Facebook Battle: how to find and comment on the frequency of use Like buttons, Share on the Web service or blog
Web Services / / December 24, 2019
On LifeHacker.ru pages, we have talked about web service LikeButton, generating "social newspaper" from the materials of various services, which seemed interesting to our Facebook friends. Since then, more and more owners of blogs and websites set at Like button. Thus blogs and websites faster overgrown fans eagerly harvesting button "Like". Today we take a look at the service clearly demonstrates the recognition of users, namely commenting frequency and use the buttons Like, Share - FacebookBattle.com. Google or Yahoo? Apple or Microsoft?
Using Facebook Battle obscenely easy. We find two molds for the first and second input of the domain name on the home page. The head has come a lot of ideas, names are entered and begin to fight - the button «Fight». Moment, and facebook Battle shows us the progress of the two parties: Google puts no problem on the blades was Yahoo, Apple as always was better than Microsoft.
And between what services and blogs will arrange a battle you?