) - a legally significant document in electronic form between legal entities and / or individuals.
A typical situation: the accountant is in its accounting system, certificate of completion, print and send it by courier to the counterparty. A few days later the partner firm accountant receives and scans the document, and then manually make the wiring in its accounting system. Both sides need to store paper version of the act.
Electronic document management in times simplifies and speeds up the process.
Benefits of EDI
- No need to pay the salary to pay the courier or postal services.
- Work with electronic documents faster and more convenient, and the risk that they get lost along the way, is zero.
- No need to store tons of paper in the office.
- All documents are at a distance of a click to get access to any of them can be anywhere there is Internet access.
How to set up EDI
There are two basic ways to exchange electronic documents: directly and through an intermediary.
In the first case, the company must enter into an agreement with each other, which will be described in detail the procedure for and exchange conditions, or each of the contractors must have a qualified electronic signature. To obtain it is necessary to apply to the certification center accredited by the Ministry of Communications of Russia.
However, even in the presence of a qualified electronic signature, not all documents can be sent directly, for example by email. Under current law, an invoice can be sent in electronic form only approved by the Federal Tax Service XML format.
It is therefore much easier to set up electronic document through an intermediary. "MegaFon" company has developed a web-based interface to form, signing and exchange of accounting and other documents between legal entities. With the help of your accountant, manager or secretary will be able to quickly enter into a contract with a new partner, set the expense of the supplier or take an estimate from the contractor.
In this case, all documents will be systematically and reliably stored in the personal office of the company.
To use EDI, you must have a qualified electronic signature.
In the private office of the portal "Electronic Document" from "Megaphone" can create new documents (without signature and send) and download them to the desktop computer.
There you can request the reporting documents to communicate: accounts, invoices and acts. Documents produced in this way are legally relevant and do not require printing or duplication on paper.
Even an agreement on the provision of mobile communication services "MegaFon" can be concluded remotely. For corporate clients, who have an electronic signature is not necessary to spend time visiting the company's office. Everything can be done through personal study. Quickly, and most importantly, absolutely free.
Another advantage of electronic document from the "MegaFon" is that it can be easily integrated with 1C. If you work with this accounting system, you can upload documents to the portal directly from 1C.
To start using the "Electronic Document", you need to:
- Sign up at the appropriate portal.
- Connect to a valid electronic signature system.
- Fill out an application to join the Regulation system electronic document.
The first 14 days you will be able to use the basic package "Promo". It provides free sending of up to two thousand of formalized and non-formalized to thousands of documents. Two weeks - enough time to enjoy all the advantages of electronic document. Then you can choose a tariff plan based on your business goals.
Service "Electronic Document" saves money and time for registration of transactions and the exchange of documents. Advantages of the service to fully appreciate the agents, distributors, franchisees, companies with branch structure, and well as companies planning to increase the efficiency of the exchange of documents both internally and when dealing with partners. The faster business processes, the greater the profit. Agree, it's silly to pass such a decision.
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