6 services to quickly optimize images before publishing
Web Services / / December 24, 2019
Yes, mobile cameras are getting better, and the capacity of our channels is becoming wider. But that is no reason to load the Internet giant photos in original quality! Surely there must be comfortable and free services that will perform the work for you by processing photos before publishing on the web.
It is not always at the picture published on the forum, social networking or chatting maximum quality required of him. In most cases, overweight picture only worsens their display and slows down the site. Therefore it is best to make a preliminary preparation of files, which may include a change in their size and compression. The more so because it does not even need any programming. Here are some sites with which you will be able to prepare for the publication of just a lot of photos quickly and easily.
Bulk Resize Photos
This site allows you to upload a lot of pictures at once and in a single click to change their sizes. For your convenience, there are several templates that can make pictures of the same width or length. There is also the opportunity to change the file format (JPG, PNG) and the level of compression.
Bulk Resize Photos →
BIRME abbreviation stands for Batch Image Resizing Made Easy. It's really very simple and extremely fast online resayzer pictures. It allows you to resize images with the original aspect ratio and without, compress files with a given compression level, and to add to the pictures simple frame.
Resize Pic Online
Very easy to use online service, which has also a Russian interface. All settings are made here with a few sliders, change the width of the resulting image, the format and compression ratio. Please note that at a time are allowed to upload up to 10 files. Download the result can be in the form of a ZIP-archive with all the processed images.
Resize Pic Online →
By using this service, you can not only change the size of images, but also put on them your watermark. Can be useful if you are afraid of unauthorized use laid out by you in the Network pictures. In addition to booting from the hard disk files (up to 40 pieces at a time), PicGhost can process the photos stored in Facebook or Flickr.
PicGhost →
TinyPNG is only for one operation - optimizing images, but to cope with it, probably better than anyone else on the Internet. Despite the name, it can handle not only the PNG-files, but also JPG. You only need to upload the files, and then the service will calculate the optimal compression level and will compress. Processed images can be downloaded as a single file or save it directly to the cloud Dropbox.
TinyPNG →
Optimizilla, similar to the previous service, designed for optimizing images without deterioration of their quality. For this there is the opportunity to visually check the result and select appropriate to your compression settings manually. At the same time, you can handle up to 20 files. Finished pictures are given individually or in a single archive.
Optimizilla →
As you can see, for simple operations such as resizing and compression of photos, it is not necessary to look for any special program. The above-mentioned services to cope with this problem worse.