Nirvana for SEOs - SeoBrain
Web Services / / December 24, 2019
This article - the story of how SEO-experts to work more efficiently, clean karma and not bring yourself to the nervous vibrating conveyor, checking the position of websites in search engines.
I terribly braked laptop. I work from home, so the absence of a number of colleagues allowed me the most indecent manner pounding his fists on the table and yelling at the poor car. At the peak of rage, I was ready to throw him off the balcony. Well, you know that after the next attack of rabies did not want to work at all, but I wanted to cry in the corner.
This is a story that an effective and joyful work is possible when you have a high-quality tools for its implementation. Outdated gadgets, bulky software, services, creators who want to tear off your hands - all this spoil your karma.
In order to preserve its purity and to bring you to a state of peace, we are writing about the things that make life easier and returning spirits. Today, the mood will improve SEO-experts and describe the service SeoBrain.
SeoBrain developers - professionals in the field of SEO. Initially the tool they have done for themselves, because they did not find one that would suit them. Then share it with your colleagues in the field of promotion. Service will approach companies that are engaged in the promotion of sites, and those who promote their own resources, the monthly fee for the month comes out less than the cost of mediocre cup of coffee.
SeoBrain developers take care of themselves, because made eye-catching interface, in which all actions are performed by dragging or by pressing a button. To be honest, not all immediately clear. There is a desire to designers to do all such small and airy, clean page from the elements, so that some of the buttons is not immediately possible to find. It will take an hour or two of active work with the service to get you started confidently perform actions.
What can SeoBrain
Automatically check the position of the site in search engines
SeoBrain collects information in the "Yandex" and Google for your site on the list of requests. In the report you will see how to change position. Through careful tracking of requests you will notice the changes in time for the benefit of visitors.
It is easy to load and unload lists search queries
To add a new group of search queries, copy it from a text file or XLS file format and insert in the add request. To export a single button press inquiries and upload them to XLS or CSV file format of your choice.
For inquiries, you can do whatever you like to play: swap, delete, move out of the group - all this is done by dragging the mouse cursor.
Keep track of competitors
In the last update, the developers added service mode "competitors", in which you can compare the indices of visibility in the search engines your site, nine-site competitors. Specify from one to nine competitors and SeoBrain begin to collect information about them. Sites can be added gradually, the system works from the moment of adding the first opponent.
If the index is the visibility of your site suddenly dropped, take a look at the position of competitors and analyze: it's you You are doing something wrong or deterioration in the general position for the entire industry, indicating, for example, the seasonal decline.
Group projects and requests
If you are under the wing of more than 30 projects, structures them, otherwise the work will turn into chaos. Group your projects on topics of staff who are responsible for them, as belonging to customers. Query joins for you convenient features, such as cities.
Create and export reports
Reports are generated in XLS format. Adjust them as you need: ask during the dates include a separate group requests. Reports convenient to send to clients if you do not want to give them access to the project.
How much does the service SeoBrain
Developers offer users select from six of tariffs: from 150 rubles a month for single site monitoring up to 9000 rubles per month for monitoring 100 sites. position check is made every day, the history of the project is stored indefinitely, as long as you use the service. If you decide to give up SeoBrain services, you have another 90 days after the end use to upload all the necessary data.
If you do not need daily monitoring, look to tariff plans with pay per check. The cost of one test - from 3 to 5 cents, the number of sites is not limited. On the calculator by SeoBrain figure out what tariff you will do.
SeoBrain service leaves a pleasant sensation for comfortable work. If you have experience of using it, share it with us in the comments. Or try the service for free and tell us about your impressions. I interested in your opinion.