Why do you need to keep in Pocket more articles Layfhakera
Web Services / / December 24, 2019
Service Pocket solves one of the most important issues related to the content reading: it helps to keep articles to view them after work when the boss does not see, and reading can be combined with dinner and a glass of tea. Special joy experienced by people who have discovered the Pocket recently.
The catch is that after work do not want to rest against the wall look at the text. Gradually reduced the enthusiasm, and it is connected with an infinitely growing list of articles that are arranged in long lines to be read. And if you are using a Pocket full, Then after a year of service with your list increases to catastrophic proportions.
We procrastinate more content than can master. And rightly so, because they behave like Plyushkin, collecting everything that can be collected - it is useful.
Checking the time
All that got into the Pocket, risks to remain there forever. But at the same time is subject to reliable verification. If the article is really significant, it does not lose its relevance and tomorrow and next week and next year. Look at the date and try
filter their lists with the help of services that show how long it takes to read the article. First of all obsolete very short texts, because in this format are produced news stories. Just looking at the old title of the article, you will understand that this information you are no longer interested. So, spend on them one time and not at all worth it.Treasure chest
When you have time, but to spend it sensibly, you can not, there is nothing better than study the vast treasure chest with content, that is your reading lists.
A real buzz from the storage of information in Pocket are available, if you have to wait a long time without being able to connect to the web. Long flights and transfers, waiting at bus stops and train stations, queues, traffic and late for meeting friends give a lot of free time, which simply have nowhere to put it. Always, when you want to occupy yourself for a few minutes, dive headlong into the study of the information collection.
It is unlikely to succeed so easy approach to ensure that all pending read posts. But it is better to own a library full of books not yet read than the meager selection of recent articles that are published in a circle in all the sources and the content of which you already know.
best Picks
Who knows your tastes and interests better than you do? That's right, none. Look at your warehouse items and make sure that you are an expert in information-gathering. In just a few years, your list will be a whole range of brilliant collections, textbooks and guides, stories, songs and videos that can occupy the brain for several days.
Keep all you want, because then you can choose at random one article from the list, knowing that it is good (especially if she Layfhakera) and tells it what you like.
It is neither an incomparable pleasure - to search for information in the library, in full conformity with your tastes.
Empty Pocket - a myth? Maybe. As long as you do not re-read everything, relax and have fun by adding a new article in the list.